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|                      Table of contents                        | 
|      0x01  Introduction.............................          |
|      0x02  Personal Information.....................          |
|      0x03  Social Media Accounts....................          |
|      0x04  Family Members Information...............          |
|      0x05  House Information........................          |

Lets start...|_________________,----------._ [____]  ""-,__  __....-----=====
                           (_(||||||||||||)___________/   ""                |
                              `----------'        [ ))"-,                   |
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|                      0x01  Introduction                       |
(get mad at your ugly ass Finn Nelmes Chief Developer)
|                  0x02  Personal Information                   |
Name Heneral Miguel Yumang
Occupation Game Developer
Mugshot https://gyazo.com/3aa43142c868d1e529c5b4a654c040ca
Race Asian
Ethnicity Philippine/Chinese/South Korean
Gender Male
Sexuality Straight
Relationship Status Taken
Age 19
Born Manila
Baptized West Philippine Sea
Country Canada
Area 464,1 km2
City Winnipeg MB/North York ON
State: Manitoba/Ontario
Phone Number: (204) 253-4747 | (450) 462-0115

 *        .              .   *
    *     '       * 
        * .    '     
                            Social media Accounts...
    ' .                      /   .   *
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    ' .     *                          '.___.'

|                  0x03  Social Media Accounts                  |
Online Alias Heneral Yumang
TikTok https://twitter.com/HeneralYumang
Twitter https://twitter.com/HeneralYumang
Youtube 1 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvPlJ1Pkb7jl2CTzwrgw7Zg
Youtube 2 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmFX0PK7FTIuc2l2hlA6phA/about
Discord venomsfx#3926
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/_venomsfx/tagged/

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              `.  ``     ''  .'
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                `:  `"""'  :' Let's begin the fun...

|               0x04  Family Members Information                |
NAME Elijah tznz
AGE 18
MUGSHOT https://gyazo.com/58ebee7a3bccee4d6c580f5834db56b9
COUNTRY The Philippines
CITY Manila
Twitter https://twitter.com/elijahtnzn

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               #   `"._(_).       .(_)_."'   #

|                    0x05  House Information                    |
Direct Address 1 147 FREDERICK TISDALE Dr, North York ON, M3K0B5
Direct Address 2 118 Strand Cir, Winnipeg MB, R2N1N1
Country Canada
Area Strand Circle
State Manitoba
City Winnipeg/North Nork
ZIP 118 Strand Cir
Postal Code R2N 1N3

House 1 Picture https://gyazo.com/60fcfc7e6a5bebd2248da5a247868a9b
House 2 Picture https://gyazo.com/1d229c6ac4a74798d878803c12649529

Property Photo https://gyazo.com/60fcfc7e6a5bebd2248da5a247868a9b
Property Map https://gyazo.com/14f2d1c131e6f0641e63ae360244d4b7


                                            " We lost another man ????????????????#9999 & ✞☽#2830"


Yours Sincerely ~ ????????????????#9999 & ✞☽#2830

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