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Here we go again. Another vr Pedophile that everyone turns their head away from. 

Name: Hoang-long Ho (real name) Rocky Ho (English name) Valhalla (in game name)
State: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Valhalla-Fusion-1051311005061010/ ( I am sure he has a person fb but I couldn't find it)
Instagram: https://z-p42.www.instagram.com/valhalla.artist/ 
Rec Room: Valhalla owns an art room called ValArt Academy
(He also has a discord for ValArtAcademy but I would have to go onto the game to get the link. I am not that stupid)
Reasoning behind this post: He isn't dating an underage girl now I hear but back in the day he dated a 14 year old when he was 18+. There was another pedophile that was close friends with him. 
(the devs of the game knows about him and the other guy's digressions. They gave Val an art class to help little kids draw.. GG DEVS) 
He also does what he wants and uses people. There were a few people that he backstabbed. One almost killed themselves due to loosing everyone they cared about.
I will let you deal with him as you please. Have fun     ♘ Sincerely the Porcelain Doll

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