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The first part can be found here: https://doxbin.org/upload/TimothyJWeber
Checking information : https://i.gyazo.com/aae072fe0ab431db2fa3fc60a19ff482.png

You can also check part one, all the addresses in these accounts match. Up to date and accurate information, will do my best to keep this updated as much as I can.

[SOURCE: Service Financial Company - https://apps.svcfin.com/ ] 
Loan Number	Loan Type	Maturity Date	Note Amount	Payoff Balance	Past Due
1964983	STB2	04/25/2040	$20,460.00	$20,290.64	$0.00

"Camera Roll Uploads" - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/09m51h84cumbfm4/AACKsI5Aegu6bbUZyuDh11mba?dl=0
"Camera Roll Uploads by Melody" - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/uat9q8y2btheuy0/AAAFXQwcz8OWc9knAW1b4RDUa?dl=0
"Digital Banana" - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/klwz99s4ygsf1iz/AABFBkekR_3v46_bkUuU_U6Ea?dl=0
"Music" - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2fpljbj6zylweio/AAAT5_TcW1hDL8ced8WJvaWga?dl=0
"Photos" - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9py3luy8oa5tz9v/AAAG4RMKlRej8W8xq4VVI-xya?dl=0
"Videos" - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s3ei09ifbfhq0k8/AACvYeNYl86xFFOzQU214STsa?dl=0

Amazing Video of Timothy using his technical skills to fix his phone camera - https://www.dropbox.com/s/2pb5gvuyhjayw4c/David%20Patariu%20-%20IMG_0531.MOV?dl=0

-                             Accounts with cards linked that I am willing to give public access too / haven't been locked

                                                    - Formatted in "source, username, password"
            - All are checked as of this moment, I am sorry if they don't work by the time you see this, a lot of people will probably use the logins.

[Start Logins]
"https://www.honeybakedonline.com","twzenith2002@yahoo.com","CostaRica2016" - tasty honey baked goods
"https://www.fedex.com","TimothyJWeber","j_J6_-kM3!J83X." - no cards but good information

 /// This login is very special because it allows you (Timothy) to track your phone's current location. You can view Tim's locations wherever he currently is :)
                                                [ "https://my.lookout.com","timothyjweber@gmail.com","wRfeir9~" ]
"https://pay.instamed.com","timothyjweber@gmail.com","wRfeir9~" - Health care website, has card linked for his Physical Therapy for god knows what. I am genuinely curious though, I will try and find out for you guys. 
"https://www.dollarshaveclub.com","twzenith2002@yahoo.com","mypoints" - all my hairy eGods go get cleaned up for free! cards linked.
"https://www.ventrachicago.com","Weber270583","MilesMoritz101208" - some ventra banking shit with card linked
"https://my.roku.com","twzenith2002@yahoo.com","wRfeir9~" - Roku Account, all personal information and cards linked.
"https://www.mlbshop.com","twzenith2002@yahoo.com","comesatime" - MLB Official Shop - cards linked , however old outdated address linked to account xd
"https://ezbuy.chicityclerk.com","twzenith2002@yahoo.com","hNp9.Npy7HgvuFr"  - Vehicle Website

You can view the entire (public) password dump here - https://pastebin.com/k32wy8Un
Some accounts not be working because I took them or they got locked. Just filter through there are lot's of working ones. 



Some Payment Summaries: https://pastebin.com/VqZnXgyc