Waccars, or Rodriguez, is a retarded egotistical kid who watches roblox porn and gay minecraft rape porn.

This guy legit watches Steve literally rape Banjo.

Here is the PDF Document completely exposing this retard:

The server the PDF uses as proof (Evolutional Labs):
(this guy is also still in it)

Personal Info: 

Surname: Rodriguez
Pseudonym: Abnormal, Abnormal Gaming
Email: justaviewereee@gmail.com
Location/Origin: Costa Rica
Birth: June 17th, 2009
Age: 15
Password: Rodriguez2122, rodriguez2122
(this retard uses the same password for everything)
Phone Number: ends with 80
2nd Email: starts with “gra”. Is a gmail address.
Potentially the start of his first name.

Trello: https://trello.com/tf2pluginshelper
Replit: https://replit.com/@DiscordCode2
Xvideos (compromised): https://www.xvideos.com/profiles/fqwedq
Has accounts on videogamemods, nikyus,
uptimerobot, MEGA, lura.ph, McAfee, ieee.org,
foscam, and tunnelbear, but all have been compromised lol.
Battle.net: Waccars#1397
Epic Games: Waccars
Discord: voyagerz. | 842394215232176148
This retard also signed up on hacking forums with this email

------------------------------------------ DATABASE LEAKS ------------------------------------------

🔗LinkPass collection

In 2022, a combo player appeared on the Internet containing authorization data for various sites.
 It was obtained using viruses that steal saved login data in browsers.

📩Email: justaviewereee@gmail.com
🔑Password: Rodriguez2122
🔗Link: https://accounts.google.com/signin/v2/challenge/pwd

📩Email: justaviewereee@gmail.com
🔑Password: Rodriguez2122
🔗Link: https://accounts.spotify.com/en/login

📩Email: justaviewereee@gmail.com
🔑Password: Rodriguez2122
🔗Link: https://discord.com/login

📩Email: justaviewereee@gmail.com
🔑Password: Rodriguez2122
🔗Link: https://foscam.com/site/login.html

📩Email: justaviewereee@gmail.com
🔑Password: Rodriguez2122
🔗Link: https://home.mcafee.com/secure/protected/login.aspx

📩Email: justaviewereee@gmail.com
🔑Password: Rodriguez2122
🔗Link: https://login.live.com/login.srf

📩Email: justaviewereee@gmail.com
🔑Password: Rodriguez2122
🔗Link: https://lura.ph/register

📩Email: justaviewereee@gmail.com
🔑Password: Rodriguez2122
🔗Link: https://mega.nz/confirmQ29uZmlybUNvZGVWMhJ8UiEzAQABSJBaWrcoD2p1c3Rhdmlld2VyZWVlQGdtYWlsLmNvbQlqdXN0YXZpZXdlciBlZWVLm1BgyzkACA

📩Email: justaviewereee@gmail.com
🔑Password: Rodriguez2122
🔗Link: https://nikyus.com/panel/login

📩Email: justaviewereee@gmail.com
🔑Password: Rodriguez2122
🔗Link: https://uptimerobot.com/signUp

📩Email: justaviewereee@gmail.com
🔑Password: Rodriguez2122
🔗Link: https://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/login

📩Email: justaviewereee@gmail.com
🔑Password: Rodriguez2122
🔗Link: https://www.ieee.org/profile/public/createwebaccount/showCreateAccount.html

📩Email: justaviewereee@gmail.com
🔑Password: Rodriguez2122
🔗Link: https://www.tunnelbear.com/account/login

📩Email: justaviewereee@gmail.com
🔑Password: Rodriguez2122
🔗Link: https://www.xvideos.com/video52997301/steve_has_his_way_with_banjo

📩Email: justaviewereee@gmail.com
🔑Password: W5J{_x'?FwN9J]'A
🔗Link: https://github.com/login


This database was created by extracting data from stealer logs. It contains data about saved logins and passwords in users' browsers. 

📩Email: justaviewereee@gmail.com
🔑Password: Rodriguez2122
🔗Link: https://accounts.spotify.com/en/login

📩Email: justaviewereee@gmail.com
🔑Password: Rodriguez2122
🔗Link: https://discord.com/login

📩Email: justaviewereee@gmail.com
🔑Password: Rodriguez2122
🔗Link: https://foscam.com/site/login.html

📩Email: justaviewereee@gmail.com
🔑Password: Rodriguez2122
🔗Link: https://www.ieee.org/profile/public/createwebaccount/showCreateAccount.html

📩Email: justaviewereee@gmail.com
🔑Password: Rodriguez2122
🔗Link: https://www.tunnelbear.com/account/login


In the fall of 2022, a data leak occurred on the popular darknet resource Breachforums, 
which led to the disclosure of 212 thousand records containing usernames, emails, dates of birth, and passwords.

📩Email: justaviewereee@gmail.com
🔐Encrypted password: e713cc0fffebe22657567a0917aeb71c
📆Last Activity: 06.09.2022 05:35:01
📆Registration date: 06.09.2022 05:22:28
⌚Time online: 753
⌚Timezone: 0
🍀ICQ: 0
🍚Salt: RXMNq4As
🎯IP registration: ɿ��
👤Nick: JustAviewer
💎Reputation: 0
📇Number of publications: 1
📍Points: 1
🚪Number of login attempts: 67
🤝Number of referrals: 0
🧵Number of topics: 0


Trello is a cloud service for managing teams and projects. At the beginning of 2024, 
a database of this service containing more than 15 million users was posted on one of the forums.

📩Email: justaviewereee@gmail.com
👤Full name: TF2 Plugins Helper
👤Nick: tf2pluginshelper
🔗Link: https://trello.com/tf2pluginshelper
🖼️Avatar: https://trello-members.s3.amazonaws.com/60b1181d2d0acd4630252ff6/ad9fe5e10a4dc83c8d36c4d252bb1815

🕵‍BreachedForum Combolists

Breached.vc is the most famous site for publishing various leaks. 
This database contains all files from the “Combolists” section, downloaded on 02/22/2023.

📩Email: justaviewereee@gmail.com
🔑Password: rodriguez2122


Large collection of email-pass data. The database was collected from many files on May 18, 2023. 

📩Email: justaviewereee@gmail.com
🔑Password: Rodriguez2122