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Crimes committed:
Three accounts of pedophilia 
fuck knows 

|                      Table of contents                        | 
|      0x01  Introduction.............................          |
|      0x02  Personal Information.....................          |
|      0x03  Social Media Accounts....................          |
|      0x04  Family...................................          |
|      0x05  IP Information...........................          |
|      0x06  Chat Logs................................          |
|      0x07  The Speech...............................          |
|                      0x01  Introduction                       |
We invite everyone to file a report with their local police 
Station as Netherlands doesn’t have something for reporting
Pedophiles internationally. 

Timo Wolfenbüttel was previously caught of pedophilia. The same people
who caught him last time resulted allegedy his father sending him to an asylum
(allegedly for paranoia). I believe he just went to UK. (This was around 
last year time)

He was fresh out da psych ward and he was already hitting 
on underaged girls. Previously the first time he sent Brogrammer (another 
Discord user) half-naked pictures of girls with their faces photoshopped out.
He claims to be “mentally scarred” when his dad literally runs a fucking
mental health company and during my time speaking to him he DID NOT
seem to be mentally scarred he just seemed to be fucking perverted 
and he enjoyed flirting with underaged girls…

Some previous proof:
Proof.........................https://upload.vaa.red/2ugvTG#c035eaa9c6a610449d55936eb80f1201 [What a fucking horny weirdo]
Proof.........................https://upload.vaa.red/2uC7R3#c008c243615cce81b20d2766b82c5eeb [Dating underaged girls]
Proof.........................https://upload.vaa.red/M5iBT#56dfe05358bad26fa66a49875d1f4a7a [She’s 16]

How do we know this is Timo Wolfenbüttel?
Half Naked Timo...............https://upload.vaa.red/ok7vY#675c2f1963b2bda4589ee02392b09b6b 

|                  0x02  Personal Information                   |
Name..........................Timo Wolfenbuttel (Wolfenbüttel)
Address.......................Twelve Apostles 46 4005 GN, Tiel
Job...........................Microsoft System Admin
Status........................3rd Year Student
Relationship Status...........Single [eGirlfriends don't count]
                              |_wolf.4Today at 1:06 AM
                                |_Not really
                                |_Only had one relationship that lasted like 2 weeks
IP Address....................
Highschool....................KWC Culemborg [2012 - 2014]
Proof.........................https://issuu.com/weeklies/docs/150701135925-5c2a32870ef940a2812476b148cb76bf [Article mentions him on page 8-9]
Discord Server................https://discord.gg/a45GwHx [SnowSec] [You can find invite in here https://discord.gg/7Duvh66 they are not associated however]
Discord Server................https://discord.gg/GUeWRtP
Past Aliases..................Hunter [Too many to count I left this big one, goes by Wolf now (shortened version of Wolfenbuttel)]

|                  0x03  Social Media Accounts                  |

LinkedIn......................https://nl.linkedin.com/in/timo-wolffenbuttel-244263115 [Deleted]
Vcenter Login.................vcenter.cybertechitsolutions:administrator@vsphere.local:Sonymsi13!Sonymsi13!
RDP Login to nested hyper-v...vcenter.cybertechitsolutions.nl:3389
RDP User......................administrator or testuser
RDP Password..................Welkom01!
Banks with....................SNS Bank
SNS Bank......................https://forum.snsbank.nl/members/timo-wolffenbuttel-18375

|                      0x04  Family                             |
I hope you take your time to:
a) Contact his RESPONSIBLE dad. His dad chose to save face and send him to a "mental asylum". 
b) Contact his family via FaceBook.

Name..........................Anton Wolffenbuttel
Job...........................LifeCoach (levenscoach) voor Autisme, ADD en ADHD. Breathfulness Coach
KVK Number....................51837471
Btw Number....................NL001474754B88 
Work Number...................+31(0)612202527
Other Websites................https://esmy.nl/portfolio/grafisch-design,huisstijl,website/wolffenbuttel-lifecoaching/

Relative Facebook.............https://www.facebook.com/debora.wolffenbuttel
Relative Facebook.............https://www.facebook.com/daphne.wolffenbuttel
Relative Facebook.............https://www.facebook.com/selma.wolffenbuttel
Relative Facebook.............https://www.facebook.com/larissa.wolffenbuttel
Relative Facebook.............https://www.facebook.com/Sanne.datbenik
Relative Facebook.............https://www.facebook.com/fons.wolffenbuttel
Relative Facebook.............https://www.facebook.com/larissa.wolffenbuttel

|                      0x05  IP Information                     |
IP Address....................
Old Website...................cybertechitsolutions.nl

Current Site..................https://wolfscybersecurity.com/
rDNS record................... 89-41-170-162.haip.transip.net
Ports.........................443/tcp  open  ssl/http-proxy HAProxy http proxy 1.3.1 or later
                              |_http-trane-info: Problem with XML parsing of /evox/about
Ports.........................3000/tcp open  http-proxy     HAProxy http proxy 1.3.1 or later
Operating System..............Linux 2.6.18 - 2.6.22 (93%), Linux 3.2.0 (88%), MikroTik RouterOS 6.15 (Linux 3.3.5) (88%), Tomato 1.27 - 1.28 (Linux 2.4.20) (88%), Linux 3.18 (87%)

|                        0x06  Chat Logs                        |

-Chat log between Brogrammer and Alisha discussing Timo-
[11:08 AM] Brogrammer: Hey! I saw you on cybertech and I noticed you and Wolf get along
[11:08 AM] Brogrammer: we're good friends
[11:10 AM] Brogrammer: well, was good friends... that is before he started facing pedophilia charges in court
[11:11 AM] Brogrammer: is there anything you can do to help bring him to justice?
[4:07 PM] Alisha: I don’t really know and I know he is like that idfk why
[4:07 PM] Brogrammer: ikr?
[4:07 PM] Alisha: He sent me a picture of his dick
[4:08 PM] Brogrammer: really?
[4:08 PM] Alisha: Yup
[4:08 PM] Brogrammer: you got chat logs?
[4:08 PM] Brogrammer: I'm making documentation
[4:08 PM] Alisha: What does that mean
[4:08 PM] Brogrammer: basically, building a legal case
[4:08 PM] Alisha: he keeps making alts his account was disabled
[4:09 PM] Alisha: AlishaToday at 22:08

LasergunToday at 22:08
he is a bad ddue
bad dude
he is stalking me
and beign rude
please do what I hun
it will be better for you
he will do everything to break us apart
[4:09 PM] Brogrammer: the kicker is there was no "us" I assume
[4:10 PM] Alisha: Mhm
[4:11 PM] Brogrammer: anytime you have any chat logs that you wanna send over, feel free
[4:11 PM] Brogrammer: what brought you to CyberTech btw?
[4:12 PM] Alisha: Yup and he claims me to be his gf and he sent me 2k usd to buy plane tickets I paid him back and said no but he seems nice but at the same time wierd
[4:13 PM] Brogrammer: what if I told you that he's behaving the same way to 16 year old girls?
[4:13 PM] Brogrammer: other than you
[4:13 PM] Brogrammer: idk your age
[4:13 PM] Alisha: Yeah I know
[4:13 PM] Alisha: im 19
[4:14 PM] Alisha: He has good money LMAO-
[4:14 PM] Brogrammer: yeah, so you're legally of age, it's just fucked up then
[4:14 PM] Alisha: But he sent me a picture of his bed saying I will cum there etc
[4:14 PM] Brogrammer: wtf
[4:15 PM] Brogrammer: Even if you're crushing on someone that just ain't right
[4:17 PM] Alisha: I don’t even like him
[4:17 PM] Alisha: its just that he has my address that’s Kinda creepy

-Lasergun is Timo Wolfenbüttel-
[10:29 PM] Jim Jim: ye
[10:29 PM] Lasergun: I am mad as fuck
[10:29 PM] ๖ۣۜST.TheTruth༻: What?
[10:29 PM] Jim Jim: i did that
[10:29 PM] Jim Jim: jk
[10:29 PM] Jim Jim: lmao
[10:29 PM] Jim Jim: dude u need help tho?
[10:29 PM] Lasergun: yeah
[10:29 PM] Lasergun: alot of help
[10:29 PM] Jim Jim: ight
[10:30 PM] Jim Jim: hmu
[10:30 PM] ๖ۣۜST.TheTruth༻: LMao
[10:30 PM] Jim Jim: tmr tho
[10:30 PM] ๖ۣۜST.TheTruth༻: I'm still in the server
[10:30 PM] Lasergun: get all members back in
[10:30 PM] Jim Jim: ight
[10:30 PM] ๖ۣۜST.TheTruth༻: How bout I raid it?
[10:30 PM] Jim Jim: what elsowa
[10:30 PM] Lasergun: great idea
[10:30 PM] Jim Jim: same
[10:30 PM] Lasergun: just dont get banned
[10:30 PM] Jim Jim: i have a good bot
[10:30 PM] ๖ۣۜST.TheTruth༻: Lmao
[10:30 PM] Jim Jim: fot this job
[10:30 PM] ๖ۣۜST.TheTruth༻: Me too
[10:30 PM] Jim Jim: lies
[10:30 PM] Jim Jim: u r gonna make it
[10:30 PM] ๖ۣۜST.TheTruth༻: I do noob
[10:30 PM] Jim Jim: so stfu
[10:30 PM] Jim Jim: bruh
[10:30 PM] ๖ۣۜST.TheTruth༻: I have a one that's ready
[10:30 PM] Jim Jim: bruhhed
[10:30 PM] Jim Jim: ooo
[10:30 PM] ๖ۣۜST.TheTruth༻: I hate u
[10:31 PM] Jim Jim: same
[10:31 PM] Jim Jim: i hate u too
[10:31 PM] Jim Jim: (:
[10:31 PM] ๖ۣۜST.TheTruth༻: DIE
[10:31 PM] Jim Jim: ((:
[10:31 PM] Jim Jim: dude fr fr
[10:32 PM] Jim Jim: let's make another two
[10:32 PM] Jim Jim: u make one
[10:32 PM] Jim Jim: i make one
[10:32 PM] Jim Jim: so we got like 4
[10:32 PM] ๖ۣۜST.TheTruth༻: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/606652335082569733/606653770998218783/unknown-3.png

[10:32 PM] ๖ۣۜST.TheTruth༻: They shared this
[10:33 PM] ๖ۣۜST.TheTruth༻: FUCK
[10:33 PM] Lasergun: all lies
[10:33 PM] Lasergun: they are trying ot fuck me over

-Most Recent Chat Logs-


|                      0x07  The Speech                         |
What an unresponsible dad :/
Pretty sure just sent his son to UK to do fuck all except predate on children and
drink BEER. What a shit dad someone HAND DELIVERED the dox last time and his son 
hasn't learnt. 

Man ... claimed he's mentally scarred, that's a lot of bullshit from the conversations
shown above. And what is worst is he reported that account at the end of it resulting in
the Discord account getting banned.

Pedophilia is a product of the enviroment in which they live in.
His dad had an oppurtunity to help him. That oppurtunity is gone.

Timo in a few weeks...........https://upload.vaa.red/2tLU73#32a50a7d4aacee773eebb5f6935ca3c3

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