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|              trevor1317 - Dox by Zooted                |
|  Reason  |
He hates his mother and constantly hits her
I have seen on multiple occasions his mother saying that she 
Is to stressed out to deal with him.
He also steals money from his grandparents because he is an addict.
He has also sent <C.P> in lots of discord servers.
Lied about being insane to justify his autism.
Lied about ratting people, always making autistic excuses.
Accuses Lil Skeet Skeet of every bad thing he does

|  Info  |
Name: Trevor Allen Pearson
Address: 237 sneads mill road Rockingham NC
Phone: (910) 895-3743
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6IhZFtyjsCLxCy6x2ICaxw
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/1ed-wheelchairboundidiotnnretard/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/trevor1317
Age: 27

|  Images  |

|  Family  |
Name: Janice O Robson Sr
Address: same as trevors
Phone: 910-331-2407
Age: 63 (dying soon)
Voter Registration Number: 000000008946
Votes: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/907323105482006528/913431333185925131/unknown.png
Voted Democratic in 2014
Voted Republican in 2012

|  Credits |
Credit for a large percent of this dox goes to Faygo, who posted this before.

Stay posted for revisions

Kys trevor