Faggot in VRChat


Femboy in VRChat that goes by the name of Alma

I think theyre trans but im not sure either way theyre still a faggot

Most toxic piece of shit in VRChat
Said I was harmless and couldnt do shit, well here you go
Loves to fuck older people to try and catch them being a "pedo"
Wannabe old gen
Go kill yourself faggot

basic online shit-

VRChat names Almq (main) , (bots/alts) daddybrucecli, Alma ., IGuzzleCum, KillerMunchen, BunnyAbyss, LoveGuzzlingCum, CumGuzzIe, AlmaLovesHero, AlmaPegsTenper
Discord Alma#0001


name: Felix Wills

Age/DOB: 17 Nov 12th 2004

address: 22 Roxburgh St Timaru

face: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/978549979289374790/1010113975796645988/Snapchat-117643423.png

Height: 5"2 157 cm
