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Greetings Hacker!                                                                                                                                                      
|     Welcome to the final ending of Powerofmiracles, OH I mean poweroffire; AKA Trevor Paul Dominguez							
|     From years of being a hang-around and never accomplishing anything in his entire internet existence other than jacking his cock for 12 followers and searching
|     for neighborhood cats to torture or outright kill. pretending to be a healer and philanthropic do-gooder this demon-summoning luciferin sociopath is a threat to 
|     anyone unfortunate enough to get close to him.	 
|  	~Pretending to have any sort of computer skills to assert dominance 	 
| 	~Using the fact he's been a police informant for many years to blackmail, silence, and intimidate any one who may expose him.
|	~Threatening to murder me {and several others for that matter}; like he has the spine or actual ability to do so  				 
|	~False claiming credit for the misfortunes of his enemies   
|	~Claiming to be undoxable; above being held accountable, and with a straight face claiming the title of 'omnipotent' 			 
|	~Extorted the poor fool unwise enough to follow him around into doing things that he found morally reprehensible  			     
|	~Has openly boasted to snitching/informing on people who gave him food,shelter,and knowlege. He brags "and I'll do it again."	 			       
A cute list of things Trevor has claimed to do/know; which is all false and upon questioning, folds like a cheap suit:                                                                                                                                                                         
|	~Claims to have been honorarily inducted into the Free-masons where he is a leader in the lodge.                                            
|	~Claims to have cured multiple diseases including Ulcerative Colitis, Diabetes, HIV, Herpes, Multiple Sclerosis & PTSD and any other psychiatric disorder 
|	 (apparently all of them)
|	~Claims to be a 'psychic','clairvoyant','omnipotent' agent of God sent to bring the world into the its new order.                                                                
|	~Claims that if he had been alive during WWII that Hitler would have succeeded in "ridding the world of those filthy rats"                                                                             
|	~Claims to have no ill intention or motive but has on multiple occasions abducted neighborhood cats and tortured them over several days. Some of the methods of 
|	this torture included throwing one into a ceiling fan on high and putting another into a running clothes dryer.                                                                                                      
|	~Claims to be a holy avatar of the Divine Almighty but has a computer full of pubescent boys being sodomized on video.                                                                      
|	~Claims to be a genius and has an invention that if built would save the planet from global warming.                                             
|	~Claims to own a non-profit organization that acts as advocates for those tranistioning out of prison, when in actuality he has on MULTIPLE occasions called 
|	the police on his enemies for the express purpose of having them incarcerated.                                                                  
|	~Claims to have been in a maximum-security prison for 4 years for committing cyber related crime; but after further investigation, he was arrested              |	
|       for meth possession (3 yrs probation)		
|▫_____ Personal Info [] _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________*0x10-[] |
|  »    Legal Name:       Trevor Paul Dominguez	                                                         ___                                                           |
|  »    Date Of Birth:    August 16th 1993 (Age 28 // 08/16/1993)                                       (__ `-._                _____                                  |
|  »    SSN:              XXX-XX-3271 (Issued: TX)                                                           `-._ `-._          .'     `.                              |
|  »    Ethnicity:        Trailer Trash Caucasian                                                                 `-._ `-._     .=========.                            |
|  »    Education:        Dropped out //Garland High Schoool (Class of 15')                                          `._ /`-..-          .                             |
|                                                                                                                       `-._     #vv3    .                             |
|  »    Mobile Number:    +1 (469) 815-4369 (Current Google Fi)                                   	                    `-.._______.'			       |
|			 							                          the mythical vv3 meth pipe...		                       |
|  																				       |
|  »    Home Address:   712 Belmont Dr Garland,TX 75040 *(Updated/100% accurate)*									               |
|																		                       |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
|▫____ Arrest Record[] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________*0x14-[
|   			**https://texas.arrests.org/Arrests/Trevor_Dominguez_40985633/
|▫____ Alias[]_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________*0x14-[
|			**Alias:Trevor Power, Powerofmiracles, poweroffire
|▫____ Social Mesdias[] _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________*0x14-[
|			######Twitter########
|				**@powerofmiracles  
|			######Facebook#######
|				**https://www.facebook.com/trevor.dominguez.790                                                                                                                                      
|				**https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100095076154079
|			######TikTok#########
|				**@powerofmiracles
|			######Instagram######
|				**powerofmiracles
|			######OnlyFans#######
|				**https://onlyfans.com/poweroffire
|			######Snapchat#######
|				**t_pow3421
|				**poweroffire816                            
|				**trevorpower                                                                                                                         
|▫____ Conclusion[]-----_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________*0x14-[
|	This inbred white trash kiddie porn lover is the quintessence of why sites like this exist. Our world is imperfect and it seems that more and more the |	
|       wicked prosper. Let us fill the gaps in our systems of governance and justice, a grassroots militia in the service of karma and just deserts. Perhaps we can  
|	working together let this human dumpster fire feel a fraction of the pain, injury, and scarring that he has inflicted upon others.  !# - bl33d1ng3dg3 - #!   