 ┃ >  ...                                                     ~:bash - JewConsole (V.66.6)                                                 -  ❏  x ┃

  nosering@dextrosec:~$ cat timelessinferno.txt                               \+                         +/                                 ^!^
                                                                               |                         |          ^!^      
                         _                                                     x                         x                 
                      __) \__                                                  |                         |                 
                      \/_  , \                               ._                x                         x                 ^!^
                       \    )|                              / c                |                         |                 
                   \  _|_ _/\_\                          __/ _|___             x                         x                 
                  _)\/    _\                            | ' / _.-/             |                         |        ^!^                ^!^
                   |/   _|_/\                       ___/_   _/                 x                         x                 
                    |    \   )                     / ,    _/                   |                         |                 
                     \   |  /                    _/ (    |                     x                         x                 
                      \  ' /                  _./__,|   /                      |                         |                ^!^
                      /  ) )                 (),/   |  /                       x     nosering / anti     x                 
                     /  / ,                  | /    ) /                        |    Timeless' Inferno    |                          ^!^
                     | /\ |                  \|    / )                        / \                       / \                
                     |/  \|                       |  /                    ┏x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x┓            
                     /    |           //,,        | /                     ┃                                   ┃        ^!^                      ^!^   
           //,,     /(    )\         ,7 _/        /(                      x   Circle I    -   Introduction    x            
          ,7 _/    /,/   '-.\_       >_/(,       /_.-                     ┃                                   ┃            ^!^
          >_/(,  .--------"-----.  __  \ \  .--------'-----.              x   Circle II   -   HOA             x                           ^!^
        __  \ \  |________|_____|-\/\\/ ,'\ |________|_____|              ┃                                   ┃            
      -\/\\/ ,'\  _|______\____\    |'_/// \ _|______\____\               x   Circle III  -   Personal Info   x                  ^!^
         |'_/// \/________\____\         \, /________\____\               ┃                                   ┃            
              \, |  ____  |    |_________/__|________|____|               x   Circle IV   -   Emails          x            
              /  | |___ | |    |__________________|  |    |               ┃                                   ┃                                ^!^
             / _/|/____/| |    |__________________\  |    |               x   Circle V    -   Socials         x           ^!^ 
            (_(  |)_____) |    |__________________(  -    |               ┃                                   ┃            
              \\ |        |    |          )\|        |    |               x   Circle VI   -   Father          x            
               )\|        |    |         /_||        |    |               ┃                                   ┃                        ^!^
              /_||        -    |            |        |    |               x   Circle VII  -   Mother          x            
                 |        |    |            |        |    |               ┃                                   ┃            ^!^                 
                 |        |    |            |        |    |               x   Circle VIII -   Misc            x            
                 |        |    |            |        |    |               ┃                                   ┃                          ^!^
                 |        |    |            |        |                    x   Circle IX   -   Credits         x            
                 |        |    |                                          ┃                                   ┃            
                 |        |                                               ┗x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x┛        
┃ DXSC ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle I - Introduction ┃

  In the beginning, there was light. Then there was this fucking autist.
  Lucas "Georgy" Gibson, better known as Timeless / Timeless_YT is the epitome of an autistic retard and a example of what
  happens to children raised in poverty. To escape from his family's crippling debt and shitty housing, he utilized the internet
  as an escape from his impoverished reality.

  However, his internet activities would eventually come back to haunt him. Timeless spent much of his time online with a IRL friend
  on Discord and ROBLOX from 2020 - 2024. This friend of his, marvco, was a pedophile egoist freak with known grooming behavior
  that scammed many of his own friends and staff for a gas bill worth of $ while claiming a 100K+ net. (https://doxbin.com/upload/MarvcoMarcoMinter)
  Timeless knew of this info but still defended him passionately, staying a server staff and actively talking with his com reject
  pedophile friend.
  His defense of marvco changed drastically after he was ran and smoked by DextroSec / SF in 2023. The original version of
  this paste lacked many details, we hope to expand on it for consistency and accuracy.
  In a recent conversation we had with his father, Lucas apparently told his father that we swatted his home. When asked for proof, he just claimed
  "the police will have it" like it's solid evidence. Additionally, we apparently made death threats, again when asked for proof he just entirely
  changed points. We told him his son defended pedophilia, guess what he was angry about? The fact we jacked his partners gas account. Instead of
  noting that his son is a weird pedophile advocate (with videos and screenshots we sent to him) he was worried about us jacking an account.
  In the end, his father said he has apparently contacted police and we will "be contacted/found". Somehow his son gaslit him into believing
  we were the bad guys. I guess the autism runs in the family huh?
  > Note to Lucas:
  Your autistic ego was your downfall, you were high and mighty until you were pasted in only a single night of OSINT work. When doing
  OSINT for the marvco paste, your shitty leads wasted our time and annoyed us with the actual fucking autism you showed in our conversations.
  You lied to your own father to save your ass, but it looks like it just hurt you more. Lying to your own flesh and blood is pitiful.
  Reap what you sow.

┃ DXSC ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle II - HOA ┃

                                                                 x- Hall of Autism -x
  ➤ https://files.catbox.moe/9pwvrp.png  -  DextroSec and The Imaginary Death Threats
                                                                                                     ^!^                          ^!^
  ➤ https://files.catbox.moe/59kii9.png  -  Has Pedo Advocate Son, Only Cares About Jacked Acc
  ➤ https://files.catbox.moe/ugjwnn.png  -  Swatted!! (Never Happened)                                                                 ^!^
  ➤ https://files.catbox.moe/oit425.png  -  Feds Bypass VPNs With Futuristic Niggerbabble Tech                     ^!^ 
  ➤ https://files.catbox.moe/hi8qo5.jpg  -  "fucking fat ass fucking chunky dumbasses"              ^!^           
  ➤ https://files.catbox.moe/ysp0oe.png  -  Professional Data Analyst Paul Gibson                                                ^!^ 
  ➤ https://files.catbox.moe/2b9bep.png  -  Empty Threats                                                             ^!^ 
  ➤ https://files.catbox.moe/uu83lz.png  -  Content Found in "SoggyCats" That Lucas Allows                  ^!^                            ^!^
  ➤ https://files.catbox.moe/ddjnrg.png  -  HaxxxxoR1337                                                                    ^!^
  ➤ https://files.catbox.moe/b1wqtf.png  -  Supposedly DextroSec According To Lucas, No Evidence                ^!^                 ^!^
  ➤ https://files.catbox.moe/z6cyau.png  -  8 Queenwood Rd Stanford-le-Hope SS17 0FF, UK
  ➤ https://files.catbox.moe/0mfkzm.png  -  Worst Liar Ever                                                              ^!^                ^!^
  ➤ https://files.catbox.moe/j5urjo.png  -  Lucas Approved Content
                                                                                                           ^!^                ^!^
  ➤ https://files.catbox.moe/i4p3fu.png  -  Weird Site With Ripped Doxbin HOA
  ➤ https://files.catbox.moe/pvrzef.png  -  Marvcos Response After Initial Dox of Timeless (Detrace DemonZ!!)                           ^!^
  ➤ https://files.catbox.moe/uku7ds.png  -  Timeless
                                                                                                                   ^!^          ^!^
  ➤ https://archive.li/UwZzv             -  Messing W/ His Gas :troll:
  |                                                                                                                         ^!^            ^!^
  └ https://files.catbox.moe/trxq1s.mp4  -  Video Archive

┃ DXSC ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle III - Personal Info ┃

  ➤ Legal Name         : Lucas "Georgy" Gibson                                              _._._._       _._._._       _._._._
                                                                                            | ___ |_._._._| ___ |_._._._| ___ |
  ➤ Age                : 15                                                                 | |_| |  ___  | |_| |  ___  | |_| |      Welcome To:
                                                                                            |_III_|  |_|  |_III_|  |_|  |_III_|    Pedo 'Partments
  ➤ DOB                : 10/09/2008                                                         | ___ |__III__| ___ |__III__| ___ |  Home of Lucas Gibson
                                                                                            | |_| |  ___  | |_| |  ___  | |_| |
  ➤ Current Address    : 8 Queenwood Rd Stanford-le-Hope SS17 0FF, UK                       |_III_|  |_|  |_III_|  |_|  |_III_|
                                                                                            | ___ |__III__| ___ |__III__| ___ | _)o(_
  ➤ Race               : White                                                              | |_| |  ___  | |_| |  ___  | |_| | /(|)\
                                                                                            |_III_|  |_|  |_III_|  |_|  |_III_|   H
  ➤ Gender             : Male                                                               | ___ |__III__|_____|__III__| ___ |   H
                                                                                            | |_| |"""""""||~|~||"""""""| |_| |   H
  ➤ Occupation         : Pedophile Advocate (Employed Since 2020)                           |_III_|@@@@@@@||_|_||@@@@@@@|_III_|^~^H '
                                                                                      @@@@@@@@@@@@@@     @/=====\@     @@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  ➤ IPs                :
  ➤ Passwords          : Abcxz_13245
  ➤ IRLs               : https://files.catbox.moe/u326yv.jpg
                           |We had more photos from his father's Facebook, but after a start of our harassment
                           |campaign against his father, he suddenly got cold feet and cleared his Facebook
                           |profile. Unfortunately, we were unable to scrape photos before this happened.
                           |The first photo you see is from the original dox, taken from his father's FB.
                           |Everything else is taken from his Mom. (circa 2013-2018 photos, she is inac on FB mostly.)

┃ DXSC ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle IV - Emails ┃

  ➤ timeleselpe@gmail.com                                                                        *                 *                            *
    └─│Links                                                                        *                       *               *
      |-|GAID : 101474076522735624497                                                           ^!^                              ^!^
      |                             └─│Last Seen : 2023-07-07T09:41:23
      |                                                                              *             *                 *                      *
      |-|COD                                                                                                *                *
      |-|Microsoft                                                                         *                                              *
      |          └─│Info                                                                                           ^!^
      |            |-|ID   : 306D0C600598A5ED                                     *                   *                            *
      |            |-|Name : Gamergril5666 Why
      |                                                                                   *                                   *
      |-|Spotify                                                                                               *     *                     *
      |-|Hudsonrock                                                                            ^!^
                                                                                             *               *                  *
  ➤ elpejomama@gmail.com                                                                            *                                   *          *
    └─│Links                                                                        *                                       *
      |-|GAID : 104484181456999813182                                                       *                *                      *
      |                             └─│Last Seen : 2024-06-26T21:37:54                                                ^!^
      |                               |Device    : Motorola Moto E(7i) Power                                                     *      *
      |                                                                               *                 *                         *
      |-|Instagram                                                                          ^!^                    *                          *
      |-|Microsoft                                                                 *                                 *             *
      |-|Twitter                                                                                      *                                  *
      |        └─│https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFzNw8Su_JWqzUtva5dk4Tw                *                                      *           *
      |                                                                                                             ^!^
      |-|EA                                                                                     * 
      |-|COD                                                                        *             *                       *
      |-|PayPal                                                                          *                   *                         *
      |       └─│Info                                                        *                                                     *        *
      |         |-|Email Hint  :  ********ma@gm***.com                                              ^!^
      |         |-|Phone Hint  :  +44 7*** **1366                                           *                        *                *
      |                                                                                                                        ^!^
      |-|Trello                                                                    *                                      *                  *
      |       └─│Info
      |         |-|ID        : 61ec321e106aa956647def25                                    *              *
      |         |-|Name      : Timeless                                             *                                  *                *
      |         |-|Username  : timeless89                                                             *
      |         |-|URL       : https://trello.com/u/timeless89                               ^!^                  *          *                   *

                                                                               *                 *                                             *
   ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾                                                                                                   ^!^
  ➤ gibboz061985@hotmail.co.uk                                                          *              *                               *
      |-|GAID : 115914241116369284690                                                         *                         *                              *
      |                             └─│Last Seen : 2024-07-06T12:04:39
      |                               |Device    : SAMSUNG GT-I9505                    *                *                                *
      |                               |Name      : Paul Gibson                                                               ^!^
      |                                                                                     *                         *                *
      |-|LinkedIn                                                                                               *               *              *
      |-|MyFitnessPal                                                                             ^!^
      |-|Adobe                                                                           *                       *             *          *
      |-|Kaneva                                                              *                          *                            *             *
      |-|GooglePlay                                                                              *                       ^!^
      |           └─│Info                                                             ^!^
      |             |-|ID        : g06290972808504018327                                                            *
      |             |-|Name      : Afightinghobo                                       *                  *                                *
      |             |-|Username  : Afightinghobo
      |             |-|Last Seen : 2024-02-14T13:12:32                           *                 *                *           *
      |-|Last.fm                                                                      *                                  *             *
      |-|MySpace                                                                                    ^!^
      |-|PaddyPower                                                                        *                    *               *
      |-|YouTube                                                                    *              * 
      |        └─│https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE_quVujDq2Cz295HgxADzg
      |                                                                                                 *             *                          *
      |-|StrongholdKingdoms                                                           ^!^                                          *
      |-|Zynga                                                                      *        *                   *           *
      |           └─│Info                                                                                                             *
      |             |-|Name : paulgibson                                                                *
      |             |-|User : https://imageshack.com/user/paulgibson                  *                                 ^!^
      |                                                                                    *
      |-|FoodHub                                                                 *                                *          *                    *
      |-|Disqus                                                                                                        *
      |-|Skype                                                                                         ^!^
      |      └─│Info                                                                  *                    *                                *
      |        |-|ID   : paul.gibson1985                                                           *
      |        |-|Name : paul gibson                                                                                             ^!^
      |        |-|User : paul.gibson1985                                           *                                      *
      |                                                                                                             *
      |-|DisneyStore                                                                       ^!^
      |-|Pinterest                                                               *                    *                                 *
      |-|Instagram                                                                        *                        *          *
      |          └─│Info                                                                           *   ^!^
      |            |-|ID   : 112851365                                                           
      |            |-|Name : paul gibson                                                   *                  *                 *
      |            |-|URL  : https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/112851365-paul-gibson
      |                                                                                              *                              *
      |-|Activision                                                                                                    ^!^
      |-|EA                                                                                  *                             *
      |-|COD                                                                                                   *                              *
      |          └─│Info                                                             *                 ^!^
      |            |-|ID        : 9AD83A20119B0E9A
      |            |-|Name      : paul gibson                                                *                                    *
      |            |-|Location  : UK                                           *                                           ^!^
      |            |-|Last Seen : 2024-07-10T03:37:03.863000+00:00
      |                                                                                  ^!^                    *
      |-|Spotify                                                                                                           *               *
      |-|Apple                                                                                   *
      |      └─│Phone Hints                                          *                                          .-----.
      |        |-|????? ????85                                                      *                         .'       `.
      |        |-|????? ????22                                                                     *         :           :
      |        |-|????? ????82                                                                               :           :
      |                                                                                                      '           '        *
      |-|PayPal                                                                               |~        www   `.       .'
      |       └─│Info                                                        *               /.\       /#^^\_   `-/\--'                        *
      |         |-|Email Hint : **********85@ho*****.co.uk                                  /#  \     /#%    \   /# \
      |         |-|Phone Hint : +44 7*** **1985                                            /#%   \   /#%______\ /#%__\
      |                                                                                   /#%     \   |= I I ||  |- |                *
      |-|Dropbox                                                                          ~~|~~~|~~   |_=_-__|'  |[]|
      |        └─│Info                                                                      |[] |_______\__|/_ _ |= |`.
      |          |-|ID       : dbid:AACj8pPcMJDwp-IXqUh1e9U0uS7rsLJUlO0         *           |-  /= __   __    /-\|= | :;                     *
      |          |-|Name     : Paul Gibson                                                  |= /- /\/  /\/   /=- \.-' :;
      |          |-|Email    : gibboz061985@hotmail.co.uk                                   | /_.=========._/_.-._\  .:'
      |          |-|Verified : True                                           *             |= |-.'.- .'.- |  /|\ |.:'                  *       *
                                                                                            \  |=|:|= |:| =| |~|~||'|
                                                                                             |~|-|:| -|:|  |-|~|~||=|
   MOTHER'S EMAILS                                                                           |=|=|:|- |:|- | |~|~|| |
   ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾                                                                           | |-_~__=_~__=|_^^^^^|/___
  ➤ marinaclarkson@hotmail.com                                                               |-(=-=-=-=-=-(|=====/=_-=/\
    └─│Links                                                                                 | |=_-= _=- _=| -_=/=_-_/__\ 
      |-|Skype                                                                               | |- _ =_-  _-|=_- |]#| I II
      |      └─│Info                                                                         |=|_/ \_-_= - |- = |]#| I II
      |        |-|ID   : live:marinaclarkson_1                                               | /  _/ \. -_=| =__|]!!!I_II!!
      |        |-|Name : marina clarkson                                                    _|/-'/  ` \_/ \|/' _ ^^^^`.==_^.
      |        |-|User : live:marinaclarkson_1                                            _/  _/`-./`-; `-.\_ / \_'\`. `. ===`.
      |                                                                                  / .-'  __/_   `.   _/.' .-' `-. ; ====;\
      |-|MyFitnessPal                                                                   /.   `./    \ `. \ / -  /  .-'.' ====='  >
      |-|Last.fm                                                                       /  \  /  .-' `--.  / .' /  `-.' ======.' /
      |         └─│Phone Hint: +**********23
      |          └─│Info
      |            |-|ID        : FBB9E6F70EB0008F
      |            |-|Name      : marina clarkson
      |            |-|Location  : UK
      |            |-|Last Seen : 2024-06-11T02:36:49.297000+00:00
┃ DXSC ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle V - Socials ┃

  ➤ YouTube                                                                                        
    └─│https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFzNw8Su_JWqzUtva5dk4Tw                           /)_(\                            /)_(\
                                                                                   ______( X X )______              ______( X X )______
                                                                                  /_/_/_/\` ' `/\_\_\_\            /_/_/_/\` ' `/\_\_\_\
  ➤ Trello                                                                                )'_'(                            )'_'(
    └─│https://trello.com/u/timeless89                                               ____.""_"".____                  ____.""_"".____
                                                                                    |___|___|___|___|                |___|___|___|___|
                                                                                      |___|___|___|                    |___|___|___| 
  ➤ Twitter                                                                             |-      |                        |-      |
    └─│https://x.com/Timeless_Rblxx                                                     |       |                        |       |
                                                                                       _|_______|_                      _|_______|_
                                                                                      |___|___|___|                    |___|___|___| 
  ➤ Sketchfab                                                                           |'   | ||                        |'   | ||
    └─│https://sketchfab.com/TimelessRBLX/collections                                   |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
  ➤ Tiktok                                                                              | -     |                        | -     |
    └─│https://www.tiktok.com/@timelessyt_                                              |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
  ➤ Spotify                                                                             |       |                        |       |
    └─│https://open.spotify.com/user/3172n6eifrkdu3yhvjl6mz3y2kxy                       |    |  |                        |    |  |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
  ➤ Roblox                                                                              |       |                        |       |
    └─│https://www.roblox.com/users/2924062261/profile                                  |       |                        |       |
      |https://www.roblox.com/users/1067650057/profile                                  |       |                        |       |
      |https://www.roblox.com/users/1532220969/profile                                  | `     |                        | `     |
      |https://www.roblox.com/users/333105754/profile                                   |       |                        |       |
      |https://www.roblox.com/users/3751226617/profile                                  |       |                        |       |
      |https://www.roblox.com/users/904890338/profile                                   |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
  ➤ Twitch                                                                              |       |                        |       |
    └─│https://www.twitch.tv/timeiesss                                                  |       |                        |       |
                                                                                       _|_______|_                      _|_______|_
                                                                                      |___|___|___|                    |___|___|___|
  ➤ Xbox                                                                                |       |                        |       |
    └─│https://xboxgamertag.com/search/afightinghobo                                    |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |     ' |                        |     ' |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
  ➤ Steam                                                                               |       |                        |       |
    └─│https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199236288660                            |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
  MOTHER'S SOCIALS                                                                      |       |                        |       |
  ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾                                                                      | -     |                        | -     |
  ➤ Facebook                                                                            |       |                        |       |
    └─│https://www.facebook.com/marina.clarkson                                         |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
  ➤ Twitter                                                                             |       |                        |       |
    └─│https://twitter.com/clarksonmarina                                               |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
  ➤ Last.fm                                                                             |     | |                        |     | |
    └─│https://www.last.fm/user/rina1979                                                |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
  FATHER'S SOCIALS                                                                      |       |                        |       |
  ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾                                                                     _|_______|_                      _|_______|_
  ➤ PayPal                                                                            |___|___|___|                    |___|___|___|
    └─│https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/afightinghobo                                    |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
  ➤ Snapchat                                                                            |       |                        |       |
    └─│https://www.snapchat.com/add/afightinghobo                                       |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        | -     |                        | -     |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
  ➤ Telegram                                                                            |       |                        |       |
    └─│https://t.me/afightinghobo                                                       |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
  ➤ Twitch                                                                              |       |                        |       |
    └─│https://www.twitch.tv/afightinghobo/                                             | '     |                        | '     |
      |https://www.twitch.tv/AfightingHobo2023/                                         |       |                        |       |
      |https://www.twitch.tv/AfightingHobo85/                                           |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
  ➤ Xbox                                                                                |       |                        |       |
    └─│https://www.xboxgamertag.com/search/afightinghobo                                |     | |                        |     | |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
  ➤ Facebook                                                                            |       |                        |       |
    └─│https://www.facebook.com/paulgibson2011                                          |       |                        |       |
                                                                                       _|_______|_                      _|_______|_
                                                                                      |___|___|___|                    |___|___|___|
  ➤ Instagram                                                                           |       |                        |       |
    └─│https://www.instagram.com/shifting_weights/                                      |       |                        |       |
      |https://www.instagram.com/gymgainstechnique/                                     |       |                        |       |
      |https://www.instagram.com/hotdealsshop.co.uk/                                    |       |                        |       |
      |https://www.instagram.com/paul_gibson85/                                         |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        | -     |                        | -     |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
  ➤ Threads                                                                             |       |                        |       |
    └─│https://www.threads.net/@shifting_weights                                        |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
  ➤ Wishtender                                                                          |     ' |                        |     ' |
    └─│https://www.wishtender.com/IronCoreElite                                         |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
  ➤ Steam                                                                               |       |                        |       |
    └─│https://steamcommunity.com/id/ironcoreelite                                      |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
  ➤ YouTube                                                                             | x     |                        | x     |
    └─│https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE_quVujDq2Cz295HgxADzg                         |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
                                                                                        |       |                        |       |
  ➤ Goodreads                                                                           |       |                        |       |
    └─│https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/112851365-paul-gibson                        |       |                        |       |
                                                                                     ___|_______|___                  ___|_______|___
  ➤ Twitter
   ➤ TikTok
   ➤ LinkedIn

┃ DXSC ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle VI - Father ┃

  ➤ Legal Name         : Paul Stuart Gibson                                              ^!^                                   ^!^
  ➤ Age                : 39                                                    ^!^                        ^!^
                                                                                             ^!^                                           ^!^
  ➤ DOB                : 03/01/1985
  ➤ Current Address    : 8 Queenwood Rd Stanford-le-Hope SS17 0FF, UK
                                                                                ^!^                                               ^!^
  ➤ Race               : White
                                                                                           ^!^                 ^!^
  ➤ Gender             : Male
  ➤ Occupation         : Amazon Fresh / Unemployed                                                   ^!^                  ^!^
  ➤ Phone Number       : +44 7508 931985
                           |Country  :  United Kingdom                                      ^!^                                ^!^
                           |Carrier  :  MNO - O2 (Telefonica UK Ltd)
                           |Type     :  Wireless                                                             ^!^
                           |-|Whatsapp                                                                                 ^!^
                           |-|Instagram                                                         ^!^
                           |         └─│Info
                           |           |ID              : 886017065                                        ^!^                       ^!^
                           |           |First Name      : Paul
                           |           |Last Name       : Gibson                          ^!^                            ^!^
                           |           |Username        : afightinghobo
                           |           |Verified        : false
                           |           |Premium         : false                                         ^!^                                 ^!^
                           |           |Last Seen       : 2024-07-04T13:47:02+00:00
                           |                                                                                            ^!^
                           |      └─│Email Hint : g?????@h?????.com                              ^!^                                  ^!^
                           |         └─│Info
                           |           |Email Hint   : g*****5@h*******.c*******.uk                          ^!^             ^!^
                           |           |Phone Hint   : +**********90
                           |           └─│Info                                                                        ^!^
                           |             |ID         : +FcJRjBrugkZ2RmTXLTlhg==
                           |             |Location   : GB, +01:00, address                     ^!^                                    ^!^
                           |             |Phone      : +447508931985
  ➤ Passwords          : Lucas23101979
                         Lucas231079!                                              ^!^                      ^!^                   ^!^
                         Lucasgibson09                             ^!^
                         FABxz_132457666                                                   ^!^                        ^!^
                         LucasGibson_09_991                                                              ^!^                                    ^!^
                         Marina231079                                        ^!^                          
                         leeds1                                                        ^!^                                     ^!^

  ➤ IRLs               : https://files.catbox.moe/ssd7ba.jpg
                         https://files.catbox.moe/ooscez.jpg                                             ^!^                               ^!^
                         https://files.catbox.moe/zwlim2.jpg                          ^!^                                   ^!^

┃ DXSC ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle VII - Mother ┃

  ➤ Legal Name         : Marina Cheryl Clarkson                             *        ^!^         *                     *            *
  ➤ Age                : 44                                                        *                   *          *        ^!^
  ➤ DOB                : 10/**/1979                                           *         ^!^                 *                *
  ➤ Current Address    : 8 Queenwood Rd Stanford-le-Hope SS17 0FF, UK                            *                   *
                                                                                      *                    ^!^                 *
  ➤ Race               : White                                              *                *                     *                 *
  ➤ Gender             : Female                                                                      *                        *
                                                                                  ^!^     *                      *
  ➤ Occupation         : Amazon UK / Unemployed                                                           *              ^!^
                                                                             *              *                                     *
  ➤ Passwords          : Lucas23101979                                                             ^!^            *
                         barnsleychop1                                               *                                   *
                         leeds1                                                 *            *              *                   *
  ➤ IRLs               : https://files.catbox.moe/5kqdnu.jpg                                        *                        *
                         https://files.catbox.moe/na5b5s.jpg                        ^!^
                         https://files.catbox.moe/jlna1x.jpg                            *                   *            *
                         https://files.catbox.moe/d4a0td.jpg                   *              *                     *         *

┃ DXSC ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle VIII - Misc ┃
  ➤ (Failed) Business  : GIBSONCLARKSON LTD.
                         └─│Incorporated On  :  02/04/2023
                           |Dissolved On     :  05/23/2023
                           |Office Address   :  8 Queenwood Rd Stanford-le-Hope SS17 0FF, UK
                           |Officer(s)       :  Paul Stuart Gibson, Marina Cheryl Clarkson
                           |Company #        :  14639616
                           |"Business" Email :  gibsonclarkson@hotmail.com
                           |SIC Code         :  46190 - Agents involved in the sale of a variety of goods
                           |Note             :  GibsonClarkson was a failed dropshipping business started by Paul in hopes of
                                                making it out of the trap. Attempted to sell under "hotdealsshop.co.uk" but couldn't
                                                gain traction. Maybe stop listening to the "millionaire at 18" TikTok dropshipping
                                                propaganda Paul.
  ➤ OPSEC / Breaches   : Paul, naturally, can only afford one PC, so it's used as a shared family
                         computer. This family computer was unfortunately the victim of a stealer, and
                         their info is now publicly available. Additionally, many of these emails found
                         in the stealer logs are also in a plethora of data breaches.
                         - OPSEC Demons Paul and Lucas Gibson -
                         Credentials : https://files.catbox.moe/ig4fv0.txt
                         Hudsonrock  : https://www.hudsonrock.com/email-search?email=timeleselpe@gmail.com

  ➤ Debt               : Client Reference #  : 4273079                                                              .
                         └─│Moat Housing (Rent Arrears)                                                             |\
                           |Owed : £2,523.44                                                                        ||
                           |Ref  : 6049023                                                                          ||
                           |                                                                                        ||
                           |British Gas (Duel Fuel Arrears)                                             ,__,,       ||
                           |Owed : £7,493.08                                                            =/= /       ||
                           |Ref  : 851006280079                                             ,   ,       \j /     o-</>>o
                           |                                                               _)\_/)      __//___,____/_\
                           |Cabot (Credit Card)                                           (/ (6\>   __// /_ /__\_/_/
                           |Owed : £361.91                                               /`  _ /\><'_\/\/__/
                           |Ref  : 8669043                                              / ,_//\  \>    _)_/
                           |                                                            \_('  |  )>   x)_::\       ______,
                           |Lowell (Catalogue)                                                /  \>__//  o |----.,/(  )\\))
                           |Owed : £320.12                                                    \'  \|  )___/ \     \/  \\\\\
                           |Ref  : 357232420                                                  /    +-/o/----+      |
                           |                                                                 / '     \_\,  ___     /
                           |Thurrock Council (Council Tax Arrears)                          /  \_|  _/\_|-" /,    /
                           |Owed : £1,267.35                                               / _/ / _/   )\|  |   _/
                           |Ref  : 2214568177                                             ( (  / /    /_/ \_ \_(__
                           |                                                               \`./ /           / /  /
                           |British Gas (Other Debt)                                        \/ /           / / _/
                           |Owed : £16.19                                                  _/,/          _/_/,/
                           |Ref  : 850013107288                                      _____/ (______,____/_/ (__________,_____
                           |                                                              ^-'             ^-'
                           |Total Owed : £11,982.09
  ➤ Family             : Lucas has various other siblings, but because of their very young age
                         and lack of info, we won't be including them or info on them. Lucas is their
                         first child, and since then Paul just hasn't been able to put his dick away.
                         Try a condom sometime Paul.

┃ DXSC ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle IX - Credits ┃

                                                                                                  [ Credits ]
                             __o__                                                   ┏x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x┓
                            /\ | /\  ,__,             \                                                                                       ^!^
                           /__\|/__\o/o /             /                 ,             Majority of Paste - nosering / anti
           __(\          ,   , |    `7 /              \_               /)             >> https://doxbin.com/user/nosering       ^!^
       _.-'   \\        _)\_/) |    __||___,     <----)_)---<<        //              
    ,-'  _.---'\\      (/ (6\> |___// /_ /_\ ,_,_,   / )\            //               Special Thanks :                                    ^!^
  ,'_.--'       \\    /`  _ /\>/._\/\/__/\ | =/= /  / /  \_         //                
                 \\  / ,_//\  \>' , / ,/ / ) `0 /  / /,__, \       //                x-----------------------------------x          ^!^
                  \\ \_('o  | )> _)\_/) |\/  __\\_/ /o/o /-       //                  SoggyFiles - Original Paste
              ,   ,\\  `7 / /   (/ (0\>  , _/,/ /_'/ \j /      o<\>>o                 DextroSec  - Support
             _)\_/) \\,__\\_\' /`  _ /\>_)\_/)|_|_/ __//___,____/_\                   
            (/ (9\>  \\_) | / / ,_//\  (/ (6\> )_/_// /_ /__\_/_/                    ┗x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x┛                  ^!^
           /`  _ /\> /\\\/_/ '\_('  | /`  _ /\>/._\/\/__/                            -x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x-
          / ,_//\  \>' \_)/  \_|  _/// ,_//\  \>    _)_/                               -x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x-
          \_('  |  )>  x / _/ / _/  \\_('\||  )>   x)_::\       ______,                  -x x x x x x x x x x x x x x-
                /  \>_//( (  / /--.,/     +/  \>__//  o /----.,/(  )\\))                   -x x x x x x x x x x x x-             ^!^
                \'  \| ) \| / /    / '     \'  \|  )___/ \     \/  \\\\\            ^!^      -x x x x x x x x x x-
                /    +-/</\/ /    /  \_|   /    +-/o/----+      |                              -x x x x x x x x-         ^!^                 ^!^
               / '     \ _/,/  _ / _/ / _// '     \_\,  ___     /                                -x x x x x x-
              /  \_|  _// ( __,/( (  / / /  \_|  _/\_|-" /,    /              ^!^                  -x x x x-
             / _/ / _/  ^-' |  | \| / / / _/ / _/   )\|  |   _/                                      -x x-         ^!^           ^!^
            ( (  / /    /_/  \_ \_\/ / ( (  / /    /_/ \_ \_(__     ^!^                                x
             \| / /           / /_/,/   \| / /           / /  /
              \/ /           / // (      \/ /           / / _/                        ^!^                                ^!^                ^!^
             _/,/          _/_/,^-'     _/,/          _/_/,/
            / (           /_/ (        / (           /_/ (                                           ^!^
            ^-'             ^-'        ^-'             ^-'