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|                  {+} Doxxed by XSociety {+}                      |
| - Victim                                                         |
| {+} First Name: Alex {+}                                         |
| {+} Last Name: Smith {+}                                         |
| {+} Phone: (540) 489-1113 {+}                                    |
| {+} Age: 16 {+}                                                  |
| {+} Reason of Dox: Ratting out players in XSociety {+}           |
| - Socials                                                        |
| {+} Email: voidpys@gmail.com                                     |
| {+} Doxbin: void.py {+}                                          |
| {+} YouTube: void.py {+}                                         |
| {+} Discord: void#7454 {+}                                       |
| -Internet                                                        |
| {+} IP: {Dynamic} {+}                              |
| {+} ISP: Verizon Fios {+}                                        |
| - Parents                                                        |
| {+} Dad's Name: Brandy L Aaron {+}                               |
| {+} Dad's Age: 43 {+}                                            |
| {+} Email 1: brandyw@flash.net {+}                               |
| {+} Email 2: b76wells@gmail.com {+}                              |
| {+} Email 3: bwells@hotmail.com {+}                              |
| {+} Email 4: b76wells@hotmail.com {+}                            | 
| {+} Email 5: b76wells@gmail.om {+}                               |
| {+} Email 6: blwjow96@gateway.net {+}                            |
| {+} Landline 1: (571) 291-2906 {+}                               |
| {+} Landline 2: (703) 858-4948 {+}                               |
| -House Info                                                      |
| {+} Address: 9004 Weir St {+}                                    |
| {+} Zip Code: 20110 {+}                                          |
| {+} City: Manassas {+}                                           | 
| {+} State: Virginia {+}                                          |
|                    {+} Doxed by XSociety {+}                     │
|                     {+} Message to Void {+}                      │
|          {+} Next time you try and rat out one of us {+}         │
|          {+} to the FBI, don't come back and pretend {+}         │
|                {+} like you didn't do anything. {+}              │
|               {+} You will be swatted soon, Alex. {+}            │
|                         {+} Goodbye. {+}                         │