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**                                                     **
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Valorant Market Scam Little Hello from Ash :) 
                     (   )      
  .---.      .--.     | | .-.   
 / .-, \   /  _  \    | |/   \  
(__) ; |  . .' `. ;   |  .-. .  
  .'`  |  | '   | |   | |  | |  
 / .'| |  _\_`.(___)  | |  | |  
| /  | | (   ). '.    | |  | |  
; |  ; |  | |  `\ |   | |  | |  
' `-'  |  ; '._,' '   | |  | |  
`.__.'_.   '.___.'   (___)(___) 
Reasons : Valorant Market Scam 
Scamming server : https://discord.gg/valmarket

Co-owner in Valorant Market :
Discord Info 
Username : notstef._.
Id : 551142335552028674

Owner Info : 
Discord Info : 
Possible Name and Surname : Richard Steven 
Proof of scamming : https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1266851013076189319/1266862736889872384/image.png?ex=66a6b15d&is=66a55fdd&hm=7ab11fdf2569b2ea47c090c647163a22cbf19344b8e439ba8b2759f176c4d3fb&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=404&height=350
After that ban and block the guys who buy
Username : valmarket
Id : 454253126539542538
Previous discord username : pikkkaa#2864
Random discord username : hhhhchef

hhhhchef = Early Supporter account maybe scammed 
Screen : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1260663941525405798/1266849665400311899/image.png?ex=66a6a531&is=66a553b1&hm=0da6c3c290a165ffd7394126e5518584708569e40b402fcbe58d88025dd7de16&

Id leak :

date: 2023-12-15T14:55:00.069Z

discordid: 454253126539542538


username: pikkkaa#2864

Ip leak : 

date: 2023-12-15T14:29:47.059Z

discordid: 324009414266847235


username: hhhhchef

Ip : = Geoloca : West 96th Street, Bloomington, MN 55431, United States of America

Email : hmarketingcentral@gmail.com

Email DB 
  "took": 149,
  "size": 1,
  "results": {
    "1257_BLOCKCHAIN_COM_307K_CRYPTO_072022": [
        "email": "hmarketingcentral@gmail.com",
        "lastip": "" ---> VPN IP

Username DB 

  "took": 128,
  "size": 3,
  "results": {
    "0686_WATTPAD_COM_275M_SOCIAL_062020": [
        "username": "Pikkkaa",
        "email": "pika_1666@mail.ru",
        "hash": "$2y$10$nP1GiWMHBBvrB/H2lDBA5.Jm8AGa0ASTN41nGxxn0Apv6u1aYN10K"
        "username": "pikkkaa",
        "email": "mvagc@hotmail.com",
        "password": "123456"
    "0422_RAMBLER_RU_91M_EMAIL_2012": [
        "username": "pikkkaa",
        "email": "pikkkaa@rambler.ru",
        "password": "moon1105"

Unverified Info : 
  "took": 155,
  "size": 3,
  "results": {
    "1269_TWITTER_COM_227M_SOCIAL_012023": [
        "username": "vinnychec",
        "email": "mvagc@hotmail.com",
        "name": "vin\u00edcius aguiar",
        "created": "Thu Sep 29 14:09:30 +0000 2011\r",
        "followers": "4"
        "username": "pikkkaa",
        "email": "mvagc@hotmail.com",
        "password": "123456"
        "username": "smartmotos",
        "email": "mvagc@hotmail.com"

     ___                      .--.  ___                                                                                ___       ___                               ___       
    (   )                     |  | (   )                                                                         .-.  (   )     (   )                             (   )      
  .-.| |    .--.    ___ .-.   '..'  | |_        ___ .-. .-.     .--.       .--.        .--.       ___  ___  ___ ( __)  | |_      | | .-.       .---.      .--.     | | .-.   
 /   \ |   /    \  (   )   \       (   __)     (   )   '   \   /    \    /  _  \     /  _  \     (   )(   )(   )(''") (   __)    | |/   \     / .-, \   /  _  \    | |/   \  
|  .-. |  |  .-. ;  |  .-. .        | |         |  .-.  .-. ; |  .-. ;  . .' `. ;   . .' `. ;     | |  | |  | |  | |   | |       |  .-. .    (__) ; |  . .' `. ;   |  .-. .  
| |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |        | | ___     | |  | |  | | |  | | |  | '   | |   | '   | |     | |  | |  | |  | |   | | ___   | |  | |      .'`  |  | '   | |   | |  | |  
| |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |        | |(   )    | |  | |  | | |  |/  |  _\_`.(___)  _\_`.(___)    | |  | |  | |  | |   | |(   )  | |  | |     / .'| |  _\_`.(___)  | |  | |  
| |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |        | | | |     | |  | |  | | |  ' _.' (   ). '.   (   ). '.      | |  | |  | |  | |   | | | |   | |  | |    | /  | | (   ). '.    | |  | |  
| '  | |  | '  | |  | |  | |        | ' | |     | |  | |  | | |  .'.-.  | |  `\ |   | |  `\ |     | |  ; '  | |  | |   | ' | |   | |  | |    ; |  ; |  | |  `\ |   | |  | |  
' `-'  /  '  `-' /  | |  | |        ' `-' ;     | |  | |  | | '  `-' /  ; '._,' '   ; '._,' '     ' `-'   `-' '  | |   ' `-' ;   | |  | |    ' `-'  |  ; '._,' '   | |  | |  
 `.__,'    `.__.'  (___)(___)        `.__.     (___)(___)(___) `.__.'    '.___.'     '.___.'       '.__.'.__.'  (___)   `.__.   (___)(___)   `.__.'_.   '.___.'   (___)(___) 

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         \ \  /.'|   |`.__.'` ||     .--| |--- _   /| |  |
          \ `//_/     \       ||    /   | \  _ \  / | |  |
           `/ \|       |      ||   |    |  `-'  \/  | '--|      _
            `"`'.  _  .'      ||    `--'|                |   .--/
                 \ | /        ||                         '--'
                  |'|  :)     'J        Little kiss from ASH ;)