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										 INSTAGRAM- api_bool                                                               
   Basic Info                                                        		 Big Nigga 24      
   Old xbl: Vibe Moon
   New xbl: Hold My Ips
   IG: stiv1be
   Personal Snachat: cswab5
   Name: Justin Amspacker
   Age: 18
	Basic Info On Mom/Dad
   Moms Name: Lindsay Zymbrum
   Dads Name: Justin Amspacker
   Dads Inmate Number 1567E

   Current Address: 1201 Lane ST Sunbury PA
   House Value: 125K-133k
	Reason For Dox

   Kid is anoyying as fuck talks a lot of shit and cant back it up
   joined STI when B1 is on top claims to run multiple people that he doesent.