
Hello!! Today, We are going to Breach a Well Known Pedophile from VRChat Called VidarVR/Thatguypheniox/Thatguyvidar He has Cheated On Many Women And Has Also Talked With Minors In A Very Disgusting Manner for his own Lustful desires
Grooming a Minor Called Lyric while he was 25 While she was 16. making his crimes very dire in the eyes of MP40. No Children Under My Groups Watch Will Be groomed Or Harmed By Any Pedophiles In This Game. And It Will Be My Job To Clean This Community
None of these things are ever good to expose a child to, he should have the moral compensation to never talk with children in ANY Form of Capacity, I Will Do Whatever Necessary to make sure he does not do this to anyone again.  


Also: If your Reading this vidar, I Hope the STD's And Herpes You Concocted Deforms Your Penis

Name: Daniel Emory Paulson
age: 26
address: 3100 Utah Pl, APT A, Greensboro, NC 27405-3944
Evidence of the acts he's inflicted on Lyric(Minor):https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yJkJ8iJg_iOjsI49D8lJFP73NNSQ2iyWq42pid9VVaw/mobilebasic (Search up Netherarc On tiktok for More Information)
Phone Number: (980)-240-8162
Tiktok: thatguyphoenix (Currently has 2347 followers as of the time of this dox going up)
Snapchat: dannyphoenix26
Twitter (X): Vidar_vr
Instagram: vidar_vr
Discord Account (may be inactive, But Sometimes uses it to try and stalk Lyric): vengience
Job: Umemployed (Begs His Followers On Tiktok To Donate To Him, Women that he's dated said that atleast 96% percent of the time, he would never find a job and make his loving other pay the bills. Festering His addiction to play VRChat)

^~^ Alright, That's all the info you all need right? Let's make a difference! 
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( -_•)╦̵̵̿╤─---------(pedophiles)