_____ _                  _______                    
 / ____| |                |__   __|                   
| |    | |__   __ _  ___     | |_____   _ _   _ _   _ 
| |    | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \    | |_  / | | | | | | | | |
| |____| | | | (_| |  __/    | |/ /| |_| | |_| | |_| |
 \_____|_| |_|\__,_|\___|    |_/___|\__,_|\__, |\__,_|
                                           __/ |      

ValeDreamer Doxxed By Chae Tzuyu!
First Name: Joshua 
Middle Name: N/A
Last Name: Delarosa
Continent:	North america
Country:	United states
Country Code:	US
Region:	North-East
State:	New York
State Code:	NY
DMA:	501
MSA:	35620
City:	Bronx
Postal Code:	10462
Timezone:	GMT -5:00
Area Code:	718
Latitude:	40.84268
Longitude:	-73.85555
Carrier:	Cablevision systems corp.
Organization:	Optimum Online (cablevision systems)

School: Mott Hall V
School Telephone: +17186208160
School Adress:
1551 East 172nd Street
Bronx, NY  10472
(718) 620-8160

Email Adresses:
aledreamsaledreams@gmail.com: Noobie567
edpenddepened@gmail.com: Noobcooland56
jdelarosa2204@motthallv.org: Noobie567

Ip Adress:
Hostname: (cablevision systems)
ISP: Optimum Online
Domain: optimum.net
Port: 13
ASN: 6128
ASN IP Range:

Discord Information:
ID: 1007722946816651284
Username: ValeDreamer
Tag: #0869

Mutual Friends: Partners:
Ctjs#0001 ( Already Doxxed )
Cheesey ( Not a Fag )
! Aazo ( Dox Coming Soon )

Roblox Information:
OkayHeart: Noobie567
OkayFear: Noobie567

Reason For d0x:
acts like he rule com scammed some stupid nigga for a 25$ giftcard that doesnt even work
tried working with ctjs and tried nuking discord.gg/luaq multiple times but failed hardly
giving away bot tokens like they are fresh are and is a little autism boy