|                        Introduction                          |

             .  .
             | a_a\
             | | "]              +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
         ____| '-\___            |   Tiara Barutchieva is a well known discord e girl. She spends      | 
        /.----.___.-'\           |     her day trading nudes for robux and is a complete slut.         | 
       //        _    \          |   She is a racist, pathological liar, drug addict and a narcissist  | 
      //   .-. (~v~) /|          |     among many other things. She lies about her age and loves       | 
     |'|  /\:  .--  / \          |   any sort of attention she can get. She is a pathetic little slut. | 
    // |-/  \_/____/\/~|         |                         Get fucked Tiara.                           | 
   |/  \ |  []_|_|_] \ |         +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
   | \  | \ |___   _\ ]_}
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   | |     /    /|:  |
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|                      Personal Information                    |

Name: Tiara Barutchieva
Alias: Ria, Sky, lexi
Date of Birth: August 10th, 2006
Phone Number: +359 88 629 6733
Email Address: skyywaf@gmail.com
Email Address 2: plodovapastichka@gmail.com
Email Address 3: ria.barutchieva@icloud.com
|                           Location                           |

House Address: Hristo Botev 101, floor 5, apartment 11, Burgas, 8000, Bulgaria
City: Burgas
Country: Bulgaria
Latitude: 42.5061
Longitude: 27.4678
Timezone: GMT+3
ISP: Vivacom Bulgaria Ead
IP Address:
IP Address 2:

|                         Social Media                         |

Discord: ria#2571 (current tag: delusional8888)
Discord ID: 1007277609941475409
TikTok: ririrahh
TikTok 2: secretly.skyy
Instagram: rialols
Instagram 2: lexisprivatexoxo
Instagram 3: sky7qz
Instagram 4: jas_onspams
Snapchat: skyyy-w
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/w__skyy__w/
Roblox User: @TiaaraXBoba
Medal ID: https://medal.tv/u/skyisonmars?invite=ur-MSxlUXUsMTg3NzMyNzc2LA
Riot ID: skyisonmars#3598
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199474113213
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/3155z6kzinhavcyp6fll2aeuvhta?si=fXNiUhAqT8i6KMkPoo9Swg
Spotify 2: https://open.spotify.com/user/31gmmkijakr3ph5cfx4ido2l6mca?si=CJEI8-_uQXyGyxm9buhS-g

|                      School Information                      |

Name: Alexander Georgiev-Kodjakafaliyata Elementary School
Address: bul. "Stefan Stambolov" 21, 8001 Burgas Center, Burgas, Bulgaria
Address link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/L3156iXnAiM5kjK58
Website: https://ouagk.com/
Number: +35956800240
Status: Still in school

|                      Family Information                      |

Father's Name: Stefan Armanov
Mother's Name: Detelina Barutchieva
Mother's Phone Number: 889201611
Mother's Email: detelina78@hotmail.com
Mother's Email 2: detelina@mnogostikeri.com
Mother's Instagram: detelinaaaa
Mother's Instagram 2: detelinaaa
Mother's Instagram 3: detelina.barutchieva19
Mother's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/detelina.topalska

|                        Other Information                     |
Frequently used passwords: HugoBoss_vos2020, 12326012
Pictures and videos of her: https://t.me/+ryCNsURdc584MGY0

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