Roskilde Denmark, Region Zealand                                                                                  ,______________________________________       

Possible Nationality: Turkish

Possible full name: azra inanc??? lol her first name is literally virgin

Sex: F

Age: 15

Mental State: Depressed, Socially inept, Social rejection, Social anxiety.

                            _                 |    |
                           | `-._             |    |
         __________________|_____`._______    /    /____________________________.-.____________
     __.`-------------------____----------`--/`._.`-----|                        o|            |Yaeli R.  Netanya Israel Female.
    ||                     (____)            |          | ======================  |____________|15. socially inept, socially rejected, social anxiety, severely depressed
    ||_______________________________________|__________| ======================  |
    '-._o       KILL YOURSELF                   o____(_)_____________| ============= ____..o---'
        `.           __0-------''-`          `---..--._(|_o______.-----`      `.O.`
          )     o  .' //       ||                                            __//__
         /        (   \\       ||                                           `------`
        /          \___________//                                            |     |
       /         __/-----------`                                             |     |
    _./         (                                                            /     /
_.-`             )                   Fucked up..                            /     /
\\              (                                                          /     /
 \\     _ o      )                                                       _/     /
  \\_.-`        ( _                                                  _.-`   _.-` One more, here we go. a little simp that can go kill himself
   (_____________)O)                                             _.-`   _.-`
                __\\__                                       _.-`   _.-`
               `------`.                                 _.-`   _.-`               Freddy R. Davis, 13 years old, Canadian, Gay and constantly likes to suck dick for a living
                \      |                             _.-`   _.-`              
                 \      \_                       _.-`   WRENCH_THE_G0AT            u gay little stripper and ur small dick
                  `-._    `-._              __.-`   _.-`
                      `-._    `-.__.--===--`    _.-`
                          `-._   Wrench#0703\_.-`