_ _ _ _ ___ ( \/ )( \/ )/ _ \ ) ( \ /( (_) ) (_/\_) (__) \___/ ---------------------------------------- NICKNAMES: VipeAnic, Eduard ->Name: Eduard Bratcev ->Age/DOB: 16, 26.05.2004 (Turned 16) ->Adress: Chemnitz (Might update) ->Reason: Tried to rat me lmao ->At: Freiwillige Feuerwehr Chemnitz ->Number: +49 176 56844999 PICS OF HIM: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/724005949336977478/724012477569826923/unknown.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/724005949336977478/724012457139372082/unknown.png ---Section: Family--- <> Father: Evgenij Bratcev <> Possible sister(s): Elena Bratcev (17), Lena Bratcev (17) <> Mother: Dead/Not there ---Section: School--- -Note: THATS AN OLD SCHOOL AND NOT THE LEATEST #->School: Schule Altchemnitz #->School-Adress: Schulstraße 2, 09125 Chemnitz