UWUCUTESINGLE DOX (UPDATED) uwucutesingle is one of the shitiest humans alive, she scams little kids, she promotes gambling and then uses starving kids in africa as an excuse to get her out of the drama Ladies and gentlemen, with the help of Soulless V2's dox and my in depth search about her, I present to you UWUFATHERLESSCRINGLE'S DOX!!! This dox is not that good since I cant get the juicy stuff legaly ***-PERSONAL INFO-*** -Full Name: Aruzhan Tleubergenova -Nationality: Kazakh -Location: Almaty, Kazakhstan -Neighborhood: Microdistrict 29, Almaty, Kazakhstan -Relationships: Yes -She Dates "Maxim Labrin" -Phone Number: +7-327-XX65 (Estimation, may be wrong) -Address: N/A -Birthday: 2006/09/05 (September 5, 2006) -Age: 17 -Social usernames: uwucutesingle, aruntik, aruzhan, aruzhkha -Race: Asian -Pronouns: She/Her -Nationality: Kazakh -Sister/Brothers: Yes (2 sisters) -Religion: Muslim -Birth Place: Aktobe, Kazakhstan ***-INFO ABOUT HER BF-*** -Full Name: Maxim Labrin -Age: N/A (somewhere over 18) -Location: Russia -Job: Investor ***-TARGET'S EMAILS-*** Emails: -BusinesUWUsingle@gmail.com pfp: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSqgqhOzFxALloTkhPGa5t2FPvEVc-BMFy1t54f_Wrbmw&s -uwucutesingle@gmail.com pfp: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/f3/32/29/f33229697bfe32c63465f7a069f4dcfd.jpg ************-TARGET'S PARENTS-************ ***-FATHER'S INFO-*** -Full Name: Kamshat Tleubergenova -Location: Microdistrict 29, Almaty, Kazakhstan -Known relatives: Aruzhan Tleubergenova (uwucutesingle) Turganov Nurzhan(uwucutesingle's mom) -Age: 35-45 ***-MOM INFO-*** -Full Name: Turganov Nurzhan -Location: Aktau, Kazakhstan 130000 -Possible Age : 30-40 -Birth Place: 06-330 Chorzele, Poland -Education: Yessenov university(no longer studies there) -Address: 32 мкр, Aktau 130000, Kazakhstan -Phone Number: +7 7292 78 87 88 -Married Since: August 17, 2015 -Location History: -Visited Mangguistau, Aktau, Kazakhstan on November 26, 2012 -Aktau, Kazakhstan on March 7, 2013 -06-330 Chorzele, Poland on August 19, 2019 -Jobs: -Job Info: N/A -Job Location: Aktau, Kazakstan Irl appearance:-https://scontent-lcy1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.18169-9/10945619_848631508516181_6194466491725779913_n.jpg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=zvVo7iALodoAX8Egwbq&_nc_ht=scontent-lcy1-1.xx&oh=00_AfDkFfhtNALhteKdd-rSDGTjLFuhYAW63ankT-G8JCyp9w&oe=6547C330 -https://scontent-lcy1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.18172-8/10915022_848629971849668_3702735234757372325_o.jpg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=7a1959&_nc_ohc=Qr2Z1weKDe0AX_t1Mjl&_nc_ht=scontent-lcy1-1.xx&oh=00_AfABLtGi4nIMJuG0LJjzHE-uCJ1Tf02XczOYViuDXepo-w&oe=6547BBAD ***-FATHER'S EDUCATION-*** -School: Bishkek, Pervomaisky district (no longer studies there) -Address: st. Kulieva 187a -Phones: - +(996 312)340695 - +(996 772)276059 -Other School: Kolledzh Agu (no longer studies there) -Other School's Address: ул. Софьи Перовской, 96, корпус З (учебный корпус № 8, 1 Etazh, Astrakhan, Astrakhan Oblast, Russia, 414004) -Phone Number: +7 851 224-68-11 ***-ACCOUNTS OF THE TARGET-*** -Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@uwucutesingle -Roblox: roblox.com/users/4264647053/profile -Tiktok: tiktok.com/@uwucutesingle -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/uwucutesingle/ -Twitter: https://twitter.com/uwucutesingle -2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@aruntikk/community -Discord: User ID: 948206335474958336 Username: aruntik#0 Badges: None Created: Tue, 01 Mar 2022 13:13:27 UTC Banner Color: #0 Profile Picture (Discord) https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/948206335474958336/130f3ea1da0688d2f1f77d3c8abc6a2f.png?size=1024