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║ Reason of dox: Literal scammer, banned from multiple servers scammed a friend of mine  ║
and also romanian which is a good reason to dox him he has also scammed me which is pretty
║  shitty                                                                                ║ 

║                       Basic Information                  ║

║ Alias: Vivi                                              ║
║ Full Name: Andrei Becheru                                ║
║ Age: 15                                                  ║
║ Year: 2006                                               ║
║ Phone Number: +40 0770 190 858                           ║
║ City: Piejelgava Platone                                 ║_ _ _ _
║ Address : Romania, Bucharest, Sector nr 1 , Drumul Sarmas nr 16 ║
║                                                          ║
║ School:  Ion Caragiale                                   ║
║ Gender: Male                                             ║
║ Race : black                                             _______________________________________________________________________________________________
║ Pic (dumped From Discord) : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/898307064911249459/902973780832432128/43DB8F3C-9506-4B0B-BAED-75E44F9AF23D.png      ║                                           
║                       Family & Friends                   ║
║              Father (looks like a  drug addict)          ║
║ Father: Bogdan Becheru                                    ║___________________________________________
║ Father's Id: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/881135614928486440/903985278513971200/image0.jpg |
║              Brother                                     ║

║ Name: Roby Becheru                                       ║
║ Grade :10th                                              ║
║ Age: 16                                                  ║
║                       Passwords & emails                 ║
║ Website: Eternitypr.net                                                                  ║
║ Username 1: viviNAB                                                                      ║
║ password 1: caragiale                                                                    ║    
║ User 2: vivic0ck                                                                         ║
║ Password 2: becheras123A!@#                                                              ║ 
║ Application: Growtopia                                                                   ║
║ Username: vivixveb                                                                       ║     
║ Password: back123A!@#                                                                    ║
║ Website Name: Google                                                                     ║
║ User 1: vvoliyt@gmail.com                                                                ║        
║ Password 1: vivoli123A!@#/becheru123A!@#                                                 ║
║Google account with 3 channels that are 1-3k subs^                                        ║

 __  __                                      __                    ___                            
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    \/_/\/_/\/____/\/____/ \ \ \/      \/___/   \/__/\/____/\/__/\/_/\/____/ \/_/\/_/\/_/\/___L\ \
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 _ __   ___     ___ ___      __      ___ /\_\     __      ___                                     
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  \/_/ \/___/  \/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/\/_/\/_/\/_/                                 

PS:  my penis is massive - raizen