Stole money from me
Lied to me
says "he can redroom/swat ect people" 
fucked with the homies and ruined relationships
Hes actually harmless sent him his dox and 
he just blocked me
Name: Tony Bryton
Number: (321) 507-0126
Discord: Unknown11#9470
Alias Unknown1 Unknown11 Akgang
Name: Patricia Anne Stuhl
Age: 40s
Full Address: 4306 Logan Cir Granbury TX 76049-3406
Address: 4306 Logan Cir
City: Granbury
State: Texas
Street: Logan Cir
Zip code: 76049-3406
Type: Single Family
Year Built: 013
Heating: No Data
Cooling: No Data
Parking: Attached Garage
HOA: $20/month
Lot: 0.31 acres
Cost: $312,504
Rent: $2,295 /mo
Square feet: 2552
Full Address: 2148 S Howard St Philadelphia PA 19148-3334
Address: 2148 S Howard St
City: Philadelphia
State: Pennsylvania 
Street: Howard St
Zip code: 19148-3334
Type: Single Family
Year built: 1950
Heating: Forced air
Cooling: Wall
Parking: No Data
Lot: 1,999 sqft
Price/sqft: $154
Name: Griffith Bryton
Full Address: 4306 Logan Cir Granbury TX 76049-3406
Address: 4306 Logan Cir
City: Granbury
State: Texas
Street: Logan Cir
Zip code: 76049-3406
Type: Single Family
Year Built: 013
Heating: No Data
Cooling: No Data
Parking: Attached Garage
HOA: $20/month
Lot: 0.31 acres
Cost: $312,504
Rent: $2,295 /mo
Square feet: 2552
Full Address: 279 Ocean View Ln Indialantic FL 32903-2311
Address: 279 Ocean View Ln
City: Indialantic
State: 	Flordia
Street: Ocean View
Zip code: 32903-2311
Bedrooms: 2
Bathrooms: 2 
Square feet: 1182
Name: Bryton Richard Griffith
Age: 30s
Full Address: 4306 Logan Cir Granbury TX 76049-3406
Address: 4306 Logan Cir
City: Granbury
State: Texas
Street: Logan Cir
Zip code: 76049-3406
Type: Single Family
Year Built: 013
Heating: No Data
Cooling: No Data
Parking: Attached Garage
HOA: $20/month
Lot: 0.31 acres
Cost: $312,504
Rent: $2,295 /mo
Square feet: 2552
PSC 80 Box 17346 APO AP 96367-0076
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