Just wanna give a quick heads up this is my first dox so any tips for the future would be appreciated like where to find more info etc

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Reason for dox: Toxic, Larper, Threatening to swat people for no reason, Poor, Ugly and just simply annoying individual. 
Threatened me in voice chat in game and claimed he was in the com and would swat me for no reason other than I killed him in game. Then larped and claimed to be a mod on doxbin called @vv, 
He also claimed to be rich and from a successful family so I did a bit of research and concluded that he has terrible opsec because I found all this info in less than a minute. 
Will update if provided with more information.

Dylan when you mess with the best and die with the rest 😎😎

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Dylan P Loughney 
Age 33 
DOB November 1990

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Current Address (Since September 2017)
1209 Court St, Unit 4
Scranton PA 18508
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Lackawanna County
Estimated Value
Estimated Equity
Last Sale Amount
Last Sale Date
Current Address Property Details
1209 Court St, Unit 4
Scranton PA 18508
Lackawanna County
Estimated Value
Estimated Equity
Last Sale Amount
Last Sale Date
Occupancy Type
Owner Occupied
Ownership Type
Land Use
Quadruplex (4 units, any combination)
Property Class
Winton & Livy'S Addition
Lot SqFt.
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Phone Numbers
for Dylan Loughney in Scranton, PA
(570) 343-2404 (Primary Phone)
Verizon Pennsylvania Inc
First reported August 2016
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of Dylan Loughney in Scranton, PA
Alice Loughney
Age 68 (Sep 1956)
Kieran Loughney
Age 68 (Nov 1955)
Lorrie Loughney
Age 68 (Sep 1956)
Aidan Loughney
Age 24 (Jul 2000)
Catherine Loughney
Age 80 (Mar 1944)
Daniel Lombardo
Age 68 (Sep 1956)
Deborah Loughney
Age 72 (Mar 1952)
Erin Haas
Age 54 (Nov 1969)
Jesse Loughney
Age 46 (Aug 1978)
Joan Lombardo
Age 90 (Sep 1934)
Joanne Loughney
Age 60 (Nov 1963)
John Loughney
Age 74 (May 1950)
Joseph Lombardo
Age 42 (May 1982)
Joseph Lombardo
Age 69 (Jan 1955)
Joseph Lombardo
Age 95 (Aug 1929)
Joseph Lombardo
Age 69 (Jan 1955)
Joseph Loughney
Age 80 (Nov 1943)
Joseph Loughney
Age 83 (Apr 1941)
Kathleen Loughney
Age 48 (Apr 1976)
Kevin Loughney
Age 50 (Apr 1974)
Lauren Loughney
Age 24 (Jul 2000)
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PSN: Lockedknee
Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/lockedknee
Kik: https://kik.me/lockedknee
Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/lockedknee
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/lockedknee
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=653178695