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"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."
                                     "Welcome to the game"
	  "Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. 
        It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self. 
	Therefore, trust the physician and drink his remedy in silence and tranquility."
|                 >[Table Of Contents]<                               |
| →0x01 Introduction........................                          |
| →0x02 Personal Information................                          |
| →0x03 Location Information................                          |
| →0x04 School Information..................                          |
| →0x05 Family Information..................                          |
| →0x06 Hacked Accounts.....................                          |
| →0x07 Unknown Family Members..............                          |
| →0x08 Notes...............................                          |
| →0x09 Credits & Links.....................                          |
┼ 0x01 ~ Introduction.......................                          ┼
Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, its been a while since our last post. But we 
have finally found our next target. A complete anti social retard, the
worst of the worst, a pooron, a 3rd worlder, and an egotystical fucking
freak. This paki has been on our radar for a while, after targetting a
13 yr old kid over minecraft beef, making fake accounts of him, and sending
his dox around on it, we decided that this retard would finally need to be
put down. On top of being an overall autist, he is a known scammer, ip farms
with his server, and has attempted extorting kids with the mirai source
code on some 2$ vps. He is the most harmless, braindead retard we have
ever encountered. and we hope this nigga never comes back.

Grab your popcorn, something to drink, and enjoy the show ;)

Kevin Karanbir Pannu is being charged with the following:
1. Scamming
2. Harrassing & Extorting 13 yr olds with Mirai
3. Sending around doxes
4. Faking dms with people
5. Making fake accounts of people to frame them
6. Faking Videos

┼ 0x02 ~ Personal Information.....                                    ┼
Name: Kevin Karanbir Pannu
Age: 21
DOB: July 15th, 1999
Discord: Veroxus#0001
Discord ID: 288105821081174016

    - Veroxus
    - darkblood9000
    - Nexus Ultima
    - AnnexationPvP
    - NaziAura
    - Aneurysm_
    - VeroxusPvP
    - Envoxus
    - KSP
    - MewtwoX300
    - infamousz_diime

Phone #'s:
    - +1 559-289-7025
    - +1 909-666-0943
    - 925-906-9411 (Old)

    - veroxus@gmail.com                                     |\_/|
    - darkblood9000@gmail.com                               | @ @   Look! an Autist!
    - veroxuspvp@gmail.com                                  |   <>              _
    - vptoledo@gmail.com                                    |  _/\------____ ((| |))
    - veroxuspvp@hotmail.com                                |               `--' | 
    - troytdh@gmail.com                                 ____|_       ___|   |___.' 
    - sonny@towyard.com                                /_/_____/____/_______|
    - sonny@toward.com
    - x_khalsa@yahoo.com
    - bani383@hotmail.com
    - sunny.singh@bellsouth.net
    - creator@veroxus.com

    - luiz04
    - luiz05 
    - luiz06
    - luiz07
    - luiz08
    - luiz10
    - nazihitlernazi
    - argentinosaurusrex
    - flq1dflj3r
    - micosita

    - $2a$10$76lnv8UUi1wW0HKOQ32h0eV3.Si2HIgGXrr1oXJNFiVInJsxc2dV2
    - 522cee13208edc910f137cb3a74f5306
      - Salt: f/^n5uE0"Jb]61^Tw|K-EX&sGuOT8
    - 3057a4f8e7d28e6b1d36047e6eadedff5e712797
    - $2a$08$TYrvLm4YyvhBwvoMdc0tteN/2P75blYJM0xQFWQ5L.ylvRueolOOC
    - 0db9654beceb885c0cd996f7c8c9f44e
    - 3661a569f333de2bc14982bbbb5a8f5f
    - 073c34e4159eb10661c622ea9
    - BE2BB13D36AD0A83B2A3DBE314A62822AA8E6EA6


    TWT: https://twitter.com/VeroxusPvP
    YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-7B3jYMKdV2I_zxLSWc-Hw
    YT: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheLegionBlade/videos
    Skype: blueazulskype
    Skype: Veroxuspvp
    Skype: darkblood9000
    Server: pvp.Veroxus.com (Go spam his dox around)

1. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/781001979665055764/790706385733943306/image0.png (Absolutely Charming Smile)
2. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/781001979665055764/790706386039734342/image1.png (Amazing Eyebrows)

┼ 0x03 ~ Location Information.....                                    ┼
College Info:
	Hes living in the Stanford College Dorms, his dorm room is 1142
Home Address:
	Address: 233 Livorna Heights Rd Alamo, CA 94507-1324
	Beds: 5 
	Bathrooms: 4 
	Sq Ft: 2350
	Listing History:
	    11/1/2017Listing removed$1,899,000  $808/sqft
	    Source:  Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage - Danville 
	    10/17/2017Price change$1,899,000 (+11.8%) $808/sqft
	    Source:  Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage - Danville 
	    9/27/2017Listed for sale$1,699,000 (+92.2%) $723/sqft
 	   Source:  Coldwell Banker 
 	   1/12/2012Listing removed$883,900 (+8.5%) $376/sqft
 	   Source:  Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage - Danville 
 	   1/10/2012Sold$815,000 (-7.8%) $347/sqft
 	   Source:  Agent Provided, Public Record 
  	  9/28/2011Price change$883,900 (-2.5%) $376/sqft
 	   Source:  Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage - Danville 
 	   8/26/2011Price change$906,900 (-2%) $386/sqft
 	   Source:  Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage - Danville

	    YearProperty TaxesTax Assessment2019$9,125 (-24.4%)$747,764 (-27.2%)2018$12,065 (+3.8%)$1,027,276 (+2%)2017$11,626 (+1.2%)$1,007,134 (+2%)2016$11,486 (+11.2%)$987,387 (+1.5%)2015$10,330 $972,556 (+11.1%)2014$10,330 $875,073 (+5.3%)2013-- $831,300 (+2%)2012-- $815,000 (-18.2%)2011-- $996,000 (-7.3%)2010-- $1,075,000 2009-- $1,075,000 (-20.4%)2008-- $1,350,000 (-13.5%)2007-- $1,560,599 (+2%)2006-- $1,530,000 (+526.8%)2005-- $244,079 (+2%)2004-- $239,294 (+1.9%)2003-- $234,909 (+2%)2002-- $230,304 (+3.6%)2001-- $222,289 
Farm Address: 11343 Grayson Rd PATTERSON, CA 95363
Property Owner: Barinder Pannu
Bedrooms: 6
Bathrooms: 1
Living Area: 5,020 Sq Ft
Lot Size: 5,880,600 Sq Ft
Home Value: $1.5 Mil
Last Sold: $864k
Business Address:
    - 604 N Pleasant Ave, Fresno, CA 93728

    Home Size: 486 sq ft
    Built in 1948                                                                                                 /''''''''''(______O] ----------____  \______/]_
    Parcel Number: 44912319                                                                    __...---'"""\_ --''   Q   Skid BLSTR 5000             ___________@
                                                                                           |'''                   ._   _______________=---------"""""""
Tax History -                                                                              |                ..--''|   l L |_l   |
    Year Taxes Land Improvements Assessment                                                |          ..--''      .  /-___j '   '
    2015 $1,081  (+1.52%)  $50,810 $20,318 $71,128                                         |    ..--''           /  ,       '   '
    2014 $995  (+1.42%)  $49,815 $19,920 $69,735                                           |--''                /           `    \
    2013 $1,007  (+1.45%)  $49,590 $19,830 $69,420                                                              L__'         \    -
    2012 $957  (+1.28%)  $48,618 $19,442 $74,770                                                                              -    '-.
                                                                                                                               '.    /
House was brought for/on -                                                                                                       '-./
    8/22/1996   Sold for $75,000   $154 per square metre
- 604 N Pleasant Ave is an industrial property. It has an estimated value of $78,394, which is right around the $74,704 average estimate for industrial properties in the 93728 zip code. 604 N Pleasant Ave has high flood risk, which is above average for West Fresno, but about average for all of Fresno County.

    M K Ice Cream:
    Address: 604 N Pleasant Ave, Fresno, CA 93728
    Phone#: (559) 800-8059

    Malibu Towing:
    Address: 604 N Pleasant Ave, Fresno, CA 93728
    Phone#: (559) 268-1300
    Business Info:
        Employees At This Location = 2
        Sales Volume = $96,000

Property Owners:
    Kawaljit Singh
    Manpreet Pannu
┼ 0x04 ~ School Information.......                                    ┼
	Name: Central High School - West Campus
	Address: 2045 N Dickenson Ave, Fresno, CA 93723, United States/ 4605 N. Polk Ave. Fresno, CA 93722 (District)
	Phone: +1 559-276-5276, 559-274-4700, 559-271-8200
	Website: http://www.centralunified.org/
	Name: Stanford
	Address: 450 Jane Stanford Way Stanford, CA 94305–2004
	Phone: (650) 723-2300
	Website: https://www.stanford.edu/
	His Dorm #: 1142 (We called up stanford and got all his info confirmed by them)
┼ 0x05 ~ Family Information.......                                    ┼
    --- Narinder Amrit, Age 54 --- (Uncle)

    --- Sukhdev Singh, Age 38 --- (Sister)
    --- Barinder Singh Pannu, Age 48 (Dad) ---
    	gpannu1974@gmail.com                                                                                                   *insert waffle purr*
    --- Joginder Singh Pannu, Age 75 (Grandad) ---
                                                                                                                                     db         db
    EMAILS:                                                                                                                         dpqb       dp8b
        barinderp@hotmail.com                                                                                         *meow*        8b qb_____dp_88
        barinderp@frontiernet.net                                                                                                   88/ .        `p
    PHONE:                                                                                                                          q'.            \                Better luck next time!
        510-471-1686                                                                                                               .'.  .-.    ,-.  `--.          Lets hope you stop acting
        925-322-8343                                                                                                               |.  / 0 \  / 0 \ |   \           like a retard faggot
                                                                                                                                   |.  `.__   ___.' | \\/
    Spouse: Jasmail K Pannu                                                                                                        |.       "       | (
=======================================================================                                                             \.    `-'-'    ,' |
    --- Jasmail Kaur Pannu, Age 74 (Grandma) ---                                                                                   _/`------------'. .|         *meow*
                                                                                                                                  /.  \\::(::[];)||.. \
    EMAILS:                                                                                                                      /.  ' \.`:;;;;'''/`. .|
        jpannu@aol.com                                                                                                          |.   |/ `;--._.__/  |..|
    PHONE:                                                                                                                      |.  _/_,'''',,`.    `:.'
        510-471-1686                                                                                                            |.     ` / ,  ',`.   |/
        239-656-3402                                                                                                            \.   -'/\/     ',\  |\
                                                                                                                                 /\__-' /\ /     ,. |.\
    Spouse: Jaginder Singh Pannu                                                                                                /. .|  '  /-.    ,: |..\
=======================================================================                                                        :.  .|    /| | ,  ,||. ..:
╔─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╗                                                  *meow*|.  .`     | '//` ,:|.  .|
┼ 0x06 ~ Hacked Accounts..........                                    ┼                                                        |..  .\      //\/ ,|.  ..|
╚─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╝                                                         \.   .\     <./  ,'. ../
N/A, never bothered to look for Info                                                                                             \_ ,..`.__    _,..,._/
                                                                                                                                   `\|||/  `--'\|||/'
╔─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╗                                                                     *Another waffle purr*
┼ 0x07 ~ Unknown Family Members...                                    ┼                                                            
    --- Gurinder Kaur Pannu, Age 46 ---
    --- Narinder Kaur Pannu, Age 62 ---
    AGE: 62
    DOB: October 1958
    ADDRESS: 3427 W Yale Ave FRESNO, CA 93722
    --- Ajitpal Singh Pannu, Age 45 ---
┼ 0x08 ~ Notes....................                                    ┼
"FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- It was an interesting afternoon for one family.
A man, who did not want to release his name, was playing games online when he claims he was threatened by another gamer.
"I told him he was harmless because he was threatening me," he said.
But not long after, a 911 call was made, the caller telling dispatchers he shot his mom.
The number was traced to an address off of Pleasant and Belmont Avenues.
Deputies immediately responded to the trailer, but the woman inside was fine.
"She is obviously scared to death, doesn't know what is going on. We asked her 'Hey do you recognize this phone number?' she said 'yea that belongs to my brother,'" said Fresno County sheriff's spokesperson Tony Botti.
The brother was at a different home with his mother off Clinton and Valentine.
"I was sipping my tea. I have no idea what's going on. He (the son) came to me and told me about this. It was scary," the man's mother said.
Fresno Police officers assisted deputies and called the man while en route telling him to comply with orders, given the nature of the threat.
"They contacted us on the phone. He was giving the directions... He told me to follow all the directions as to what he was going to do and follow the directions on the phone and we came out with our hands up," the woman said.
Action News cameras were rolling as the two walked out of the home with their hands up, safe, yet unsure of why they were targeted.
"I hope the person that (did) this gets caught," the man said.
Botti says they take these types of calls very seriously and they can be extremely dangerous for everyone involved.
"An innocent person can get hurt. We are going in there thinking we might find an armed suspect and then after that, you find out all these resources were thrown at this one incident which wasn't even real and you got all these other calls that we are holding back up that we didn't get our people, too," he said.
It's still unclear who exactly is responsible for making the fake phone call.
At this time, investigators do not know if the caller was local or from out of state..."



You got fucked, ran, absolutely destroyed. Please never come back to this game, you are a disgusting autist. you need to end yourself you dumb paki holy fuck.
I hope that your dad slaps the shit outta you after our call for an "overdue payment on Big Black Boys BBC Dot Com". You need to get your shit in check and
leave the community, your a 21 yr old preying on 13 yr olds to make yourself feel better about yourself. You have a negative iq, and ive only lost braincells
ever talking to you, im 99% sure that your parents fed you bathsalts as a baby you fucking autist. Disgusting freak.
┼ 0x09 ~ Credits..................                                    ┼

Greed (the calling god, made veroxus's dad think that his son was a faggot)
Madi for Social Engineering this dumb paki
Waffle for being hot and flirting with Madi the entire time (His purring is hot as shit too)

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