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⍟ Alias     : Hamm
⍟ Full Name : Tudosa Antonio Michele
⍟ Age       : 15
⍟ Instagram : @hygh_an7o
⍟ Location  : Girov, Piatra-Neamt, Romania === Coordonates: 46°58'31.5"N 26°28'57.6"E
⍟ Height    : 5.2* ( short a$s)
⍟ Hobbies   : Playing on his PS like a skinny weak f$ck.
⍟ Parents   : His dad working in Italy rn and His mom working in Germany, bro's alone with his grandparents? :c
⍟ Pictures  : https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1122902241213427712/1128029959743615146/20230521_191517.jpg?width=507&height=676   
⍟ + Infos   : ???????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????? ???????????????????? ???????????????? 3-4 ???????????????? ???????????????? ???? ???????????????? ???????????????? ???????? ???????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????? ????????, ???? ???????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????? ???????? ???????????????? ???????? ????????, ???????????????? ???????????????? ???????? ???? ???????????? ???????????????? ???????????? ???????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????? 
???????????? ???????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????? ???????????????? ???????? ???????????????? ???????????????? ???? G00D ????????????????????????????.

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@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@##*.          .##%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  Good luck skinny a$s shit      @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@##*.@@@@@.@@@@@@##%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
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⍟ Full Name  : Burdusel Ioana Daria
⍟ Age        : 15
⍟ Instagram  : @daria.brd_
⍟ Location   : Constanta, Romania === Coordonates: 44°09'57.2"N 28°29'06.4"E
⍟ Height     : 4.9*
⍟ Pictures   : https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1122902241213427712/1128033737611952290/20230710_214038.jpg?width=507&height=676
⍟ + Infos    : Here's some nice and interesting picture, I don't mind share it to you guys cause she's a shitty person, Good luck with him and vice versa. Also, you can text her on instagram, in a week, 
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥  I guarantee that she'll send to you guys a ass or a titty pic, don't worry, she can speak english. ♥