

R̳E̳A̳S̳O̳N̳ F̳O̳R̳ T̳H̳E̳ D̳O̳X̳:

The Faggot starts drama then blames others for his mistakes, not to mention he goes around trying to ERP with everyone he meets even underage people, he also uses a "pregnant loli" Avatar in VRC,
(Yes I know disgusting) trying to get a reaction out of it, he also dose drugs and lots of them, to label a few, Meth, Heroine, Weed, Pills, ETC, when he starts drama he will then blame everyone
else for the shit he started, yelling at them for no reason and crying about his shit for sometimes hours or even weeks on end to those around him trying to make them side with him when he was 
clearly in the wrong, also he never asks a persons age before trying to ERP with them, in-fact ERP is the 1st thing Yui will try to do with others before trying to talk to them like a normal person
Yui6267 AKA Ben Clarkson is a dirty fucking Pedophile as he never asks anyones age before he will try to ERP with them, he also has massive amounts of ERP avatars most of with are like that
"Present Loli" avatar witch is disgusting to say the least, also He has and always will chose drugs over people so there you have it the reason for this Dox, GET FUCKED YUI!!!

YUI6267 Dox.....


Name: Ben Clarkson

Age: 30

Date Of birth: April 9th 1991

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ben.clarkson.6267
High School he went to, Eltham High School https://www.elthamhs.vic.edu.au/

Yui's email: benclarkson333@gmail.com

Possible locations of residence:  29 Chantenay Pde Cranbourne North VIC 3977 , Apt 41 63 Dorcas St South Melbourne VIC 3205, Un 5 13 Payne Pl South Morang VIC 3752

Possible phone numbers:  (03) 9095 3985,  (03) 5991 7942, (03) 9436 4039

His VRC link: https://vrchat.com/home/user/usr_050944d4-217d-4446-997a-0b9b4f0b0307

His steam link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198122959025

A pic of his text on a form: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904977677532954674/905148508586270760/Screen_Shot_2021-11-02_at_1.36.53_PM.png

A pic of him saying hes untouchable: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/872604461317644388/905117900677984266/Screen_Shot_2021-11-02_at_11.35.17_AM.png

An MP3 audio recording of Yui: https://mp3.to/downloads/93d6b32a5e764b77a,

Vrchat name: YUI6267

Discord: yui6267#6267

Video of Yui crying about shit he caused himself: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iu7mg99qb0v2qwo/YUI6267.mp4/file

Yui's Crasher Unity Package: https://www.mediafire.com/file/3bf9al4q1d8m8qv/Yui%2527s_public_crasher.unitypackage/file

Pic of him: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/904184696307597333/904184963275034634/Pic_of_yui.png

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Credit to those that helped me with this: Kermit The Frog, Exploit.EXE, Kanna Kobayashi (myself for posting what I got given), and some others that helped hear and there,