Primary Information
Name:Frank Falkenburry
Phone Number:618-513-7200 - AT&T, Mobile
Address:16566 Brussels Street Stiritz, IL 62896
- vegar.1337@fbi.al
- datpixelgasm@gmail.com
- frankfalkenburry@icloud.com
- 1337hardcorehacker@hushmail.com // lol this email alone confirms his big ego.

Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/fireball.toon // Email Attached:1337hardcorehacker@hushmail.com
IP Addresses // secure.onavo.com // Voxel Dot Net // Looks like some sort of mobile vpn provider for phones like wtf is onavo.com?!
Who.is Information for domain vegar.us

Registrant Contact Information:
    Name: Frank Falkenburry
    Organization: iCraft
    Address 1: 16566 Brusssels Street
    Address 2: 16566 Brusssels Street
    City: West Frankfort
    State: Illinois
    Zip: 62986
    Country: US
    Phone: +1.6185134567
    Email: vegar.1337@fbi.al

Administrative Contact Information:
    Name: Frank Falkenburry
    Organization: iCraft
    Address 1: 16566 Brusssels Street
    Address 2: 16566 Brusssels Street
    City: West Frankfort
    State: Illinois
    Zip: 62986
    Country: US
    Phone: +1.6185134567
    Email: vegar.1337@fbi.al@fbi.al

Technical Contact Information:
    Name: Frank Falkenburry
    Organization: iCraft
    Address 1: 16566 Brusssels Street
    Address 2: 16566 Brusssels Street
    City: West Frankfort
    State: Illinois
    Zip: 62986
    Country: US
    Phone: +1.6185134567
    Email: vegar.1337@fbi.al

Billing Contact Information:
    Name: Frank Falkenburry
    Organization: iCraft
    Address 1: 16566 Brusssels Street
    Address 2: 16566 Brusssels Street
    City: West Frankfort
    State: Illinois
    Zip: 62986
    Country: US
    Phone: +1.6185134567
    Email: vegar.1337@fbi.al
Emails on file:
- datpixelgasm@gmail.com
- frankfalkenburry@icloud.com
Name on file:Frank Falkenburry
Phone Number on file:618-513-7200 - AT&T, Mobile
Address on file:16566 Brussels Street Stiritz, IL 62896
Balance:126.00$ // Empty now because the pussy spent it all
Name on file:Frank

Name on file:Frank

// Sadly both are shell accounts so no info other then first name!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 173-20-29-144.client.mchsi.com // Mediacom Communications // 173-25-210-243.client.mchsi.com // Mediacom Communications
Mediacom Communications
Names on file: ??? Bailey and ??? Campbell
Address on file:?
Phone Number on file:?
Tier 2: 866-848-7064
Moar Skypes
frank.falkenburry | havoc.swag | mrstealyogirl6969 | vegar.1337 | vegaridk
Email: vegar.1337@fbi.al
Customer Number: 73023533
Domain: vegar.info,
Order Number: 632363740
Call-In Pin: 1598
| id     | username  | email                       | password                                          | cracked          |
| 839605 | Vegar     | vegar.1337@fbi.al           | f4f5ed329ef8246798cc95fef4a3793b839cedb2          | Blueberrywaffles |
| 864925 | Vegar3000 | frankfalkenburry@icloud.com | ed967e1440ca53065e982ca9c6b06ebf7f7947f28089f46b3 | NULL             |
| 920823 | Vegar3000 | frankfalkenburry@icloud.com | ed967e1440ca53065e982ca9c6b06ebf7f7947f28089f46b3 | gunmaster1       |
3 rows in set (0.32 sec)
Bitcoin ID: 18b6c41f-9043-4535-8590-8e929c3baa8e
