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Title:VrPedoBar L
Created:Mar 28th, 2023
Created by: MrSpooky
Views: 379
Comments: 0
Edited at: Mar 28th, 2023
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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[========================================================================================================] ] [ ] [ Dox By SpookyK, monkey_man, slurpii & joe ] [ ] [ ] [ ] /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ [ ] /$$__ $$ /$$$_ $$ /$$__ $$ [ ] | $$ \__/ | $$$$\ $$ | $$ \__/ [ ] | $$$$$$$ | $$ $$ $$ | $$$$$$$ [ ] | $$__ $$ | $$\ $$$$ | $$__ $$ [ ] | $$ \ $$ | $$ \ $$$ | $$ \ $$ [ ] | $$$$$$/ /$$ | $$$$$$/ /$$ | $$$$$$/ [ ] \______/ |__/ \______/ |__/ \______/ [ ] [ ] [ ] L DeathZone#0001 [ ] [ ] [ [==============================={======================================}=================================] [ { _____ __ } ] [ { |_ _| / _| } ] [ { | | _ __ | |_ ___ } ] [ { | || '_ \| _/ _ \ } ] [ { _ __| || | | | || (_) | _ } ] [ { (_) (_)___/_| |_|_| \___(_) (_) } ] [==============================={======================================}=================================] [ [Currant information] ] [ ] [ [Name & age] ] [ Devin A Brubaker ] [ Age 20 (2003) ] [ ] [ ] [ [Current Phone] ] [ - (863) 465-1028 - Home/LandLine Phone ] [ - (863) 214-1786 - Wireless ] [ ] [ [Currant address] ] [ - 44 Grassy Lake Cir ] [ Lake Placid FL 33852 ] [ ] [======================================================================================================] [ ] [ [Past information] ] [ ] [ [Past Phones] ] [ - (863) 465-1028 - LandLine - April 2021 ] [ - (318) 450-8371 - Wireless - September 2021 ] [ ] [ ] [ [past address] ] [ ] [ 487 Archie Summers Rd, Lake Placid, FL 33852-6572 ] [ - reported in April 2022 (1 year) ] [ ] [======================================================================================================] [ ] [ [Family members] ] [ - Dennis R Brubaker - Victoria M Brubaker ] [ - Frances E Brubaker - Dale Mark Brubaker ] [ - Barney E Bradshaw - Linda T Brubaker ] [ - Karen Thomas Brubaker - Linda Kay Brubaker ] [ - Matthew Clayton Brubaker - Annamaria Brubaker ] [ - Dale S Brubaker - Betty L Miller ] [ - David L Brubaker ] [ - David F Brubaker ] [ - Annamaria Brubaker ] [ - Warren E Brubaker ] [ - Megan Brubaker ] [ ] [======================================================================================================] [ [Reason for dox] ] [ VRpandabar or VRpedobar as everyone calls him is in his 20s dating minors and acting like he can dox ] [ ddos and boot but cant do anything he has been lying about coding and that the minor lied to him ] [ this dox is because he thought his nasty crusty ass couldn't be caught but unfortunately for him Devin ] [ did get caught ] [=================================]====================================================================] [ [Neighbors Info] ] [=================================] [- Imagine.. -] [ Zerelda Koch ] [ (239) 227-0441 ] [ 42 Grassy Lake Cir ] [ Lake Placid FL 33852 ] [ Getting... ] [=================================] [ Michael Laverdiere ] [ 46 Grassy Lake Cir ] [ Lake Placid FL 33852 ] [ Doxxed... ] [=================================] [ Ann JR ] [ (330) 310-1838 ] [ 40 Grassy Lake Cir ] [ L... ] [ Lake Placid FL 33852 ] [=================================] [ Troy Hopkins ] [ Questy... ] [ 38 Grassy Lake Cir ] [ Lake Placid FL 33852 ] [=================================] [ Vivian Quimby ] [ (863) 699-5639 ] [ Told You... ] [ 50 Grassy Lake Cir ] [ Lake Placid FL 33852 ] [=================================] [ Patricia Hazelman ] [ (309) 925-3144 ] [ Watch ] [ 54 Grassy Lake Cir ] [ your ] [ Lake Placid FL 33852 ] [ back ] [=================================] [ Margaret Graham ] [ (863) 458-0346 ] [ 33 Grassy Lake Cir ] [ Lake Placid FL 33852 ] [=================================] [======================================================================================================] [ $$\ $$\ ] [ $$ | $$ | ] [ $$$$$$$ |$$\ $$\ $$$$$$\$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ ] [ $$ __$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ _$$ _$$\ $$ __$$\ \____$$\ $$ _____|$$ _____| ] [ $$ / $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ / $$ / $$ |$$ | $$ | $$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$\ \$$$$$$\ ] [ $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ __$$ | \____$$\ \____$$\ ] [ $$\ $$\ \$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$ |$$$$$$$ |$$$$$$$ | ] [ \__| \__| \_______| \______/ \__| \__| \__|\_______/ \_______|\_______/ \_______/ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ :^ ] [ .G&7 ] [ J@! ] [ J&Y. ] [ ^G5B? ] [ 5#&J ] [ ?@@? ] [ B@@5 ] [ ?@#G#~ ] [ !GJ5G~ .. ] [ ^GB##^ ~5G?!. ] [ P@@P !P##&#: ] [ .7YP?! 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