 Valorant Whore Josie

 Reason to dox: Josefine is a 17 year old girl who loves to edate with her boyfriend on Valorant. One little issue Josie did was Shit talk. After finding out a lot of information about her in com it seems that Josefine 
 Has shit talked many times. Let this be a lesson for you Josefine. Talk shit, Get hit
 Enjoy :)

 Name: Josefine Geisler
 Age: 17
 DOB: 11Th March 2005
 Phone Number: +45 50 50 41 94
 Address: Stensbjerghøj 31, Slangerup 3550 Denmark
 Family Status:
 Father - Dead
 Mother - Alive
 Sister - Alive
 IRL: https://prnt.sc/OtG4oeckSkNm

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$$___$$_ _$$__ $$______
$$___$$_ $$$$_ $$______
Valorant: Josie#111
Discord: josie#6228 (ID:287670799534522369)
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/josefine.mhg/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mygoodwhore
Twitter Alt: https://twitter.com/grapebanana6
Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/josefinemg3
Tik Tok: http://tiktok.com/@kneeldownandtiemyshoes
Tik Tok Alt: https://www.tiktok.com/@pleasekillher
Main Minecraft account: https://namemc.com/profile/VuffAe.1
Alt Minecraft account: https://namemc.com/profile/Jcdo.1

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That’s what you get for shit talking next time keep your ego in line. I hope you learned your lesson.