“Мне не тянули руку, я сам научился сиять”
	                     - he says


reason - got too much confidence
commentary - don't cry about it. don't be too brave.
all information is taken from online, public sources. 

ahh... just another sprmcll paste...


full name: Vladislav KRIVOPUSTOVA TIHONOV

birth date:   19, June, 20--
native/race:  Russian
gender:       Male
phone:        +7 921 809 5280
devices:      HP Envy (main machine), redmi (phone)
aliases:      vladgodx, vladgodxxx, “type the name”, 
              vladtihonov1183, vladtihonov21, 
location:     47 avenue de Grasse, 06400 Cannes, France
              (2nd story, rental) (43.553705,7.014186)
telegram:     @vladgodxxx “type the name”
discord:      @vlad07321

- Other Linked People:
    Natalia Krivopustova is the Team Lead, Information 
                   Design at Veeam based in Baar, Zug.

    full name: Natalia KRIVOPUSTOVA

    business phone: +7 (800) 774-5124
    business site:  https://www.veeam.com/

    Lida, Vladislav's friend.

    full name:  Lida
    gender:     female
    brith date: --, August, 20-- (same birth year
                                 that "Vladislav")
    telegram:   @Lid04kaR