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\_| \_/\___/\_____/\_____/   \_/ \_| |_/\____/  \_|   \____/|___/  \___/\____/ 
Full Name: Tomer Hai Siboni Lawton

Personal Information:
- First Name: Tomer Hai
- Last Name: Siboni Lawton
- Age: 22
- Date of Birth: 11/09/2002 (Day/Month/Year)
- Place of Birth: Eilat, Israel
- Former Residence in Eilat: Zahron 13, House 20 (Note: This address may be outdated and could still be owned by the family)
- ID: 322248287
- Mother: Yehodit Siboni
  - Date of Birth: 11/12/1960 (Day/Month/Year)
  - Place of Birth: Morocco
  - Address: Zahron 13, House 20 (Note: This address may be outdated and could still be owned by the family)
  - ID: 069965002
  - Age: 63.7
- Father: Alexander Lawton
  - Date of Birth: 06/09/1960 (Day/Month/Year)
  - Place of Birth: Canada
  - Address: Dereh Yotam 4010, House 30 (Note: This address may be outdated and could still be owned by the family)
  - Age: 64
  - ID: 310066766
- Half-Brother: Matan Siboni
  - Age: 26.2
  - Mother: Yehodit Siboni
  - Date of Birth: 12/06/1998 (Day/Month/Year)
  - Place of Birth: Eilat, Israel
  - ID: 313557498

Siblings of the Mother (Yehodit Siboni):

1. Reuben Robert Siboni
   - Age: 70.2
   - ID: 069964971
   - Date of Birth: 09/06/1954 (Day/Month/Year)
   - Location of Birth: Morocco

2. Dani Siboni
   - Age: 68.0
   - ID: 069964989
   - Date of Birth: 08/09/1956 (Day/Month/Year)
   - Location of Birth: Morocco

3. Haim Siboni
   - Age: 65.0
   - ID: 069964997
   - Date of Birth: 15/09/1960 (Day/Month/Year)
   - Location of Birth: Morocco

4. Seina Siboni
   - Age: 60.7
   - ID: 069964193
   - Date of Birth: 20/12/1963 (Day/Month/Year)
   - Location of Birth: Morocco

- Maternal Grandfather: Refael Siboni
  - Year of Birth: 1917
  - Father: Yosef
  - Mother: Yakot
  - Place of Birth: Morocco
  - ID: 069964914
- Maternal Grandmother: Masodi Siboni
  - Relation to Yehodit Siboni: Mother
  - Place of Birth: Morocco

- Paternal Grandfather: Peter Lawton
  - Relation to Alexander Lawton: Father

- Paternal Grandmother: Nora Lawton
  - Relation to Alexander Lawton: Mother