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Created:Jun 15th, 2023
Created by: gaming1337
Views: 302
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[+] By afgan qlf#0034 [+] Informations Personnal [-] [+] Pseudo : WaSweazZz - DarkBG [+] Prénom : Clément [+] Nom : Moreira [+] Numéro de téléphone : +33616537465 [+] E-mail : cm098212@gmail.com [+] Ville : Saint Maxime [+] CP : 83120 [+] Adresse : 11 Colline de la Croisette, 83120 Sainte-Maxime, France [+] Google map : https://www.google.fr/maps/@43.3058504,6.6121688,3a,75y,118.88h,55.99t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1smMGv-5YXBTt_EsLltijsAQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 [+] Reseaux Socials [-] [+] Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/clement.moreira_/ [+] Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/clement.moreira.90 [-] Photos de lui ( 4 ) - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/911291284218597407/1106266487829844058/image.png - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/911291284218597407/1106267896646225979/IMG_8526.png - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/911291284218597407/1106267897023701073/IMG_8525.png - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/911291284218597407/1106267897527009370/IMG_8524.png - https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1099726008426430537/1118973563467206717/image.png [-] Informations Frère [+] [+] Pseudo : __XLM__ [+] Nom : Moreira [+] Prenom : Olivier [+] Numéro de téléphone : +33778461435 [+] E-mail : clementolivier83120@gmail.com [+] Ville : Saint Maxime [+] CP : 83120 [+] Adresse : 11 Colline de la Croisette, 83120 Sainte-Maxime, France [+] Etudie : Berty Albrecht [+] Relation : Célibataire [+] Reseaux Socials [-] [+] Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/olivier.moreira.16/?show_switched_toast=0&show_invite_to_follow=0&show_switched_tooltip=0&show_podcast_settings=0&show_community_review_changes=0&show_community_rollback=0&show_follower_visibility_disclosure=0 [+] Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/olivierdu83120/ [+] Photo [-] -> Voir Sur le Facebook/Instagram [-] Informations Mère [+] [+] Prénom : Clara [+] Nom : Bourbon [+] Origine : Portugaise [+] Reseaux Socials [-] [+] Photo [-] -> Voir sur le facebook/instagram [+] Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/carla.bourbon?comment_id=Y29tbWVudDoxOTA5NDYxNDEzNzg5MjVfMTkwOTk1ODg4MDQwNjE3 [+] Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bourbon.carla/https://www.instagram.com/carlabourbon/