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| Field                       | Information                                               |
| Name                        | Claudia Rodrigues Andreus Gama                            |
| Date of Birth               | 11/30/1965                                                |
| CPF                         | 080.430.778-43                                            |
| Status                      | Regular                                                   |
| CNS                         | 7070058982124436                                          |
| Race/Color                  | White                                                     |
| Mother's Name               | Rosalina Rodrigues Andreus                                |
| Mother's CPF                | 970.213.268-15                                            |
| Father's Name               | Matheus Andreus Gama                                      |
| Father's CPF                | 167.484.258-91                                            |
| CSB8 Score                  | 518                                                       |
| CSB8 Score Range            | Low                                                       |
| CSBA Score                  | 242                                                       |
| CSBA Score Range            | High                                                      |
| Purchasing Power            | 4                                                         |
| Purchasing Power Income     | Medium                                                    |
| Purchasing Power Range      | From R$1,630.00 to R$4,082.00                             |
| Income/Salary               | R$3,434.00                                                |
| Profession                  | Portuguese Language Teacher                               |
| Education Level             | College Graduate                                          |
| Emails                      | claudia.rodrigue@hotmail.com                              |
|                             | claudiacrazyteacher@hotmail.com                           |
| Addresses                   | Presidente Vargas, 1190, NULL, Dracena, SP, 11900000      |
|                             | Presidente Vargas, 1190, ND, Dracena, SP, 11900000        |
|                             | Jose Bonifacio, SN, Centro, Dracena, SP, 17900000         |
| Phones                      | +55 18 98169-9320                                         |
|                             | +55 18 98800-9362                                         |
|                             | +55 18 98824-6140                                         |
|                             | +55 18 38216-155                                          |
|                             | +55 18 99787-8175                                         |
|                             | +55 18 38211-969                                          |
|                             | +55 18 99662-9544                                         |
| Income Tax                  |                                                           |
| Bank Institution            | Bank of Brazil                                            |
| Agency Code                 | 6749                                                      |
| Lot                         | 7                                                         |
| Federal Revenue Status      | Credited (Your tax return is with the IRS.)               |

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