ViLE▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[               VINCE DOXED             ]█░░▓
  .     .              .             .        .                 .               .          .   .       .       .             .          .      .
          .  .      +     .      .          .      . 	.	.	.	  .   ,;     .   .      .   .     .  .   +     .             .   
     . .      .     #       .           .             .         t               i       f#i   .  .       .      .      .     #       .         .       
         .         ###            .      .     .        .   .   Ej   .    .    LE     .E#t          .      .      .         ###            .        
 .     .   "#:. .:##"##:. .:#"  .      .            t      .DD .E#,           L#E    i#W, .    .  .    .        .   "#:. .:##"##:. .:#"  .    .     
    .      . "####"###"####"  .                     EK:   ,WK.  E#t.  .   .  G#W.   L#D.                .    .      . "####"###"####"  .                
       "#:.    .:#"###"#:.    .:#"  .      .    .   E#t  i#D  . E#t     .   D#K.  :K#Wfff;  .             .     "#:.    .:#"###"#:.    .:#"  .    
  .       "#########"#########"        .            E#t j#f     E#t  .     E#K.   i##WLLLLt      .      .  .       "#########"#########"        .       
       "#:.  "####"###"####"  .:#"   .       .   .  E#tL#i  .   E#t      .E#E.     .E#L      .     .    .       "#:.  "####"###"####"  .:#"   .  
     .  "#######""##"##""#######"             .     E#WW,       E#t  .  .K#E    .     f#E:          .         .  "#######""##"##""#######"              
.         ."##"#####"#####"##"           .   .      E#K:  .     E#t    .K#D        .  ,WW;  .    .                 ."##"#####"#####"##"              
  "#:. ...  .:##"###"###"##:.  ... .:#"     .   .   ED.     .   E#t   .W#G  .          .D#;     .   .  .   "#:. ...  .:##"###"###"##:.  ... .:#"   
.     "#######"##"#####"##"#######"      .          t   .       E#t  :W##########Wt  .   tt          .   .     "#######"##"#####"##"#######"        
   .     "#####""#######""#####"    .      .      .     .       ,;.  :,,,,,,,,,,,,,.       .      .    .    .     "#####""#######""#####"    .     
      .     "      000      "    .     .       .        .      Federal <> Lilith      .       .     .          .     "      000      "    .     .   
.          .   .   000     .        .     . .      .   https://vile.sh <> https://ft.fail   .   .    .     .        .   .   000     .        .  
.. ..  .....  ....O000O...... ...... ........ ... ... ........  .. .  .......... . ........ .. ..... ..........  ..........O000O....... ........

Greetings Hacker!

    Welcome back to another episode of "E-Girl Extorters Dropped" on ViLE TV! On todays episode we're bringing the end to a Roblox female extorter
    that seems to find enjoyment in getting doxers on his side by lying about being "extorted". He thinks he's harmful when he gets someone else 
    doxed by federal and lilith, so he sits in the VCs while it's happening screaming "I'M GOD", as if he actually did anything. From the dark depths
    of the Roblox packing community, emerged Vince into the doxing scene, within a day he was sent back to those depths of Roblox packing. Nobody
    will truly ever know why kids extort egirls, maybe it's to help with their lack of social skills. Maybe it's because that's all they can do.
    Due to his lack to keep an online girlfriend, he felt his nerves burning for e-pussy. So he felt it was a justified action to extort some,
    and flex real life rape in a discord call unprovoked. All of this after Federal and Lilith doxed and bitched the person who was trying to
    extort him, and after he apologized for trying to extort e-girls. Vince has tendencies of playing victim until he is exposed for not being
    the victim. He will scream "I AM GOD" in vcs until the very end, while other people do the dirty work he can't do. Truly a special boy,
    unable to hold himself up though he claims the world. Roblox com kids at their finest, braindead. ~ Federal
    Vince talking about extorting E-Girls - https://z.zz.fo/fjppN.mp4
    Vince apologizing after Federal bitched the person extorting him - https://z.zz.fo/dTUpw.mp4
    Confirming what we have is him - https://z.zz.fo/2cXVm.png
    Admitting to leaking a girl - https://z.zz.fo/8Xxp6.png
    Vince showing his house on cam:
      - https://z.zz.fo/aKTtt.png
      - https://z.zz.fo/xwVqd.png
      - https://z.zz.fo/D6yoj.png
      - https://z.zz.fo/ylSmm.png
      - https://z.zz.fo/KWMxE.png
    Sit ups on cam - https://z.zz.fo/v6KlT.mp4
    Jumping jacks on cam - https://z.zz.fo/OwwWl.mp4
   Note: Need a dox like this one done? Join here: https://discord.gg/nle  
ViLE▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[        ALIASES / PSUEDONYMS       ]█░░▓
   » 7ince
   » 2ince
   » 9ince
ViLE▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[       BASIC INFORMATION       ]█░░▓

 » Full Name:   Vince Holmes
 » Age:         16

 » Phone:      (706) 832-9557
   » Carrier:    Verizon Wireless SVR/2
   » SMS:        7068329557@vtext.com
   » MMS:        7068329557@vzwpix.com
 » Address:    3572 Pebble Beach Dr Augusta, GA 30907
   » Parcel:     081B307
   » Beds:       4
   » Baths:      4
   » Stories:    2
   » Sq. Ft:     3,196
   » Flooring:   Hardwood
   » Estimate:   $499,800
   » Year	Property Taxes	Tax Assessment
   » 2020	$4,094 (-7.2%)	$147,544 (-6.9%)
   » 2019	$4,410 (+5.3%)	$158,402 (+5.3%)
   » 2018	$4,188 (+195.1%)	$150,430 (+1%)
   » 2017	$1,419 (-4.1%)	$148,997 (+4.7%)
   » 2016	$1,479 (+16.2%)	$142,370 (+2.3%)
   » 2015	$1,273 (+1.5%)	$139,191 (+0.6%)
   » 2014	$1,255 (-62%)	$138,301 (+8.9%)
   » 2012	$3,305 (-11.1%)	$127,045 (-9.1%)
   » 2011	$3,719 (-2.4%)	$139,800 (-3.2%)
   » 2010	$3,809 (-2%)	$144,431 (-1.1%)
   » 2009	$3,888 (+5.2%)	$146,036 (-0.3%)
   » 2008	$3,696 (+13%)	$146,537 (+12%)
   » 2007	$3,269 (+2.7%)	$130,785 (+1.7%)
   » 2006	$3,184 (+10%)	$128,589 (+9.2%)
   » 2005	$2,894 (+8.6%)	$117,702 (+7.8%)
   » 2004	$2,666 (+11.3%)	$109,140 (+3.9%)
   » 2003	$2,395 (+0.7%)	$104,997 (+0.6%)
   » 2002	$2,378 (+4.6%)	$104,366 (+6.1%)
   » 2001	$2,273	     $98,356
 » Face:
   » https://z.zz.fo/GdFiY.png
   » https://z.zz.fo/PpwPH.png
   » https://z.zz.fo/QIabE.png
 » School:
   » Name:            Lakeside High School
   » Website:         https://www.lakesidehs.dekalb.k12.ga.us/
   » Principal:       Dr. Susan Stoddard
     » Email:           susan_stoddard@dekalbschoolsga.org
   » Asst Principal:  Mrs. Eleanor Lovelace
     » Email:           eleanor_lovelace@dekalbschoolsga.org
     » Phone:           678-874-6716
   » Asst Principal:  Dr. Lillie Granger
     » Email:           lillie_b_granger@dekalbschoolsga.org
     » Phone:           678-874-6713
   » Asst Principal:  Mr. Michael Loyd
     » Email:           michael_t_loyd@dekalbschoolsga.org
     » Phone:           678-874-6715

ViLE▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[         EMAIL ACCOUNTS        ]█░░▓

 » [A] Email: tigglesmarie82@gmail.com      / Spotify   Adobe
 » [A] Name: Vince Holmes                  /  Samsung   Amazon
 » [A] Google ID: 105389240562968004205   []  Nike      Discord
 » [A] Status: Active                      \  Gravatar  
 » [A] Recovery: (706) 832-9557             \ Google    

 » [B] Email: vincent.holmes@earthlink.net
 » [B] Status: Active

 » [C] Email: vincentholmes@swbell.net    / Swbell
 » [C] Status: Active                    [] Office365
 » [C] Recovery: (706) 832-9557           \
 » [D] Email: alexholmes2146@gmail.com    / Spotify Eventbrite
 » [D] Name: K'Hail Holmes               [] Nike    Amazon
 » [D] Status: Active                     \ Google  Adobe

ViLE▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[          SOCIAL MEDIA         ]█░░▓

 » Facebook: https://facebook.com/vince.holmes.581

 » TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@9ince

 » Snapchat: https://snapchat.com/add/wehatevince

 » Discord: 4never#0011
   » ID: 779836687329132575

 » Roblox: https://www.roblox.com/users/2792786788/profile

ViLE▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[      FAMILY INFORMATION       ]█░░▓
		  _____     _   _               
		 |  ___|_ _| |_| |__   ___ _ __ 
		 | |_ / _` | __| '_ \ / _ \ '__|
		 |  _| (_| | |_| | | |  __/ |   
		 |_|  \__,_|\__|_| |_|\___|_|  
 » Full Name:  Vincent Jarrett Holmes
 » Age:        48
 » SSN:        238-33-2924
   » Issuance:   North Carolina (NC)
   » First Year: 1980
   » Last Year:  —
   » Age:        46 to 58 years old
   » Valid?:     238-33-2924 is a valid SSN
   » Proof:      https://www.ssn-verify.com/238-33-2924
 » Phone:      (706) 294-4141
   » Carrier:    Verizon Wireless SVR/2
   » SMS:        7062944141@vtext.com
   » MMS:        7062944141@vzwpix.com

 » Address:    3572 Pebble Beach Dr Augusta, GA 30907
   » Parcel:     081B307
   » Beds:       4
   » Baths:      4
   » Stories:    2
   » Sq. Ft:     3,196
   » Flooring:   Hardwood
   » Estimate:   $499,800
   » Year	Property Taxes	Tax Assessment
   » 2020	$4,094 (-7.2%)	$147,544 (-6.9%)
   » 2019	$4,410 (+5.3%)	$158,402 (+5.3%)
   » 2018	$4,188 (+195.1%)	$150,430 (+1%)
   » 2017	$1,419 (-4.1%)	$148,997 (+4.7%)
   » 2016	$1,479 (+16.2%)	$142,370 (+2.3%)
   » 2015	$1,273 (+1.5%)	$139,191 (+0.6%)
   » 2014	$1,255 (-62%)	$138,301 (+8.9%)
   » 2012	$3,305 (-11.1%)	$127,045 (-9.1%)
   » 2011	$3,719 (-2.4%)	$139,800 (-3.2%)
   » 2010	$3,809 (-2%)	$144,431 (-1.1%)
   » 2009	$3,888 (+5.2%)	$146,036 (-0.3%)
   » 2008	$3,696 (+13%)	$146,537 (+12%)
   » 2007	$3,269 (+2.7%)	$130,785 (+1.7%)
   » 2006	$3,184 (+10%)	$128,589 (+9.2%)
   » 2005	$2,894 (+8.6%)	$117,702 (+7.8%)
   » 2004	$2,666 (+11.3%)	$109,140 (+3.9%)
   » 2003	$2,395 (+0.7%)	$104,997 (+0.6%)
   » 2002	$2,378 (+4.6%)	$104,366 (+6.1%)
   » 2001	$2,273	$98,356
 » Previous Addresses:
   » 3522 W Lake Dr # 53K Augusta, GA 30907
   » 2268 Nottley Dr Unit 13 Marietta, GA 30066
   » 3511 Gloucester Ct Augusta, GA 30907
   » 3550 Watervale Way Augusta, GA 30907
   » 2040 Glennfield Ln Augusta, GA 30909
   » 4695 N Church Ln SE Apt 15208 Atlanta, GA 30339
   » 2158 Cumberland Pkwy SE Apt 6308 Atlanta, GA 30339
   » 938 Courtside Dr Apt 938 Augusta, GA 30909
   » 173 PO Box Trenton, SC 29847
   » 3217 Flowers Rd S Apt P Atlanta, GA 30341
   » 2109 Powers Ferry Rd SE Apt C Marietta, GA 30067
 » Facebook:   https://www.facebook.com/jroyholmes
 » Linkedin:   https://www.linkedin.com/in/jarrett-holmes-a476154
 » Licenses:
   » Sporting Permit
     » Type: Hunting
     » Issued: 01/12/2013
   » Sporting Permit
     » Type: Hunting & Fishing
     » Issued: 01/12/2013
 » Vehicles:
   » 2009 Honda Pilot
     » Value: $9,994
     » Regiter: Jarret Holmes
   » 2005 Toyota 4Runner
     » Value: $9,960
     » Register: Jarret Holmes
   » 2004 Toyota Camry
     » Value: $5,368
     » Register: Jarret Holmes

 » Emails:      
   » jholmes@opticaldg.com
     » Name:      jholmes
     » Google ID: 113235495671925572509
     » Found on:  
       » google
   » jroyholmes@comcast.net
     » Found on:
       » comcast
   » vincentholmes@swbell.net
     » Found on:
       » swbell
       » office365

		  __  __       _   _               
		 |  \/  | ___ | |_| |__   ___ _ __ 
		 | |\/| |/ _ \| __| '_ \ / _ \ '__|
		 | |  | | (_) | |_| | | |  __/ |   
		 |_|  |_|\___/ \__|_| |_|\___|_|   
 » Full Name:  Christy S Holmes
 » Age:        49
 » DOB:        12/??/1972
 » SSN:        489-78-8033
   » Issuance:   Missouri (MO)
   » First Year: 1977
   » Last Year:  —
   » Age:        49 to 61 years old
   » Valid?:	 489-78-8033 is a valid SSN
   » Proof:      https://www.ssn-verify.com/489-78-8033
 » IP:
 » Facebook:   https://www.facebook.com/christy.m.holmes
 » Phone:      (940) 237-1868
   » Carrier:    Choice Wireless, LC
   » SMS:        9402371868@sms.choice-wireless.com
   » MMS:        9402371868@mms.choice-wireless.com

 » Address:    3572 Pebble Beach Dr Augusta, GA 30907
   » Parcel:     081B307
   » Beds:       4
   » Baths:      4
   » Stories:    2
   » Sq. Ft:     3,196
   » Flooring:   Hardwood
   » Estimate:   $499,800
   » Year	Property Taxes	Tax Assessment
   » 2020	$4,094 (-7.2%)	$147,544 (-6.9%)
   » 2019	$4,410 (+5.3%)	$158,402 (+5.3%)
   » 2018	$4,188 (+195.1%)	$150,430 (+1%)
   » 2017	$1,419 (-4.1%)	$148,997 (+4.7%)
   » 2016	$1,479 (+16.2%)	$142,370 (+2.3%)
   » 2015	$1,273 (+1.5%)	$139,191 (+0.6%)
   » 2014	$1,255 (-62%)	$138,301 (+8.9%)
   » 2012	$3,305 (-11.1%)	$127,045 (-9.1%)
   » 2011	$3,719 (-2.4%)	$139,800 (-3.2%)
   » 2010	$3,809 (-2%)	$144,431 (-1.1%)
   » 2009	$3,888 (+5.2%)	$146,036 (-0.3%)
   » 2008	$3,696 (+13%)	$146,537 (+12%)
   » 2007	$3,269 (+2.7%)	$130,785 (+1.7%)
   » 2006	$3,184 (+10%)	$128,589 (+9.2%)
   » 2005	$2,894 (+8.6%)	$117,702 (+7.8%)
   » 2004	$2,666 (+11.3%)	$109,140 (+3.9%)
   » 2003	$2,395 (+0.7%)	$104,997 (+0.6%)
   » 2002	$2,378 (+4.6%)	$104,366 (+6.1%)
   » 2001	$2,273	$98,356
 » Previous Addresses:
   » 3522 W Lake Dr # 53K Augusta, GA 30907
   » 2268 Nottley Dr Unit 13 Marietta, GA 30066
   » 3511 Gloucester Ct Augusta, GA 30907
   » 3550 Watervale Way Augusta, GA 30907
   » 2040 Glennfield Ln Augusta, GA 30909
   » 4695 N Church Ln SE Apt 15208 Atlanta, GA 30339
   » 2158 Cumberland Pkwy SE Apt 6308 Atlanta, GA 30339
   » 938 Courtside Dr Apt 938 Augusta, GA 30909
   » 173 PO Box Trenton, SC 29847
   » 3217 Flowers Rd S Apt P Atlanta, GA 30341
   » 2109 Powers Ferry Rd SE Apt C Marietta, GA 30067

 » Prev Phones:
   » (940) 923-8977
     » Carrier: T-Mobile
     » SMS: 9409238977@tmomail.net
     » MMS: 9409238977@tmomail.net
   » (813) 928-8242
     » Carrier: Verizon Wireless
     » SMS: 8139288242@vtext.com
     » MMS: 8139288242@vzwpix.com
   » (540) 985-5930
     » Carrier: Verizon
   » (770) 805-8419
     » Carrier: BellSouth
   » (706) 737-8568
     » Carrier: BellSouth
   » (770) 590-9592
     » Carrier: BellSouth
   » (860) 716-2225
     » Carrier: Verizon Wireless
     » SMS: 8607162225@vtext.com
     » MMS: 8607162225@vzwpix.com
   » (440) 439-1965
     » Carrier: Ameritech - PSTN
   » (504) 520-4418
     » Carrier: Comcast
   » (706) 495-6390
     » Carrier: T-Mobile
     » SMS: 7064956390@tmomail.net
     » MMS: 7064956390@tmomail.net
   » (516) 334-7500
     » Carrier: Level 3 Communications, LLC
   » (870) 295-3587
     » Carrier: AT&T - PSTN
   » (901) 386-2011
     » Carrier: BellSouth
   » (574) 721-2758
     » Carrier: AT&T Wireless
     » SMS: 5747212758@txt.att.net
     » MMS: 5747212758@mms.att.net
   » (985) 516-8814
     » Carrier: AT&T Wireless
     » SMS: 9855168814@txt.att.net
     » MMS: 9855168814@mms.att.net

 » Emails:
   » cmcleod48@hotmail.com
     » Google ID: 103318440438860628923
     » Found on:
       » office365
       » myspace
       » google
       » amazon
   » cmcleod2@hotmail.com
     » Found on: 
       » office365
   » christy.holmes@comcast.net
     » Name: Christy Holmes
     » Google ID: 111534622540106328356
     » Found on:
       » vrbo
       » twitter
       » spotify
       » nike
       » gravatar
       » google
       » amazon
   » cmcleod2@frontiernet.net
     » Found on:
       » Frontiernet
   » cmcleod@cableone.net
     » Found on:
       » Cableone
   » cmcleod48@cableone.net
     » Found on:
       » Cableone
   » kshense@aol.com
     » Found on:
       » aol
       » twitter
   » bmcleod18@cox.net
     » Name: Frezzee_HD
     » Google ID: 108377662984342339012
     » Found on:
       » twitter
       » spotify
       » google
   » christyholmes2003@hotmail.com
     » Name: christy Holmes
     » Google ID: 118180900034746662052
     » Found on:
       » twitter
       » pornhub
       » office365
       » myspace
       » google
   » cholmes@hotmail.com
     » Found on:
       » hotmail
       » wattpad
       » twitter
       » spotify
       » office365
       » myspace
       » google
       » amazon
ViLE▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[           CREDITS             ]█░░▓

                                                                   We would like to thank you for boarding onto ViLE Airlines.                                                                                                                                                
            _\ _~-\___                                                                                                    
    =  = ==(___ViLE___)                                                                                                                         
                \_____\___________________,-~~~~~~~`-.._                              Captain: Federal - https://t.me/affiances                                       
                /     o O o o o o O O o o o o o o O o  |\_                            Co-Captain: Lilith - lilith#0100
                `~-.__        ___..----..                  )                          Flight Engineer: ViLE - https://vile.sh
                      =  ===(_________D                                                                                                                     
ViLE▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[               VINCE DOXED             ]█░░▓