Reason: This is really worth looking at now. It's much of a reason but a small dox, so let's start!

Nils Piaskowski is a guy who made his parents send his own sister into the adoption center for no reason at all.
 Nils Piaskowski is also the kind of guy who comes with a whole gang and then runs to the police.
 Do I like people like this? No. Do you like people like this? The answer is also surely no, so let's show him some manners.
 Nils Piaskowski is also a big liar. He just tries to always get people on his side. As I heard, he's also an addict,
 so it's not surprising why he's so deformed. But let's move on now to the fun part
(I also tried blackmailing him, but he's an isolated piece of shit and it's not worth my time for a few bucks.)

Side Info: His dad died because of a factory explosion.

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Front Name: Nils
Last Name: Piaskowski
Age: 16
Country: Germany
State: Bayern
Postal Code: 84508
City: Bürgkirchen an der Alz
Street: Kastenstrasse 1
Full adress (AIO): Kastenstraße 1, 84508 Burgkirchen an der Alz
Face pics + old face pics:
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Instagram: RealNilson88 ↴
Old Instagram accounts: npiaskowski, nilspiaskowski, piaskowskinils
Tiktok: xox_nils
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Thank you for looking at my dox, I hope this gets attention and this little bitch gets what he deserves.
For any questions current telegram: Dragzy_gg


Made with love and hate, By Dragzy.