bubbles ina cut, making my normal stop in, hey doxbin!
                         :kko,           .;,                                                                                                
                         'oxkOo'         :Od.                                                                                               
                         .clodkOo'      ,x0O,                                                                                               
                         .cllooxOkc.   .lx00c                                                                                               
              .          .cllooodxkd. .codkKl                                                                                               
             .;;,''...   .clooododdxo;cooox0l    .''                                                                                        
               .,clllloollllolc:::cloooodddxocldk0o.  young rich nigga, thats for life !!                                                                             
            ..';:cllllll:,loododXWWWWWWWNdoXWWWWWWMk.                                           .;.                                         
                 ..';cll;;loddoo0WWW0xKMXdlONWMKkXX:                                            'd;                                         
                  ..,clc;:oodddookKXKO00dodookK0ko'            .;.                              'dc         tg: yytrbubbles                                
               ..;cllllc,;oodddddoddddoooddxcokdol;.           .d:                              .dl.        dc: bubbles10125                                
              .;llllll:;:coodddooooooodddookolkklc,.           .dl.                        ...,:cdxdd,      bubbles owns you.                   
                .,:co:,cxxdooddolllodddddoodoxK0;              'dl.                       ;ooc:lddx0Xl                                      
                   .,;';dkxoooccloldkxddddoldO0xll:.        .;,;do;,.                     ,l:cddddx0O,                                      
                    'c:;;:looclxo,.',codxxdolc,..:Oc       .lxxddddxd;,.                   .:oddddOO;                                       
                   .,,,;;';olcdd'.......''.......ck;       'cldddddddk0x.                   :dddxOO;                                        
                       .:;':llod:..............,ll'       ;ooloddddddOKO;                   :ddx0k,                                         
                      .','..:olool:;,'....,;:lol,         'loodddddddOKd.                  .cxO0d.                                          
                            .,coooooolllxO0Oo;.            .;lddddddOd:.                 .;coO0o.                                           
                              .';;:llloolc;.                 .,oddxOo.                  .lkxdoc,'....                                       
                           ....;::;:lo;..                     'odxOo.                ..'okkkkkxkd;',,,'...                                  
                    .;ccllloxxc;:::collxxxdol:'.            .;cox0o.              ....;dkkkkk0Kx,..'',;;,,'.                                
                   .lxxxkxox0xllc:;;;,lkkO0KKXKOo,.        .lkdodo,.            .....:xkkkkOKKl.......',,;;,.                               
                   ;dxxkOKOkdcoodoolc;okkkkkkkO0KKOo;.    .lkkkkkkl.          ......lkkkkk0XO:',,;:::c:;,''',.                              
                  'odxkkkKNXklcldoll;;dOkxkkkkkkkkOKKOd;..:kkkk0Xx.          .....'okkkkkKXd;coodooddxkOOxo:,.                              
                 .:dxxddxkOKNXOoccll,:x0kdkkOxodxkkkkO0O::xkkkKXd.          .....,dkkkkOXKl;ldoodoodoooodk00kl'                             
                 'odxdcldoxkO0XN0o:;,lkOKxd0O;..,:oxkkx::xkkOKXo.          .....;xkkkk0XOc;lllcccc:;:looooollol:;'.                         
                .:dddllKXkoloxk0XX0d:lxOXOo0o     .':l::xkkOXXd:;.         ....cxkkkOKXx;coooddxkOOxl:lolccldxxkO0k:.                       
                .oddodKWNWKc,coxkO0XXkooOXkl'        .;xkkOXXo:k0xl,.      ..'lkkkk0NKo;cloooooodkO00o:l::llllc:coxd,                       
                ;dddoxKWNW0c::;:oxxk0XKkdkO;         ;xkkOXXo:xkkkOkd:,.  ..'okkkOKN0c;lc:oxddddlcdkkoclcdOOO0Oxk0K0:                       
               .lddddodKNWk:ldl:,;oxkkO00Ox;        ;xkkOXXc.;oxkkkkkkkko;.'dkkkOXNO::lolcdXNWWWXKNWKdloloONWWMMWWKo.                       
               'odddddodKNd:ooooo:,;oxxkkO0k:.     :xkk0NK:   .';lxxkkkkkkxodkk0NNd;cooooolok0KXXK0kolooooloxkO00O:                         
               :ddddddloKKlcooooooc.':lxkkkOOkc. .cxkk0N0;       ..;ldxxkkkkkk0NKl;clooooooolloooolloooooldlcoxO0k,                
              .lddddllkKW0ccooooll:,co;:oxkkkkOxllkkkKNk'            .',cdxk0XN0c:llllooooooooooooooooooolllldO00l.                         
              'oddolxKNNNx:loooool;,okxl:coxxkkkOOkOKXd.                 .':dxd:cdxollllooooooooooooooooooodox0Kx.                          
              ;dddcdXNNNXo:oooooll;,oOkkOx:;oxkkkkOXKl.                       .':oxdcclllloooooooooolcc:::cclkKd.                           
             .ldddll0NNN0ccoooooll;,dOkkX0, .;okO0N0:                            ...;cccllloooooooollcccccclxkl.                            
             .oddddcdXNNk:loooooll;,dkk0K:    .;okd'                                .';clllllooooooooooodxOko'                  ,,          
             ,ddxddlc0WXo:ooooooll;,dkOKo.                                             .,;:clllllloodxxxxoc'                   .c;          
            .:ddxxddcxN0ccooooooll;;dk0Oc.                                              .';:;;;;;:::clloodkd;                  'l,          
            .lddxxddloXx:looooooll,;xOOkl.                                             'cooolllcccccllokKXX0xl'           .'',:cdd;         
            'oddxxxdodOo:oooooooll,;xOk0l                                             'coloooooddddddddx0X0doxk:         .;:;:loxOc         
            ,ddxxxxdddocloooooooll,;xk0Xc                                             ;lllooooooddddddddxOolooO0o.        .;clldxl.         
           .:ddxxxxddxl:oooooooolc,;dkXX;                                             ,lllooooooddddddocol:olcdk0x.       .;lood:.          
           .cddxxxxdxd:coooooooolc,;xONK,                                             .cololoooodddddoc:ldooodlok0k'      .cldo'            
           .ldxxxxxxkl:oooooooooll,;x0N0,                                             .;ollldxclddddo::ccooodOdldx0k,     'lxd'             
           'odxxxxxkd:coooooooolll,;xONO'                                              .cllldOocodddd:;cloooxkllddx0k,   .cdd'              
           ;ddxxxxxkc:ooooooooolll,;xONO.                                              .;llloOOlcddddo;;lodxd,;dddooo'  .:od,               
           :ddxxxdOd:looooooooooll,;dONO.                                               .colodxc;odolc:coddoo'.;llcdd' .:ox:                
          .cddxxxxOc;ccccccccc:;,,.,dOXO.                                               .,lc::odccoc::loxdckO,  .;lokl.:oxl.                
          .lddxxdkd......':ccc;... .dOX0'                                               .,,;:coxd::clodkocdX0'   .;lolclxx'                 
          'oddxxxOc      .clcc;.   .oOXK,                                               'c:;:ccodlcookklcoOX0,    .:lloxk:                  
          ,dddxdkk,.......''''......lOXX:                                               'llc,:llloodOxclddOXK;     .;dkOc.                  
          ;ddxxxOd'.''''''''''''....:kXNl                                               ,lll:;coodkxlcodddOXKc      .;l,                    
          ;dddxx0l.'''''''''....'...;kKWd                                               ;llloc:ldolcldddddOXXo                              
          ;ddxxk0c.'''..     ...'...,xKWx.                                             .;llloolcccldddddddOKXd.                             
         .:ddxdOO:.',;.       .'''..'d0Nk.                                             .;lllllooooooddddddkKXx.                             
⛧ 				Disclaimer
⛧ Due to the simple nature that this individual is not a pedophile
⛧or consistent of any behavior I deem as "highly" dangerous, other than being a cringe wannabe extorter,
⛧I will be withholding the following information:
⛧ ➤ Social Security Number (SSN)
⛧ ➤ Parent's passwords
⛧ ➤ Credit card informations
⛧ ➤ Girlfriend's address/emails/passwords
⛧ ➤ Network details 
⛧ ➤ License #/Plates/Car Model (Zzz)
⛧ ➤ Associates section
⛧ ➤ Cringe Property Details (3 beds, 2 baths, 2 acres...Zzz)
⛧ ➤ Criminal Records (Infractions/Misd/etc)

$$  __$$\                                                   
$$ |  $$ | $$$$$$\   $$$$$$\   $$$$$$$\  $$$$$$\  $$$$$$$\  
$$$$$$$  |$$  __$$\  \____$$\ $$  _____|$$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ 
$$  __$$< $$$$$$$$ | $$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$\  $$ /  $$ |$$ |  $$ |
$$ |  $$ |$$   ____|$$  __$$ | \____$$\ $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |
$$ |  $$ |\$$$$$$$\ \$$$$$$$ |$$$$$$$  |\$$$$$$  |$$ |  $$ |
\__|  \__| \_______| \_______|\_______/  \______/ \__|  \__|
➤ Master Larp
➤ Desperate to make it in the community (he got ratted) 
➤ Cringe (talks about extortion and corny shit all day) 
➤ Bubbles will forever own you.

 $$$$$$\                                                   $$\ 
$$  __$$\                                                  $$ |
$$ /  \__| $$$$$$\  $$$$$$$\   $$$$$$\   $$$$$$\  $$$$$$\  $$ |
$$ |$$$$\ $$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ \____$$\ $$ |
$$ |\_$$ |$$$$$$$$ |$$ |  $$ |$$$$$$$$ |$$ |  \__|$$$$$$$ |$$ |
$$ |  $$ |$$   ____|$$ |  $$ |$$   ____|$$ |     $$  __$$ |$$ |
\$$$$$$  |\$$$$$$$\ $$ |  $$ |\$$$$$$$\ $$ |     \$$$$$$$ |$$ |
 \______/  \_______|\__|  \__| \_______|\__|      \_______|\__|
 ➤ Name: Joseph Harkins
 ➤ Age: 16
 ➤ Nationality: American 
 ➤ Ethnicity: Caucasian
 ➤ Address: 1300 Yellowleaf Ln Alabaster, AL 35114
 ➤ Phone Number: +1 205 565 4207
 ➤ IP address (static):
 ➤ Relationship Status: Taken (edating for 3 years)

 $$$$$$\                      $$\           $$\           
$$  __$$\                     \__|          $$ |          
$$ /  \__| $$$$$$\   $$$$$$$\ $$\  $$$$$$\  $$ | $$$$$$$\ 
\$$$$$$\  $$  __$$\ $$  _____|$$ | \____$$\ $$ |$$  _____|
 \____$$\ $$ /  $$ |$$ /      $$ | $$$$$$$ |$$ |\$$$$$$\  
$$\   $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |      $$ |$$  __$$ |$$ | \____$$\ 
\$$$$$$  |\$$$$$$  |\$$$$$$$\ $$ |\$$$$$$$ |$$ |$$$$$$$  |
 \______/  \______/  \_______|\__| \_______|\__|\_______/ 
  ➤ xlxlxlxlxlxlxlxlxlxlxllxlllx 

  ➤ https://www.instagram.com/swattingteens (deathly cringe username & bio) 

  ➤ shade4459
  ➤ zombieforce1219
  ➤ valleriela
  ➤ Romeand123
  ➤ 901xLxcid
  ➤ lovetigger123
  ➤ lhvw
  ➤ caughtIocking
  ➤ gsxi
  ➤ stabbedplushie
  ➤ shade4459

X.com (twitter):
  ➤ DIpv612703

  ➤ spookysniping

  ➤ i beam infos
  ➤ Ukyo
$$$$$$$\                  $$\       $$\           
$$  __$$\                 $$ |      $$ |          
$$ |  $$ | $$$$$$\   $$$$$$$ | $$$$$$$ |$$\   $$\ 
$$ |  $$ | \____$$\ $$  __$$ |$$  __$$ |$$ |  $$ |
$$ |  $$ | $$$$$$$ |$$ /  $$ |$$ /  $$ |$$ |  $$ |
$$ |  $$ |$$  __$$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |
$$$$$$$  |\$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$ |
\_______/  \_______| \_______| \_______| \____$$ |
                                        $$\   $$ |
                                        \$$$$$$  |

 ➤ Name: Philip K Harkins
 ➤ DOB: Age 39, Born February 1985

 ➤ Current: 1300 Yellowleaf Ln Alabaster, AL 35114

 ➤(205) 428-7797 -  (probable landline)
 ➤(205) 475-1851    (possible mobile number) **unconfirmed**

$$\      $$\                                                 
$$$\    $$$ |                                                
$$$$\  $$$$ | $$$$$$\  $$$$$$\$$$$\  $$$$$$\$$$$\  $$\   $$\ 
$$\$$\$$ $$ |$$  __$$\ $$  _$$  _$$\ $$  _$$  _$$\ $$ |  $$ |
$$ \$$$  $$ |$$ /  $$ |$$ / $$ / $$ |$$ / $$ / $$ |$$ |  $$ |
$$ |\$  /$$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ |  $$ |
$$ | \_/ $$ |\$$$$$$  |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |\$$$$$$$ |
\__|     \__| \______/ \__| \__| \__|\__| \__| \__| \____$$ |
                                                   $$\   $$ |
                                                   \$$$$$$  |
 ➤ Name: Erica R Harkins
 ➤ DOB: Age 42, Born December 1981

 ➤ Current: 1300 Yellowleaf Ln Alabaster, AL 35114

 ➤ Current: (205) 428-7797 (probable landline)
 ➤Current (205) 475-1841 (Probable mobile phone) 

➤ alabamagirl1219@aol.com
➤ alabamagirl1219@gmail.com
➤ eminor@ameritech.net
➤ eminor1@ameritech.net

Below will be the larger part of the paste, including autofills / hashed passwords / history zzz
Hashed passwords: 
    "sUrl": "https://www.roblox.com/login",
    "sUsername": "shade4459",
    "sPassword": "Val2008@",
    "Target": null,
    "type": "Chrome"
    "sUrl": "https://accounts.spotify.com/en/login",
    "sUsername": "satanslams@gmail.com",
    "sPassword": "Des.1219@$",
    "Target": null,
    "type": "Chrome"
    "sUrl": "https://streamable.com/signup",
    "sUsername": "ljharkins69@icloud.com",
    "sPassword": "joseph1219@",
    "Target": null,
    "type": "Chrome"
    "sUrl": "https://www.dropbox.com/register",
    "sUsername": "ljharkins69@icloud.com",
    "sPassword": "Val2008@",
    "Target": null,
    "type": "Chrome"
    "sUrl": "https://us.account.battle.net/login/en/",
    "sUsername": "Xzavierwashington993@gmail.com",
    "sPassword": "Xzavier2006",
    "Target": null,
    "type": "Chrome"
    "sUrl": "https://www.roblox.com/login",
    "sUsername": "zombieforce1219",
    "sPassword": "capdip-tobXaz-1wamba",
    "Target": null,
    "type": "Chrome"
    "sUrl": "https://www.roblox.com/login",
    "sUsername": "valleriela",
    "sPassword": "203909Vl.",
    "Target": null,
    "type": "Chrome"
    "sUrl": "https://account.live.com/ResetPassword.aspx",
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    "sPassword": "grapeape1219",
    "Target": null,
    "type": "Chrome"
    "sUrl": "https://www.netflix.com/login",
    "sUsername": "Alabamagirl1219@aol.com",
    "sPassword": "John1219##",
    "Target": null,
    "type": "Chrome"
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    "sUsername": "janellandlyriaa@gmail.com",
    "sPassword": "Val2008@",
    "Target": null,
    "type": "Chrome"
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    "sUsername": "Romeand123",
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    "Target": null,
    "type": "Chrome"
    "sUrl": "https://www.roblox.com/login",
    "sUsername": "901xLxcid",
    "sPassword": "untouched-!",
    "Target": null,
    "type": "Chrome"
    "sUrl": "https://jinglesmm.com/signup",
    "sUsername": "satanprovokes",
    "sPassword": "Val2008@",
    "Target": null,
    "type": "Chrome"
    "sUrl": "https://www.roblox.com/login",
    "sUsername": "ILOVEBLACKYOSHI666",
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    "Target": null,
    "type": "Chrome"
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    "sUsername": "iiluvmygf@icloud.com",
    "sPassword": "203909Vl!",
    "Target": null,
    "type": "Chrome"
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    "sUsername": "alabamagirl1219@gmail.com",
    "sPassword": "joseph1219@",
    "Target": null,
    "type": "Chrome"
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    "sUsername": "spookysniping",
    "sPassword": "Val2008@",
    "Target": null,
    "type": "Chrome"
    "sUrl": "https://kick.com/soulsniping",
    "sUsername": "satanslams@gmail.com",
    "sPassword": "Val2008@",
    "Target": null,
    "type": "Chrome"
    "sUrl": "https://www.paypal.com/us/welcome/signup/",
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    "Target": null,
    "type": "Chrome"
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    "sPassword": "joseph1219@",
    "Target": null,
    "type": "Chrome"
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    "sUsername": "Downing IPv6",
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    "Target": null,
    "type": "Chrome"
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    "sUsername": "spookyip@outlook.com",
    "sPassword": "Des1219@",
    "Target": null,
    "type": "Chrome"
    "sUrl": "https://www.instagram.com/",
    "sUsername": "swattingteens",
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    "Target": null,
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    "Target": null,
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    "sUsername": "downing IPv6",
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    "Target": null,
    "type": "Chrome"
    "sUrl": "https://beta.octosniff.net/auth",
    "sUsername": "spookyip",
    "sPassword": "Val1219",
    "Target": null,
    "type": "Chrome"
    "sUrl": "https://discord.com/login",
    "sUsername": "valtiktok373@gmail.com",
    "sPassword": "Val2008@",
    "Target": null,
    "type": "Chrome"
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    "sUsername": "spookyip@outlook.com",
    "sPassword": "Des1219@",
    "Target": null,
    "type": "Chrome"
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    "sUsername": "fncszex@gmail.com",
    "sPassword": "Xavier4!!",
    "Target": null,
    "type": "Chrome"
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    "Target": null,
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    "Target": null,
    "type": "Chrome"
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    "sUsername": "stabbedplushie",
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    "Target": null,
    "type": "Chrome"
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    "sUsername": "satanslams@gmail.com",
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    "Target": null,
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    "Target": null,
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    "Target": null,
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    "Target": null,
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    "Target": null,
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    "Target": null,
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    "type": null
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    "type": null
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