                                                        ..--""         "-.               
                                                   ..-"""                 ".
                                               ..-""                        "            Tristan Grimsley Tristan Grimsley Tristan Grimsley Tristan Grimsley  
                                            .-"                                          Tristan Grimsley Tristan Grimsley Tristan Grimsley Tristan Grimsley
                                         .-"      ... -_
                                     .="   _..-" F   .-"-.....___-..                     T     This is for a stank wigga that looks Jeffree Star. You stank ass dick cheese wigga.                        
                                     "L_ _-'    ."  j"  .-":   /"-._ "-                  R     
                                        "      :  ."  j"  :   :    |"" ".                I     Reason for DOX: This filthy ugly ratchet 5 inch dick homophobic, racist, tourettes having, afro ball
                                  ......---------"""""""""""-:_     |   |\               S     hair, 3'11, ugly lil stank white boy uploaded a dox of 2 kids that had 0 liking in him with his ugly
                        ...---""""                             -.   f   | "              T     lil stank ONLINE GIRLFRIEND he chooses to lie to about his age when shes 16 years old and acts like a 
                ...---""       . ..----""""""""..                ".-... f  ".            A     fucking child and cries when Tristan doesn't message her in 2 seconds. "Oh hey babe i love uur dick..
         ..---"""       ..---""""""""-..--"""""""""^^::            |. "-.    .           N     mwah mwah." Ugly disgusting ratchet white pubic hair having anorexic dick sucking for money hoe. This 
     .--"           .mm::::::::::::::::::::::::::...  ""L           |x   ".                    wigga chooses to be friends with people that are fake as fuck and barely like him because all his other
   -"             mm;;;;;;;;;;XXXXXXXXXXXXX:::::::::::.. |           |x.   -             G     friends dont fw his annoying ass no more because hes a snitch, and just annoying in general and starts
 xF        -._ .mF;;;;;;XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:::::::|            |X:.  "            R     shit with his little big nose having, rat face, smell like tuna after sucking his gfs pussy headass.
j         |   j;;;;;XXX#############################::::::|            XX::::            I
|          |.#;::XXX##################################::::|            |XX:::            M     So heres some shit about him, 
|          j#::XXX#######################################::             XXX::            S     ADDRESS: 2951 Siena Heights Dr Apt 4322, Henderson, NV 89052-3885
|         .#:XXX###########################################             |XX::            L     FUll Name: Tristan Grimsley
|         #XXX##############################XX############Fl             XXX:            E     Discord: jhuuls#9088 ID: 770336289878179850
|        .XXX###################XX#######X##XXX###########Fl             lXX:            Y     Roblox: https://www.roblox.com/users/854547266/profile
 |       #XX##################XXX######XXXXXXX###########F j             lXXX                  His ugly Ass online GF: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/785654533716049950/785679038731386890/fuckingcunt.png
 |       #X#########X#X#####XXX#######XXXXXX#######XXX##F  jl            XXXX                  https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/785654533716049950/785679128925175828/uglybitch.png
 |       #X#######XX#"  V###XX#' ####XXXXXX##F"T##XXXXXX.  V   /  .    .#XXXX                  https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/785654533716049950/785679165621665812/image0.png
  |       #########"     V#XX#'  "####XXXX##.---.##XXXXXX.    /  /  / .##XXXX
  |       "######X' .--"" "V##L   #####XXX#"      "###XXXX. ."  /  / .###XXXX                 Not us knowing more than 4+ swatters, then telling some1 u finna swat them ;/// 
  |         #####X "   .m###m##L   ####XX#      m###m"###XX#   /  / .#####XXX
   |         "###X   .mF""   "y     #####     mX"   "Y#"^####X   / .######XXX
   |           "T#   #"        #     ####    X"       "F""###XX"###########XX                 Grandma: Susan Gail Grimsley
   |             L  d"     dXX  xm   "^##L mx     dXX  YL-"##XX"S""##########                 Age possible: 58
    |            xL J     Xd%    T      ""  T    XdX    L. "##XS.f |#########                 Possible random ass emails: susan.grimsley@yahoo.com 
    |             BL      X## X                  X## X      T#SS"  |#########                                             ciaragill@hotmail.com
    |              #L     X%##X                  X%##X|     j#SSS /##########                                             support@blackwidowpest.com
     |              #L  ._ TXXX-"           "-._  XXXF.-    ###SS\###########                 Possible random ass numbers: 702-797-0054
     |              ##   """""                  """"""      ##DS.\###########                                              702-481-7065
     |              TF                                      ##BBS.T#########F                                              702-558-5481
      |             #L           ---                        ###BBS.T########'                                              702-743-3610
      |            '##            ""                     jL|###BSSS.T#######                   One of her charges: Unlawful Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia | Failure To Signal | Possession Of Marijuana 1 Oz
       |          '####             ______              .:#|##WWBBBSS.T####F                   Or Less (1st Offense).
      J L        '######.            \___/            _c::#|###WWWBSSS|####                    ^ Not him telling us his Grandma was smoking weed in front of him... yikes ..
     J ;;       '########m            \_/            c:::'#|###WWWBBSS.T##"                    Not her old ass being racist 2: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/785654533716049950/785684462092156928/unknown.png
    J ;;;L      :########.:m.          _          _cf:::'.L|####WWWWSSS|#"
  .J ;;;;B      ########B....:m..             _,c%%%:::'...L####WWWBBSSj                       Not this wigga saying this: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/785582664601698344/785681299415367680/unknown.png
 x  ;;;;dB      #######BB.......##m...___..cc%%%%%::::'....|#####WWBBDS.|                      Then making a DOX later on another ppl he had beef with.. Not to mention half the INFO wrong.
" ;;;;;ABB#     #######BB........##j%%%%%%%%%%%%%%:::'..... #####WWWWDDS|                      
.;;;;;dBBB#     #######BB.........%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%:::'...   j####WWWWWBDF
;;;;;BBB####    ######BBB.........%%%%%%%%%%%%%%:::'..     #####WWWWWWS                        FACE IMAGES: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/785654533716049950/785681695474843648/image0.png
;;;;dBBB####    ######BBB..........^%%%%%%%%%%:::"         #####WWWWWWB                                     https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/785654533716049950/785681693834084372/image0.jpg
;;;:BBB######   X#####BBB"..........."^YYYYY::"            #####WWWWWWW                                     https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/785654533716049950/785681691926200360/image0_2.jpg
;;.BB#########  X######BBB........:''                      #####WWWWWWW                                     https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/785654533716049950/785681682333696031/hotsexytristan.jpg
;;BB##########L X######BBB.......mmmm..                 ..x#####WWWWWWB.                                    https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/785654533716049950/785681686414360586/image0_1.png
;dBB########### X#######BB.....        "-._           x""  #####WWWWWWBL                                    https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/785654533716049950/785681679523774484/dfgdfgdfgd.png
;BBB###########L X######BB...              "-              ######WWWWBBBL                                   Look at this cringe ass shit: 
BBB#############. ######BBB.                                #####WWWWBBBB                                   https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/780291030796337194/785682053706285086/unknown.png
BBB############## X#####BBB                                 #####WWWWWBBB
BBB############### T#####BB                                  #####WWWBBB     :                              STOP I HATE IT STOP!!!
BB################# T###BBP                                   #####WWBB"    .#
BB##################..W##P                                      ###BBB"    .##                              This wigga is so weird bruh
BB###################..l                                         "WW"      ###                              https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/785654533716049950/785682533123096636/unknown.png
BB####################j ___                                        " l    j###
BBB##################J_-   """-..             ':::'   .-""""""""""-.  l  .####
BBB######B##########J########    "-.           ::'  -" ..mmm####mm.."-.< #####                              Not him also being a pussy when someone says they dont fw him XD  
MCL-5/7/88 BBB#####J############    "-_        :|  " .###############mmLlR####                              Not him also being a hypocrite about every single little fucking thing then being sensitive 
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB###/         #######    -.     .:| ".#####F^^^P^^"""^^^Y#lT####                              as fucking about fucking juice world memes, wigga if you cant take a joke leave the internet
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBj|####mm        ######xx-...:::|" ###f      .....      "#T###                              you roasted peanut shell.
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjj##########mm..           ":::."j##F  .mm#########mmm.. Yj###
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB|^WWWSRR############mmmmm xx """mjF.mm####################j###                              Wanna act like the shit when someone on his side then when we got his shit he begs on his knees and asks
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB|                      ######mmmmmm#######################j###                              to be friends with ppl who boutta leak his shit then becomes friends with his old friends cuz he got none.
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBY#m...   ..mmm##########PPPPP#####m..                    lj###  
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB2##############^^""     ..umF^^^Tx ^##mmmm........mmmmmmlj###                              Not this wigga also being homophobic as fuck and dating a literal bisexual girl, as well as him not paying 
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJT######^^^""     .mm##PPPF"...."m.  "^^###############lj####                              attention to his own GF, his own friend had 2 fuckin read a love paragraph from her because he didn't feel like
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB##^L         .mmm###PPP............"m..    """"^^^^^"" lj####                              reading it. Then also spreading lies to their old friends and shit to make them sound more weird & shit:
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB#####Y#mmx#########P.................."^:muuuummmmmm###^.#####                              https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/785654533716049950/785683572887388190/unknown.png -
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB#####::Y##mPPPPF^".......|.............. ""^^######^^"...#####
BBBBBBBBBBBBBB########..................F............      \     ........#####
BBBBBBBBBBBBB#########.................|..........          :       ....l#####                              Doxing doesn't do shit nor swatting, just when another wigga do it ofc they finna have 1 what else do they think
BBBBBBBBBBBB###########...............F.........             \        ..######                              *cough* You stupid ass annoying boy with 5th grade humor with shitty as friends that laugh at fortnite jokes.
BBBBBBBBBBB#############.............|........                :         dA####
BBBBBBBBBB##############.....................                           kM####                              This yo fault with yo shitty ass talking shit and making doxes cuz they dont fw u.
BBBBBBBBB################..................                             k#####
BBBBBBB##################................                               k#####                              i got more but 2 lazy 2 put it in
BBBBB#####################.............                                 t#####
BB########################............                                  "E####                              
B########################F............                           .       "####
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