											  ┃→ 0x01 | Introduction...........................┃
											  ┃→ 0x02 | Personal Information...................┃
											  ┃→ 0x03 | Social Media...........................┃
											  ┃→ 0x04 | Extra Information......................┃


    ✞ 0x01 » INTRODUCTION ✞

     Mr Littli, you have been prosecuted because you fucking deserve it, these are your fucking reasons: 													
    ✞ Egotistical MCC Faggot																																																																													
    ✞ Pedophile																										
    ✞ Harmless

    ✞ 0x02 » PERSONAL INFORMATION ✞																							        
    ✗ Alias                                   																							
       > VeeKay
       > VKJ
       > Kjarrilittli																											
    ✗ Full Details              																								 
	> Full Name:  Kjarri Littli																								
	> Pictures »  https://gyazo.com/650efe5399617b438427b8a07b3d6570																																															
	> Age: 20																																																																												
	> Lives:  Varmland, Sweden 																																																														
    ✗ Phone #'s																										
	> +46-793330132																											 
    ✗ Email(s)																											

        > kjarrilittli7@gmail.com 																																																	
    ✗ IP Addresses																										
    ✗ IP Information																										
        > IP Information
        > IP Address: 
        > ISP: AS12552 IP-Only Networks AB
        > Hostname: IP-Only Networks AB
        > VPN: Not Detected as a VPN	

           > Area Code: +46
           > Zip: 650 01
           > City: Karlstad
           > Region: Värmland
           > Country:  Sweden
           > Continent: Europe																									
   ✞ 0x03 » SOCIAL MEDIA ✞																								
    ✗ Discord																										
	> VKj#0421																									
    ✗ NameMC																											
	> https://namemc.com/profile/VKj.3																					
    ✗ Twitter																											    
	> https://twitter.com/kjarrilittli																							    
    ✗ Facebook																											    
	> https://www.facebook.com/kjarri.littli																			

   ✞ 0x04 » EXTRA INFORMATION ✞																								    
All done! :D
Stop being a pedo
Screenshots of him being a pedo
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