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REASON: Blackmailing/Exhorting and Harassing a minor. (PROOF: https://files.catbox.moe/3li7os.webp) Defamation & Cyber-Blackmail and Exhorting Viprin by accusing him of pedophilia due to
Meg being 16 at the time and Viprin 21 when Meg took interest in him and when the age of consent in Norway is 16 and higher.

    Meg's Google Document On The Situation At Hand:
    https://files.catbox.moe/oawz25.pdf (ARCHIVE)

    [ Story / Summary Of What Happened ]

    In Rylan's own retaliation of Viprin not fitting with societal norms 
    his goal was to incriminate Viprin and wanting to personally go after him 
    until he commits suicide or something far worse which is extremely disgusting 
    behavior and pure evil.

    Rylan along with the help of lexycat_ began gaslighting their offenders by 
    injecting misinformation through the use of Twitter/X through December 5th/6th. 
    During that time period Rylan was able to gather many woke and mentally ill 
    teenagers/young adults to help him with his cause which had lead to there being 
    several lock-downs in the Geometry Dash Discord server itself which damaged 
    Viprin and many other people immensely. At this point some people have moved 
    on but then we realized how dangerous this man could be to other people

================================================================================= DOX ================================================================================================

    Real Name: Rylan Kim
    Gender: Male
    Age: 21/22
    Lives: Elkhorn/Omaha, Nebraska (NE)
    Aliases: aquaver_, alasia, rylan (yeah he used his firstname as an alias)

    Home Address:  
        - Address: Westchester Cir. Omaha, NE 68198 
        - State: Nebraska
        - Street: Westchester Cir.
        - Number: 68198

    Previous Address:
        - Address: Westchester Cir. Omaha, NE 68154 

    Email: rylankim0331@gmail.com

    Linkdin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rylan-kim-2024a3214
    Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/aquaver_
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rylan_kim_/?hl=en
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rylan.kim

    Profession: Product Flow Specialist
    Company: Bestbuy
    Address: 333 N 170th St, Elkhorn, NE, 68022
    Phone Number: +1 (402) 289-5389