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| ⛧ Username: albaner / bhop3 CURRENTLY: gothacked012.                                                           
| ⛧ Full Name: Driton Hashani                                                                       
| ⛧ Birthday: 10/04/2004 --- The Day and Month from the last dox is wrong
| ⛧ Number: +49 179 2585899                                                                                                                                                                             
| ⛧ Gender: Male                                                                                            
| ⛧ Country: Deutschland                                                                                 
| ⛧ City: Frankfurt am Main                                                                                            
| ⛧ Postcode: 60433                                                                                        
| ⛧ Adress: Lupinenweg 14
| ⛧ Criminal records: Bombendrohung (§ 126 StGB), Missbrauch von Notrufen, Körperverletzung, 11x Betrug, Manipulation von Computer Systemen.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
Face: https://files.catbox.moe/oyojlp.PNG
Anzeige aus Österreich: https://files.catbox.moe/q1nth0.png
Data comes from the resident register and polas, which was simply obtained through a police query.