I am not gonna put much info and not waste my time of this tranny autistic retarded bipolar half assed bitch but here My discord: Scorched Sin#3505 Discord info: rossfederman228 (user) 772484868901961778 (User id) MTQ3NjA5MTU2NTYyNzI1NTgW.AM7h4H.hseYymnflz_KdOJu9g2X8D-rNZe (Token) 2FA: False Nitro: True Billing: False Pc info: OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home MAC: A6-97-B1-55-CD-29 HWID: 0B65C0FF-F0BE-A592-8017-805F2A4C5CB5 I really don't have the time to do this so this is all I am putting in this one