███│░░░RIP   KIDDO███                         DROPPED                                      
██▌│░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│▐██                               ANOTHER                                    
██░└┐░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░┌┘░██                                       FUCKING                              
██░░└┐░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░┌┘░░██                                               VIRGIN                          
██▀─┘░░░░░░░▐█▌░░░░░░░└─▀██                                                                 #OPFAKES
█████░░▐█─┬┬┬┬┬┬┬─█▌░░█████                                      ↓     SCROLL   ↓
████▌░░░▀┬┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┬▀░░░▐████                                      ↓       DOWN     ↓
█████▄░░░└┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┘░░░▄█████                                      ↓      KIDDO    ↓

║*Reason For Dox: Asking several underage children for profane images of themselves to please him.       ║

║*Personal Information:            ║

Full Name: Jesus R. Manriquez
Picture: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1412818029045959&set=ecnf.100009533268392&type=3&theater
Phone Number: 773-727-8381  
Age: 21
Email 1: searchings1@gmail.com
Alias: "TrendyVidz" / Shadd
Password 1: TrendyyyVideoz664200
Password 2: EvaMyLove42015

║*Location Information:            ║

Address: 7022 W 74th Place Chicago, IL
Area Code: 773
Zip: 60638
City: Trulia 
State: Illinois
Country: USA
Continent: North America
Time Zone: Central 
IDD: +1

║*Social Media Information:        ║

Twitter Link: None
Youtube Link: None
Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/jesus.manriquez.334
Website: www.Instagram.com / www.Facebook.com
Instagram Links: https://www.instagram.com/trendyvid.s/
Google+ Name: "Jesus So Fresh"
PSN Gamertags: None
Snapchat Name: bigdaddyhadd
Skype Username: None

║*Miscellaneous:        ║

Relationship Status: Single
Sexuality: Straight  
Time Zone: Central
Phone Carrier: T-Mobile
Voicemail: Standard
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Voice (High/Deep): Deep-ish
Twitter Username: None
YouTube Username: None
Instagram Username: (@'s) @trendyvid.s
Google+ Username: "Jesus So Fresh"
Facebook Username: Jesus Manriquez 
Facebook Friends Count: 98
Twitter Follower Count: None
Google+ Follower Count: None
YouTube Subscriber Count: None
Instagram Follow Count: 158k
Phone: iPhone 6
School: Reavis Highschool
School Site: http://www.reavisd220.org/
School Phone Number: (708) 599-7200
School Address: 6034 W 77th St, Burbank, IL 60459

║*House Information:  ║

Single-Family Home
4 Bedrooms
1 full Bathroom
1,320 sqft
Lot size: 6,700 sqft
House Built in: 1941
House Worth: $169,000
Image of house: http://prntscr.com/bu9b5n

║*Dox Dropped: 7/18/16  ║

║*Doxed By: Twitter: @GDKSage / IG- @SageTheG0d                           ║

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║ -Graphics Made By Me :)		  ║
║					  ║