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|	Name: Łukasz Szybka															  	|
|	Number: 731 222 309															  	|
|	Discord: Ulani#1045															  	|
|	Address: Marii Bolesława Wysłouchów 55/14 Kraków, Poland										  	|
|	Origin: White																  	|
|       FB: https://www.facebook.com/kamil.zielinski.503645											  	|
|	Photos of him: https://anonfiles.com/A2x4EbL3y1/aaaaa_png										  	|
|	His Yt: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheUlani												  	|
|	IG: https://www.instagram.com/ulanitoja/												  	|
|	Information: Łukasz Szybka (A.K.A. Ulani) is a two faced man who seeks attention using handicapped people on the Internet.			|
|		     Together with his friends, he oppresses Dawid Wójcik, who runs a YouTube channel called Dawid Jasper.				|
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|   Additional Informations														 	  	|
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|	Sister: Sylwia Szybka															  	|
|	Her Fb: hhttps://www.facebook.com/sylwia.szybka.3											  	|
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   Doxed By Lostpuppy and Marchewka