)                                                                                                                                                                                                   )
  ) \                                                                                                                                                                                                 ) \
 / ) (                                                                                                                                                                                               / ) (
 \(_)/                                                                                                                                                                                               \(_)/  

 	       		                                   _____ _                     _         __        __    _  __ _      _____  ___ _____ 
				                          |_   _| |__  _   _ _ __   __| | ___ _ _\ \      / /__ | |/ _(_) ___|___ / / _ \___  |
				                            | | | '_ \| | | | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ '__\ \ /\ / / _ \| | |_| |/ _ \ |_ \| | | | / / 
				                            | | | | | | |_| | | | | (_| |  __/ |   \ V  V / (_) | |  _| |  __/___) | |_| |/ /  
				                            |_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|\___|_|    \_/\_/ \___/|_|_| |_|\___|____/ \___//_/ 
	                         by: 			 ________  __      __                            __     __  __                         
					                /        |/  |    /  |                          /  |   /  |/  |                                            _______
					                $$$$$$$$/_$$ |_   $$ |____    ______    ______  $$ |   $$ |$$/   ______   __   __   __                    /\ o o o\
					                $$ |__  / $$   |  $$      \  /      \  /      \ $$ |   $$ |/  | /      \ /  | /  | /  |                  /o \ o o o\_______
					                $$    | $$$$$$/   $$$$$$$  |/$$$$$$  |/$$$$$$  |$$  \ /$$/ $$ |/$$$$$$  |$$ | $$ | $$ |                 <    >------>   o /|
					                $$$$$/    $$ | __ $$ |  $$ |$$    $$ |$$ |  $$/  $$  /$$/  $$ |$$    $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |                  \ o/  o   /_____/o|
					                $$ |_____ $$ |/  |$$ |  $$ |$$$$$$$$/ $$ |        $$ $$/   $$ |$$$$$$$$/ $$ \_$$ \_$$ |                   \/______/     |oo|
					                $$       |$$  $$/ $$ |  $$ |$$       |$$ |         $$$/    $$ |$$       |$$   $$   $$/                          |   o   |o/
					                $$$$$$$$/  $$$$/  $$/   $$/  $$$$$$$/ $$/           $/     $$/  $$$$$$$/  $$$$$/$$$$/                           |_______|/


								                     ???????????????? ???????????? ???????????????? ???????? ???????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????
                                                                                 ???????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????? 
                                                                           No mercy, no turning back. Harvest what you have sown
                                                                                         Regards EtherView <3
                                                                                Follow me: https://doxbin.com/user/EtherView

						[  1  ]				         ????????????????????????
						[  2  ]		                    ???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????
						[  3  ]		               ????-???????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????? ????????????????????????????????
						[  4  ]		              ???????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????? ????????????????????
						[  5  ]		             ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????? ????????????????????????????
						[  6  ]		                ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????? ????????????????????????????

						                           ???????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????: https://doxbin.com/user/B88 <3 

						                    /       \                                                   
						                    $$$$$$$  |  ______    ______    _______   ______   _______  
						                    $$ |__$$ | /      \  /      \  /       | /      \ /       \ 
						                    $$    $$< /$$$$$$  | $$$$$$  |/$$$$$$$/ /$$$$$$  |$$$$$$$  |
						                    $$$$$$$  |$$    $$ | /    $$ |$$      \ $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |
						                    $$ |  $$ |$$$$$$$$/ /$$$$$$$ | $$$$$$  |$$ \__$$ |$$ |  $$ |
						                    $$ |  $$ |$$       |$$    $$ |/     $$/ $$    $$/ $$ |  $$ |
						                    $$/   $$/  $$$$$$$/  $$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/   $$$$$$/  $$/   $$/ 

                            	                 Pedophiles who mess with 14 year olds will not be tolerated. Now you get what you deserve! 
                                                                You have destroyed the childhood of children, asked for nudes,
                                                               you manipulated them so long that they sent you what you wanted,
                                                                             now you get what they want from you!
                                                      You write to other women on Instagram during your "relationship" and send hearts.
                                                                Do they know that you cheated on them several times a day? 
                                                  Nude and more you send them and then you block them when you have a better one for you.
                                                                 You're a pedo, pervert, and screw those who loved you. 
                                                                           Herewith reconsider your behavior!

				                                        No mercy for Pedos. no grande for Pedos, feel your destruction!    
                                                     Reworked version from: https://doxbin.com/upload/ThunderWolf307PedroAbrantesVRChat                     


		                                         ______             ______                                               __      __                     
		                                        /      |           /      \                                             /  |    /  |                    
		                                        $$$$$$/  _______  /$$$$$$  |______    ______   _____  ____    ______   _$$ |_   $$/   ______   _______  
		                                          $$ |  /       \ $$ |_ $$//      \  /      \ /     \/    \  /      \ / $$   |  /  | /      \ /       \ 
		                                          $$ |  $$$$$$$  |$$   |  /$$$$$$  |/$$$$$$  |$$$$$$ $$$$  | $$$$$$  |$$$$$$/   $$ |/$$$$$$  |$$$$$$$  |
		                                          $$ |  $$ |  $$ |$$$$/   $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$/ $$ | $$ | $$ | /    $$ |  $$ | __ $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |
		                                         _$$ |_ $$ |  $$ |$$ |    $$ \__$$ |$$ |      $$ | $$ | $$ |/$$$$$$$ |  $$ |/  |$$ |$$ \__$$ |$$ |  $$ |
		                                        / $$   |$$ |  $$ |$$ |    $$    $$/ $$ |      $$ | $$ | $$ |$$    $$ |  $$  $$/ $$ |$$    $$/ $$ |  $$ |
		                                        $$$$$$/ $$/   $$/ $$/      $$$$$$/  $$/       $$/  $$/  $$/  $$$$$$$/    $$$$/  $$/  $$$$$$/  $$/   $$/ 


										  【Real-Life Data】
						[  ✕  ] 	    First Name: Pedro Miguel 	
						[  ✕  ]            Last Name: Almeida Abrantes
						[  ✕  ]	 Date of birth: 23/05/1995
						[  ✕  ]	     IP-Adress:
						[  ✕  ]	     	   ISP: Orange Espagne SA
						[  ✕  ]	 Mobile Number: [+34] 911180126  | [+34] 695690152   
						[  ✕  ]	       Country: Spain
						[  ✕  ]	 	  City: Salamanca
						[  ✕  ]	   Postal-Code: 37004
						[  ✕  ]	 	Adress: Rodrigo de triana 
						[  ✕  ]	  House Number: 17 
						[  ✕  ]	   Coordinates: 40.951427118388324, -5.67237678257377 
						[  ✕  ]	       Picture: http://oju4yn237c6hjh42qothvpreqecnqjhtvh4sgn3fqmsdvhu5d5tyspid.onion/i/1fv9e1k9t.png

										   【Social Media】

						[  ✕  ] 	         Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198077109205
						[  ✕  ] 	      Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000189493419 
						[  ✕  ] 	     Instagram: https://instagram.com/thunderwolf307_owo | https://www.instagram.com/pedrinhoportu/ | https://www.instagram.com/sandra_les25/
						[  ✕  ] 	       Twitter: https://twitter.com/portu307
						[  ✕  ] 	        Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ] 	    Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/portualmeida
						[  ✕  ] 	       Discord: 460537023107956737 | ThunderWolf#8693
						[  ✕  ] 	       Spotify: -
						[  ✕  ] 	       xVideos: https://www.xvideos.com/profiles/thunderwolf307 
						[  ✕  ] 	    Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/portualmeida

									          ______   __  __                     
									         /      \ /  |/  |                    
									        /$$$$$$  |$$ |$$/   ______    _______ 
									        $$ |__$$ |$$ |/  | /      \  /       |
									        $$    $$ |$$ |$$ | $$$$$$  |/$$$$$$$/ 
									        $$$$$$$$ |$$ |$$ | /    $$ |$$      \ 
									        $$ |  $$ |$$ |$$ |/$$$$$$$ | $$$$$$  |
									        $$ |  $$ |$$ |$$ |$$    $$ |/     $$/ 
									        $$/   $$/ $$/ $$/  $$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/  



						[  ✕  ] 		    ???????????????? ???????????????? /
										├── Thunderwolf
										├── ThunderWolfie307
										└──⸺ YGGDRSSIL
						[  ✕  ]		???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? /		
										├── lovalove
										├── Portualmeida
										├── Sara21LesbDom 
										├── Marta19Dom
										├── ThunderWolf_789
										├── DalioNZaraki
										├── Portu23jordan
										├── MasterDom26
										├── portu307
										├── marta_les21domin
										├── Kyonyuu
										├── Dj Deri
										├── Mach1st4
										├── DarkLightGal
										├── DalioNZaraki
										├── Laprreadora69
										└──⸺ MasterDom


						[  ✕  ] 		???????????????? ???????????????? /
									       ├── portu.almeida307@gmail.com
									       └──⸺ Password: Portu2305 | hendrix27  [CHANGED]

						[  ✕  ]	  ???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? /	
									      ├── portu19@hotmail.es				
									      |  └── Password: hendrix27		    [CHANGED]
									      ├── jdavimabrantes@gmail.com			
									      |  └── Password: Portu2305		    [CHANGED]
									      ├── latexglovessx@gmail.com				
									      |  └── Password: Hendrix27		    [CHANGED]
									      └── portujunior.abrantes23@gmail.com
									      └──⸺ Password: Hendrix27		    [CHANGED]	    


								         _______                       __        __                     
								        /       \                     /  |      /  |                    
								        $$$$$$$  |  ______   _______  $$ |   __ $$/  _______    ______  
								        $$ |__$$ | /      \ /       \ $$ |  /  |/  |/       \  /      \ 
								        $$    $$<  $$$$$$  |$$$$$$$  |$$ |_/$$/ $$ |$$$$$$$  |/$$$$$$  |
								        $$$$$$$  | /    $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$   $$<  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |
								        $$ |__$$ |/$$$$$$$ |$$ |  $$ |$$$$$$  \ $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ \__$$ |
								        $$    $$/ $$    $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ | $$  |$$ |$$ |  $$ |$$    $$ |
								        $$$$$$$/   $$$$$$$/ $$/   $$/ $$/   $$/ $$/ $$/   $$/  $$$$$$$ |
								                                                              /  \__$$ |
								                                                              $$    $$/ 


						[  ✕  ] 		???????????????????????? ???????????????? /
									     ├──    Type: Mastercard
									     ├──  Number: 5367810874137175 [LOCKED]
									     ├──  Holder: His Real Name
									     ├──     CCV: 614
									     └── Explire: -
						[  ✕  ] 		    ???????????????? /
									     ├──    IBAN: -
									     └──     PIN: -

						[  ✕  ] 		???????????????????? ???????????????? /
									     ├── E-Mail: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
									     |  └── Password: Hendrix27 | ThunderWolf307 [CHANGED]
									     ├──E-Mail: portujunior.abrantes23@gmail.com
									     └──⸺ Password: Hendrix27 [CHANGED]


			                                     _______                                                                       __           
			                                    /       \                                                                     /  |          
			                                    $$$$$$$  | ______    _______  _______  __   __   __   ______    ______    ____$$ |  _______ 
			                                    $$ |__$$ |/      \  /       |/       |/  | /  | /  | /      \  /      \  /    $$ | /       |
			                                    $$    $$/ $$$$$$  |/$$$$$$$//$$$$$$$/ $$ | $$ | $$ |/$$$$$$  |/$$$$$$  |/$$$$$$$ |/$$$$$$$/ 
			                                    $$$$$$$/  /    $$ |$$      \$$      \ $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$/ $$ |  $$ |$$      \ 
			                                    $$ |     /$$$$$$$ | $$$$$$  |$$$$$$  |$$ \_$$ \_$$ |$$ \__$$ |$$ |      $$ \__$$ | $$$$$$  |
			                                    $$ |     $$    $$ |/     $$//     $$/ $$   $$   $$/ $$    $$/ $$ |      $$    $$ |/     $$/ 
			                                    $$/       $$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/   $$$$$/$$$$/   $$$$$$/  $$/        $$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/       
											           ???????????? ????????????????????????????????????


						[  ✕  ]URL: https://m.facebook.com/login.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu19@hotmail.es
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Portu2305

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authenticate
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu307
						[  ✕  ]Password: portu230

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://www.todorelatos.com/registro/
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: msx939dr

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://session.trionworlds.com/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://eu.battle.net/login/es/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.abrantes23@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.paypal.com/mx/signup/account
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://www.elitetorrent.net/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: PedroAlmeida
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://login.live.com/login.srf
						[  ✕  ]Username: latexglovessx@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.chateagratis.net/chat/chat.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: King
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://lifeselector.com/game/DisplayPlayer/gameId/85338
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://foro.unionfansub.com/member.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: pedro almeida
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://signin.ea.com/p/web/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://heroesandgenerals.com/game/play-the-game/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://www.poringa.net/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.paladins.com/play-for-free/
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://connect.ubi.com/Default/Login
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: pedro2305

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://www.paninicomics.es/c/portal/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: 7bLXDpd6

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.instagram.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: pedrinhoportu
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://animeflv.net/auth/sign_up
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://www.bigmoneyptc.com/index.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: portujordan
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.chateagratis.net/chat/chat.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: Tr
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.chateagratis.net/usuario/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: portualmeida
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://twitter.com/login/error
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.quierorollo.es/aff.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://ifttt.com/join
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://connect.deezer.com/register.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.nutaku.com/login/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.paladins.com/play-for-free/
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://www.bigmoneyptc.com/index.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: portujordan23
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://eu.battle.net/login/es/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portujunior.abrantes23@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://www.bigmoneyptc.com/index.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: thunderwolf
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.facebook.com/login.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu19@hotmail.es
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://hanime.tv/create-account
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.curse.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://lp.drakensang.com/lp/main
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://es.grepolis.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portacon
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://uptobox.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://eu.battle.net/account/creation/tos.html
						[  ✕  ]Username: portujunior.abrantes23@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.chateagratis.net/chat/chat.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: Tran
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.wattpad.com/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: portualmeida
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://api.chateagratis.net/iframe/register/es
						[  ✕  ]Username: portualmeida
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.evernote.com/OAuth.action
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://es0.grepolis.com/start/register
						[  ✕  ]Username: portacon
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://login.live.com/login.srf
						[  ✕  ]Username: portujunior.abrantes23@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://login.live.com/ppsecure/post.srf
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu19@hotmail.es
						[  ✕  ]Password: portu2305

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://www.chatx.es/index.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password:  hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://login.live.com/login.srf
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.dropbox.com/show_password_form
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://accountcenter.bpsecure.com/Settings/Password
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://bleach.soargames.com/play
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.game.es/VIDEOJUEGOS/ACCION/PLAYSTATION-4/BLOODBORNE-GOTY/120276
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin
						[  ✕  ]Username: portujunior.abrantes23@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://steamcommunity.com/openid/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu23jordan
						[  ✕  ]Password: Gilipollaselqueintenterobarla307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://animelv.net/wp-login.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://store.steampowered.com//login/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu23jordan
						[  ✕  ]Password: Gilipollaselqueintenterobarla307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://discordapp.com/channels/435452901964513291/440274243092086804
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: android://Jzj5T2E45Hb33D-lk-EHZVCrb7a064dEicTwrTYQYGXO99JqE2YERhbMP1qLogwJiy87OsBzC09Gk094Z-U_hg==@com.netflix.mediaclient/
						[  ✕  ]Username: jdavimabrantes@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: jada0344

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.todorelatos.com/registro/
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: msx939dr

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://m.contactosrapidos.com/aff.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://mega.nz/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.amazon.es/ap/register
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://m.animeflv.net/ver/48895/golden-kamuy-4
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://animeflv.net/ver/36874/jitsu-wa-watashi-wa-7
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://lifeselector.com/game/DisplayPlayer/gameId/85338
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.lezhin.com/en/signup
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: @Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.nutaku.net/login/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://lacasadelascarcasas.es/iniciar-sesion
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.xvideos.com/profiles/sophie-dee
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://eroges.com/en/
						[  ✕  ]Username: PortuAlmeida
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.facebook.com/login.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.humblebundle.com/monthly
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: android://qbMQCZh-CU_SBn04UFat_bLMSicoFKWYI0MzXmOdBklD5gJcvH42kD8GXA5lvZmtq1ON0Dd8FAT6SLUIlwNUqA==@com.instagram.android/
						[  ✕  ]Username: pedrinhoportu
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://adfs.educa.jcyl.es/adfs/ls/
						[  ✕  ]Username: pedrom.almabr
						[  ✕  ]Password: Fpd738Nf

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://adfs.educa.jcyl.es/adfs/ls/
						[  ✕  ]Username: pedrom.almabr@educa.jcyl.es
						[  ✕  ]Password: Kom3mg8P

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						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: android://LpWEurBGtIkVIeWlPSBr_te_CryMR7uFa3TYe6HToBtT5hdlrJ4MSzo4jkBLEy3abBw64LTI6mfqXjZyBFI8kA==@com.tumblr/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portujunior.abrantes23@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://follamigos.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: Pedro
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://mobile.twitter.com/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu307
						[  ✕  ]Password: portu230

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://mobile.twitter.com/login/error
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.deviantart.com/join/step2.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: Portualmeida
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://coolmic.me/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: android://MGnpujWBZnx4ciVi2tuqBC626KOzkUk7jub1Oc5hOIWbLnOIFHKKSw7Fd92XiQlWX7iAlcZKs6R_tJ6Usrm9TQ==@es.vodafone.mobile.mivodafone/
						[  ✕  ]Username: Portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: android://9WqA4xhU1ey1gtN9xPuLCoWnigORqYupT2izTtnSMdQEqY-yZ1kbHPX5TvFIqkucxz7y_6cXGbg8kTMEZU8_bw==@com.velotech.veer/
						[  ✕  ]Username: p0rtualmeida
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix

						[  ✕  ]URL: android://ZU9tfF-gRB0HmXs5A1bg3JvRX-ZZpakBJVA202IgU_nqL_nkTc6vy8Wqrtnefi5D1iwNu-L7dESN9y8ziRw1KA==@com.technogym.mywellness/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://game-nutaku.vixen-wars.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.popcornvod.com/welcome.html
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: HEndrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://signup.melodymaddness.com/es/html/sf/registration/eone.html
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://dk.opogame.com/landings/af/764/78837
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: android://rzef8XIchzNYccnQ6p99U6-g1BVn-zmfq-Ad1Ged0AZIYFIP5nqQ6gh84PpTinP66tDRBgJFYIpkzYKTqy6vuQ==@com.eyougame.eloraraid.en/
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://monstersclash.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://onlyfans.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: android://DoW0-a56gJ3JtmVZa03yGw0Szjl9Y1CJIdC4nLviFvJgHHZvmSp_3isSpzkvaZGmzDNmKq1glODrxSGDhbY--Q==@com.YisusCorp.Megadede/
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://login.live.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portujunior.abrantes23@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.megadede.com/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.addic7ed.com/newaccount.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.webtoons.com/member/join
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.paypal.com/signin
						[  ✕  ]Username: portujunior.abrantes23@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.epicgames.com/id/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://csgofreesklns.fun/auth
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu23jordan
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://login.live.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Portu2305

						[  ✕  ]URL:
						[  ✕  ]Username: admin
						[  ✕  ]Password: mmwUmgr4

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://steamcommunity.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu23jordan
						[  ✕  ]Password: Portu2305

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.instagram.com/accounts/password/reset/confirm/
						[  ✕  ]Username: sandra_les25
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://account.ubisoft.com/en-US/login/change-password
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://connect.ubisoft.com/link
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

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						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: #Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://passport.twitch.tv/password_resets/2zhcmt75n8vejyj8s3rcqqe75h5e5b/edit
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: (*ThunderWolf307.)

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.twitch.tv/
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: (*ThunderWolf307.)

						[  ✕  ]URL: android://dKranQB7c5H2WKHJF5rygyRh5-vrf7ZVODNX_XoJgJ5YncxgwK7vbH1kZrYCLmv68MEawe5nFA-sfKQk9mrbFQ==@tv.twitch.android.app/
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: (*ThunderWolf307.)

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.amazon.com/ap/signin
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://myaccount.google.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Portu2305

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://my.paysafecard.com/mypins-psc/registration/customerData.xhtml
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu307
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://login.paysafecard.com/customer-auth/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu307
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://foro.unionfansub.com/member.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://login.paysafecard.com/customer-auth/
						[  ✕  ]Username: hendrix307
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.animefenix.com/user/signup
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://animeyt.club/user/registro
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://faptitans.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu307
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://vrchat.com/home/register
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: gilipollaselqueintenterobarla307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://signup.euw.leagueoflegends.com/es/signup/index
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf306

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://signup.las.leagueoflegends.com/es/signup/index
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolfie
						[  ✕  ]Password: Portu2305

						[  ✕  ]URL: android://qbMQCZh-CU_SBn04UFat_bLMSicoFKWYI0MzXmOdBklD5gJcvH42kD8GXA5lvZmtq1ON0Dd8FAT6SLUIlwNUqA==@com.instagram.android/
						[  ✕  ]Username: thunderwolf307_owo
						[  ✕  ]Password: Portu2305

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.instagram.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: thunderwolf307_owo
						[  ✕  ]Password: Portu2305

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://auth.riotgames.com/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf306
						[  ✕  ]Password: Portu2305

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://es.secure.imvu.com/welcome/ftux/account/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://tetr.io/
						[  ✕  ]Username: THUNDERWOLF
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.roblox.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolfie307
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: android://qbMQCZh-CU_SBn04UFat_bLMSicoFKWYI0MzXmOdBklD5gJcvH42kD8GXA5lvZmtq1ON0Dd8FAT6SLUIlwNUqA==@com.instagram.android/
						[  ✕  ]Username: sandra_les25
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://m.facebook.com/login.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://customer.cc.at.paysafecard.com/rest/payment/panel
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu307
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://my.eneba.com/es/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: android://zQxb6hXv1MJiC1Yyotdhi8HP-y7fwPcOLwPOWTwWKpP2VXcbsuIiI4iJ1KV0Dz3LzVsUuKJmYCBIUAxnsPB9FA==@com.facebook.katana/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: android://0jlhfjVLphZh9SjauTDUC7IIjFMVPt6i6yDMiCvPiaZI9m1xqu0eyZyyr_osWgQlL_UA--sev8UySpwzfrp9TA==@com.project.nutaku/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://vrmodels.store/index.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: Portu2305

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://vrchat.com/home/register
						[  ✕  ]Username: DalioNZaraki
						[  ✕  ]Password: Portu2305

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://chathispano.com/webchat/
						[  ✕  ]Username: MasterDom
						[  ✕  ]Password: Portu2305

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://help.steampowered.com/es/wizard/HelpUnauthorizedLogin
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu23jordan
						[  ✕  ]Password: Gilipollaselqueintenterobarla307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://chathispano.com/webchat/
						[  ✕  ]Username: MasterDom26
						[  ✕  ]Password: mn

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://accounts.google.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf3008
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://id.unity.com/en/conversations/67607b1c-eb63-4385-840c-d85a28278b62009f
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://login.playkakaogames.com/register
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Portu2305@

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://vrchat.com/home/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: Navv
						[  ✕  ]Password: pandepipas12

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://account.mihoyo.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: Portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Portu2305

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.virustotal.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Portu2305@

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://eu.account.battle.net/creation/flow/patch
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: Portu2305

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://ripper.store/register
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: Portu2305

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.patreon.com/join/Hobbert/signup
						[  ✕  ]Username: portujunior.abrantes23@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://account.protonvpn.com/signup/account
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: Portu2305

						[  ✕  ]URL: android://qbMQCZh-CU_SBn04UFat_bLMSicoFKWYI0MzXmOdBklD5gJcvH42kD8GXA5lvZmtq1ON0Dd8FAT6SLUIlwNUqA==@com.instagram.android/
						[  ✕  ]Username: YGGDRSSIL
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://vrchat.com/home/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: Dj Deri
						[  ✕  ]Password: reahnatsukisel

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://chillzone.live/system/index.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://vrchat.com/home/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: Laprreadora69
						[  ✕  ]Password: aquiencoñoleimportalacuenta

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://vrchat.com/home/register
						[  ✕  ]Username: YGGDRSSIL
						[  ✕  ]Password: gilipollaselqueintenterobarla307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://vrmodels.store/index.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: Umiko
						[  ✕  ]Password: Portu2305

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://vrchat.com/home/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: Aurry
						[  ✕  ]Password: Coconut07251995

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://vrchat.com/home/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: Sugarita
						[  ✕  ]Password: Candyrata2005

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://discord.com/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Gilipollaselqueintenterobarla307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://honkaiimpact3.mihoyo.com/ua1/
						[  ✕  ]Username: Portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Portu2305

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://tlauncher.org/en/catalog/skins/nickname/
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.tynker.com/minecraft/skins/view/steve/5b19fbb576f293365d8b4567
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: Portu2305

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.tynker.com/minecraft/skins/view/steve/5b19fbb576f293365d8b4567
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf30008@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Portu2305

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://signin.rockstargames.com/signin/user-form
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://vrchat.com/home/profile
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderrWolf
						[  ✕  ]Password: gilipollaselqueintenterobarla307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.mediafire.com/upgrade/registration.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: thunderwolf3008@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Portu2305

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://webstatic-sea.hoyoverse.com/payment/genshin/index.html
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Portu2305

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://m.facebook.com/login.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu19@hotmail.es
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authenticate
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu307
						[  ✕  ]Password: portu230

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://www.todorelatos.com/registro/
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: msx939dr

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://session.trionworlds.com/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://eu.battle.net/login/es/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.abrantes23@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.paypal.com/mx/signup/account
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://www.elitetorrent.net/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: PedroAlmeida
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://login.live.com/login.srf
						[  ✕  ]Username: latexglovessx@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.chateagratis.net/chat/chat.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: King
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://lifeselector.com/game/DisplayPlayer/gameId/85338
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://foro.unionfansub.com/member.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: pedro almeida
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://signin.ea.com/p/web/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://heroesandgenerals.com/game/play-the-game/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://www.poringa.net/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.paladins.com/play-for-free/
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://connect.ubi.com/Default/Login
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: pedro2305

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://www.paninicomics.es/c/portal/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: 7bLXDpd6

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.instagram.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: pedrinhoportu
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://animeflv.net/auth/sign_up
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://www.bigmoneyptc.com/index.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: portujordan
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.chateagratis.net/chat/chat.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: Tr
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.chateagratis.net/usuario/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: portualmeida
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://twitter.com/login/error
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.quierorollo.es/aff.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://ifttt.com/join
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://connect.deezer.com/register.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.nutaku.com/login/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.paladins.com/play-for-free/
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://www.bigmoneyptc.com/index.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: portujordan23
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://eu.battle.net/login/es/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portujunior.abrantes23@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://www.bigmoneyptc.com/index.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: thunderwolf
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.facebook.com/login.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu19@hotmail.es
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://hanime.tv/create-account
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.curse.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://lp.drakensang.com/lp/main
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://es.grepolis.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portacon
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://uptobox.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://eu.battle.net/account/creation/tos.html
						[  ✕  ]Username: portujunior.abrantes23@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.chateagratis.net/chat/chat.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: Tran
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.wattpad.com/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: portualmeida
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://api.chateagratis.net/iframe/register/es
						[  ✕  ]Username: portualmeida
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.evernote.com/OAuth.action
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://es0.grepolis.com/start/register
						[  ✕  ]Username: portacon
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://login.live.com/login.srf
						[  ✕  ]Username: portujunior.abrantes23@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://login.live.com/ppsecure/post.srf
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu19@hotmail.es
						[  ✕  ]Password: portu2305

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://www.chatx.es/index.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password:  hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://login.live.com/login.srf
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.dropbox.com/show_password_form
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://accountcenter.bpsecure.com/Settings/Password
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://bleach.soargames.com/play
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.game.es/VIDEOJUEGOS/ACCION/PLAYSTATION-4/BLOODBORNE-GOTY/120276
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin
						[  ✕  ]Username: portujunior.abrantes23@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://steamcommunity.com/openid/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu23jordan
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://animelv.net/wp-login.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://store.steampowered.com//login/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu23jordan
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://discordapp.com/channels/435452901964513291/440274243092086804
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: android://Jzj5T2E45Hb33D-lk-EHZVCrb7a064dEicTwrTYQYGXO99JqE2YERhbMP1qLogwJiy87OsBzC09Gk094Z-U_hg==@com.netflix.mediaclient/
						[  ✕  ]Username: jdavimabrantes@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: @@0344Ja

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.todorelatos.com/registro/
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: msx939dr

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://m.contactosrapidos.com/aff.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://mega.nz/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.amazon.es/ap/register
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://m.animeflv.net/ver/48895/golden-kamuy-4
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://animeflv.net/ver/36874/jitsu-wa-watashi-wa-7
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://lifeselector.com/game/DisplayPlayer/gameId/85338
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.lezhin.com/en/signup
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: @Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.nutaku.net/login/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://lacasadelascarcasas.es/iniciar-sesion
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.xvideos.com/profiles/sophie-dee
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://eroges.com/en/
						[  ✕  ]Username: PortuAlmeida
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.facebook.com/login.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.humblebundle.com/monthly
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: android://qbMQCZh-CU_SBn04UFat_bLMSicoFKWYI0MzXmOdBklD5gJcvH42kD8GXA5lvZmtq1ON0Dd8FAT6SLUIlwNUqA==@com.instagram.android/
						[  ✕  ]Username: pedrinhoportu
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://adfs.educa.jcyl.es/adfs/ls/
						[  ✕  ]Username: pedrom.almabr
						[  ✕  ]Password: Fpd738Nf

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://adfs.educa.jcyl.es/adfs/ls/
						[  ✕  ]Username: pedrom.almabr@educa.jcyl.es
						[  ✕  ]Password: Kom3mg8P

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						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

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						[  ✕  ]Username: portujunior.abrantes23@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://follamigos.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: Pedro
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://mobile.twitter.com/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu307
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						[  ✕  ]URL: https://mobile.twitter.com/login/error
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						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.deviantart.com/join/step2.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: Portualmeida
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://coolmic.me/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

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						[  ✕  ]Username: Portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: android://9WqA4xhU1ey1gtN9xPuLCoWnigORqYupT2izTtnSMdQEqY-yZ1kbHPX5TvFIqkucxz7y_6cXGbg8kTMEZU8_bw==@com.velotech.veer/
						[  ✕  ]Username: p0rtualmeida
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix

						[  ✕  ]URL: android://ZU9tfF-gRB0HmXs5A1bg3JvRX-ZZpakBJVA202IgU_nqL_nkTc6vy8Wqrtnefi5D1iwNu-L7dESN9y8ziRw1KA==@com.technogym.mywellness/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://game-nutaku.vixen-wars.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.popcornvod.com/welcome.html
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: HEndrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://signup.melodymaddness.com/es/html/sf/registration/eone.html
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://dk.opogame.com/landings/af/764/78837
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: android://rzef8XIchzNYccnQ6p99U6-g1BVn-zmfq-Ad1Ged0AZIYFIP5nqQ6gh84PpTinP66tDRBgJFYIpkzYKTqy6vuQ==@com.eyougame.eloraraid.en/
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: http://monstersclash.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://onlyfans.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: android://DoW0-a56gJ3JtmVZa03yGw0Szjl9Y1CJIdC4nLviFvJgHHZvmSp_3isSpzkvaZGmzDNmKq1glODrxSGDhbY--Q==@com.YisusCorp.Megadede/
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://login.live.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portujunior.abrantes23@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.megadede.com/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.addic7ed.com/newaccount.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.webtoons.com/member/join
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.paypal.com/signin
						[  ✕  ]Username: portujunior.abrantes23@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.epicgames.com/id/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://csgofreesklns.fun/auth
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu23jordan
						[  ✕  ]Password: hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://login.live.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Portu2305

						[  ✕  ]URL:
						[  ✕  ]Username: admin
						[  ✕  ]Password: mmwUmgr4

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://steamcommunity.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu23jordan
						[  ✕  ]Password: Portu2305

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.instagram.com/accounts/password/reset/confirm/
						[  ✕  ]Username: sandra_les25
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://account.ubisoft.com/en-US/login/change-password
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://connect.ubisoft.com/link
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: android://WXJN2HboBtYW4lN7TZdqplqOlmCzyKjSPdKmg2m9UPCps_xBcRYDzbdoiHpj0hrpzRbfwqTx119YiLzLt2iVYQ==@com.digidust.elokence.akinator.freemium/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: #Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://passport.twitch.tv/password_resets/2zhcmt75n8vejyj8s3rcqqe75h5e5b/edit
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: (*ThunderWolf307.)

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.twitch.tv/
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: (*ThunderWolf307.)

						[  ✕  ]URL: android://dKranQB7c5H2WKHJF5rygyRh5-vrf7ZVODNX_XoJgJ5YncxgwK7vbH1kZrYCLmv68MEawe5nFA-sfKQk9mrbFQ==@tv.twitch.android.app/
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: (*ThunderWolf307.)

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.amazon.com/ap/signin
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://myaccount.google.com/
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Portu2305

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://discord.com/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Hendrix27

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://vrchat.com/home/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Portu2305

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://vrmodels.store/index.php
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf307
						[  ✕  ]Password: Portu2305

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://webstatic-sea.mihoyo.com/ys/event/e20210624-boat/index.html
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: Portu2305

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://webstatic-sea.mihoyo.com/payment/genshin/index.html
						[  ✕  ]Username: gmrchao20661968@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: roronoazoro2006

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://customer.cc.at.paysafecard.com/rest/payment/panel
						[  ✕  ]Username: portu.almeida307@gmail.com
						[  ✕  ]Password: ThunderWolf307

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.roblox.com/discover/
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolf_789
						[  ✕  ]Password: wertyuiop122

						[  ✕  ]URL: https://www.roblox.com/login
						[  ✕  ]Username: ThunderWolfie307
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### The End of the Fucking World comienza producción de nueva temporada ### (https://www.rockandpop.cl/2019/03/the-end-of-the-fing-world-nueva-temporada/)
### Un hombre espera 47 años para abrir el regalo de Navidad de su ex ### (http://www.brain-sharper.com/social/espera-47-anos-abrir-regalo-tb/)
### Chapter 1 Cover – Acrobat ### (http://www.sexyversecomics.com/acrobat/comic/chapter-1-cover/)
### [Meganei] Onee-chan ni Makasenasai! | Leave it to Onee-chan! (COMIC Shingeki 2018-09) [English] [Shippoyasha] [Digital] - E-Hentai Galleries ### (https://e-hentai.org/g/1362878/7a28673460/)
### [TETRODOTOXIN (Nise Kurosaki)] Gal ni Datte Hitohada Koishii Kisetsu ga Arutte Hontou desu ka? (Oshiete! Galko-chan!) [Digital] - E-Hentai Galleries ### (https://e-hentai.org/g/1363385/a960e89fd6/)
### [Horsetail] Kaa-san Janakya Dame Nanda!! 4 ~Natsuyasumi Kouhen~ | Mother it has to be you ~Summer Holiday Last Part~ [Spanish] [Night Fansub] - E-Hentai Galleries ### (https://e-hentai.org/g/1363357/c3776861cb/)
### [Aya Yanagisawa] Deviants [Spanish] [Nightmare Fansub] - E-Hentai Galleries ### (https://e-hentai.org/g/912177/1bc371ef82/)
### (C90) [Kaigansen (Sakagami Umi, Ueno Meguru)] GalPa! [Spanish] [Night Fansub] - E-Hentai Galleries ### (https://e-hentai.org/g/1135381/ff56f0c54b/)
### (C91) [Kaigansen (Sakagami Umi)] GalPa! 2 [Spanish] [Night Fansub] - E-Hentai Galleries ### (https://e-hentai.org/g/1123479/ec99422f71/)
### [Sado] Onna ni Natta Ore no Shojo, Hoshii? [Spanish] [GB Scans] [Digital] - E-Hentai Galleries ### (https://e-hentai.org/g/1363381/633d59168d/)
### [Izayoi no Kiki] Boshi Soukan Nozokinozokare | Incest between a mother and her son nozokinozokare [Spanish] [Night Fansub] - E-Hentai Galleries ### (https://e-hentai.org/g/974963/3dd0a49d4b/)
### [Meika] Hitozuma wa Uwaki Suru | Married Woman's Affair (WEB Han Comic Geki Yaba! Vol. 52) [Spanish] [Night Fansub] [Decensored] [Digital] - E-Hentai Galleries ### (https://e-hentai.org/g/1007022/2c23ff5a13/)
### [Hashida Mamoru] Ane Chichi (Mizuno Rina Ryuushutsu) [Spanish] [Nightmare Fansub] - E-Hentai Galleries ### (https://e-hentai.org/g/838748/8cb0f64462/)
### [Jamming] Kaa-san wa Natural Taste - Step Mother Is [Natural Taste] [Spanish] [Nightmare Fansub] - E-Hentai Galleries ### (https://e-hentai.org/g/873929/a83ac56a6a/)
### [Kobi-Tfs] TFS R Us [Ongoing] - E-Hentai Galleries ### (https://e-hentai.org/g/1363172/60f24eafed/)
### [MissBehaviour] Gotcha! (Adventure Time) - E-Hentai Galleries ### (https://e-hentai.org/g/1363570/925053bd10/)
### [InuCream (InuCreamice)] Succubus no Wana ni Kakatte Nyotaika Renzoku Nakadashi Gohan [English] [Otokonoko Scans] - E-Hentai Galleries ### (https://e-hentai.org/g/1362647/b5f128135e/)
### [TSF no F (Hyouga.)] Gal-iro ni Somaru + Gal-iro ni Someagaru [Chinese] [70DAYS个人汉化] - E-Hentai Galleries ### (https://e-hentai.org/g/1362327/7b5f6fdd4e/)
### [JoeForest] Lost Property - Chapter Five - E-Hentai Galleries ### (https://e-hentai.org/g/1363117/502b8567d9/)
### Lost Property - Chapter One - E-Hentai Galleries ### (https://e-hentai.org/g/1054393/bf8e59c98c/)
### Lost Property - Chapter Two - E-Hentai Galleries ### (https://e-hentai.org/g/1068663/8e1876be14/)
### Lost Property - Chapter Three - E-Hentai Galleries ### (https://e-hentai.org/g/1176335/fe51519f33/)
### [JoeForest] Lost Property - Chapter Four - E-Hentai Galleries ### (https://e-hentai.org/g/1281020/8d0b5e8ba6/)
### E-Hentai Galleries - The Free Hentai Doujinshi, Manga and Image Gallery System ### (https://e-hentai.org/?f_doujinshi=1&f_manga=1&f_artistcg=1&f_gamecg=1&f_western=1&f_non-h=1&f_imageset=1&f_cosplay=1&f_asianporn=1&f_misc=1&f_search=Lost+Property&f_apply=Apply+Filter)
### [Novia (Labui)] Seitokaichou no Karei naru Nyotaika Kiroku [Digital] - E-Hentai Galleries ### (https://e-hentai.org/g/1364655/c81674594c/)
### Phoenix Wright vs Hershel Layton. Épicas Batallas de Rap del Frikismo | Keyblade - YouTube ### (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCvdiEDZy_k&list=PLVk5ko-8cliflJ9vhaVJmNknJ14XgjrgY&index=1)
### Crash Bandicoot vs Rayman. Épicas Batallas de Rap del Frikismo | Keyblade ft. IkerPlan - YouTube ### (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5bwSEKe7AY&list=PLVk5ko-8cliflJ9vhaVJmNknJ14XgjrgY&index=2)
### Jack Skeleton vs El Grinch. Épicas Batallas de Rap del Frikismo | Keyblade - YouTube ### (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDS9oOyA-wc&list=PLVk5ko-8cliflJ9vhaVJmNknJ14XgjrgY&index=3)
### Batman vs Iron Man. Épicas Batallas de Rap del Frikismo | Keyblade - YouTube ### (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nl5J-rdqwMY&list=PLVk5ko-8cliflJ9vhaVJmNknJ14XgjrgY&index=4)
### Hulk vs La Cosa. Épicas Batallas de Rap del Frikismo | Keyblade ft. ZetaEme - YouTube ### (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0lgzquX5jY&index=5&list=PLVk5ko-8cliflJ9vhaVJmNknJ14XgjrgY)
### Tsuna Sawada vs Rin Okumura. Épicas Batallas de Rap del Frikismo | Keyblade ft. Kinox - YouTube ### (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82HlLMJ7Pk4&list=PLVk5ko-8cliflJ9vhaVJmNknJ14XgjrgY&index=6)
### Lee Everett vs Bigby Wolf. Épicas Batallas de Rap del Frikismo | Keyblade - YouTube ### (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDXKkE5_1m0&index=7&list=PLVk5ko-8cliflJ9vhaVJmNknJ14XgjrgY)
### King Kong vs Godzilla. Épicas Batallas de Rap del Frikismo | Keyblade - YouTube ### (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsI8kUXUztQ&index=8&list=PLVk5ko-8cliflJ9vhaVJmNknJ14XgjrgY)
### Natsu Dragneel vs Dovahkiin. Épicas Batallas de Rap del Frikismo | Keyblade ft. Maydawa - YouTube ### (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Niudhi-wNgM&list=PLVk5ko-8cliflJ9vhaVJmNknJ14XgjrgY&index=9)
### Shin Chan vs Doraemon. Épicas Batallas de Rap del Frikismo | Keyblade ft. Cyclo - YouTube ### (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCZkK2pbP8w&index=10&list=PLVk5ko-8cliflJ9vhaVJmNknJ14XgjrgY)
### Barney Stinson vs Sheldon Cooper. Épicas Batallas de Rap del Frikismo | Keyblade ft. SoRa - YouTube ### (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ar-98GAzHoM&list=PLVk5ko-8cliflJ9vhaVJmNknJ14XgjrgY&index=11)
### Scorpion vs Sub-Zero. Épicas Batallas de Rap del Frikismo | Keyblade - YouTube ### (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCy9gUkaB_A&list=PLVk5ko-8cliflJ9vhaVJmNknJ14XgjrgY&index=12)
### Finn el Humano vs Mordecai. Épicas Batallas de Rap del Frikismo | Keyblade ft. Kinox y Vau Boy - YouTube ### (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCUDn-B6Ack&index=13&list=PLVk5ko-8cliflJ9vhaVJmNknJ14XgjrgY)
### Homer Simpson vs Peter Griffin. Épicas Batallas de Rap del Frikismo | Keyblade ft. Zarcort - YouTube ### (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmExGqyO5lA&list=PLVk5ko-8cliflJ9vhaVJmNknJ14XgjrgY&index=14)
### Kratos vs Dante. Épicas Batallas de Rap del Frikismo | Keyblade - YouTube ### (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJRrmHHiqiI&list=PLVk5ko-8cliflJ9vhaVJmNknJ14XgjrgY&index=16)
### Eren Jaeger vs Kirito. Épicas Batallas de Rap del Frikismo | Keyblade - YouTube ### (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJRrmHHiqiI&list=PLVk5ko-8cliflJ9vhaVJmNknJ14XgjrgY&index=16)
### Goku vs Naruto. Épicas Batallas de Rap del Frikismo | Keyblade ft. Mediyak - YouTube ### (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrz7-Xa3Vf4&list=PLVk5ko-8cliflJ9vhaVJmNknJ14XgjrgY&index=17)
### Kira vs L. Épicas Batallas de Rap del Frikismo | Keyblade ft. Sharkness - YouTube ### (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nokwVxbEB8U&index=19&list=PLVk5ko-8cliflJ9vhaVJmNknJ14XgjrgY)
### Mario vs Sonic. Épicas Batallas de Rap del Frikismo | Keyblade - YouTube ### (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nokwVxbEB8U&index=19&list=PLVk5ko-8cliflJ9vhaVJmNknJ14XgjrgY)
### Pikachu vs Agumon. Épicas Batallas de Rap del Frikismo | Keyblade - YouTube ### (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7yqAuwIdK4&index=20&list=PLVk5ko-8cliflJ9vhaVJmNknJ14XgjrgY)
### Alex Mercer vs Ezio Auditore. Épicas Batallas de Rap del Frikismo | Keyblade - YouTube ### (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcLVVTN3K9M&index=21&list=PLVk5ko-8cliflJ9vhaVJmNknJ14XgjrgY)
### Hentaitake - Release Calendar ### (http://hentaitake.net/release-calendar/)
### Milftoon Comics -Adult • Free Porn XyzComix ### (http://xyzcomics.com/category/milftoon-comics/)
### Milftoon - HOUSEWIFE 101 (Complete) ### (https://svscomics.com/download/178459/milftoon-housewife-101-complete)
### Porn Comics & Sex Games - SVSComics ### (https://svscomics.com/)
### Housewife 101 | 8muses - Sex and Porn Comics ### (https://www.8muses.com/comics/album/MilfToon-Comics/Housewife-101)
### Break Time | 8muses - Sex and Porn Comics ### (https://www.8muses.com/comics/album/Fakku-Comics/mogg/Break-Time)
### No Guard Wife - Manga - TuMangaOnline ### (https://tmofans.com/library/manga/40449/no-guard-wife)
### I am a villager, what about it? - Manga - TuMangaOnline ### (https://tmofans.com/library/manga/27394/I-am-a-villager-what-abou)
### This Doesn't Feel Like Me - Manhwa - TuMangaOnline ### (https://tmofans.com/library/manhwa/36387/this-doesnt-feel-like-me)
### Addiction man - Manhwa - TuMangaOnline ### (https://tmofans.com/library/manhwa/23656/addiction-man)
### Bittersweet - Manhwa - TuMangaOnline ### (https://tmofans.com/library/manhwa/35725/bittersweet)
### Alquiler De Chicas - Manhwa - TuMangaOnline ### (https://tmofans.com/library/manhwa/41105/alquiler-de-chicas)
### A neighbors cousin - Manhwa - TuMangaOnline ### (https://tmofans.com/library/manhwa/41197/a-neighbors-cousin)
### Kinsho no Nanako-san - Capítulo 1.00:  Mi vecina Nanako-san - Uchuujin Projects - TuMangaOnline ### (https://tmofans.com/viewer/5b84b1606a61d/paginated/9)
### La enfermera de mi madre y su gemela 4 por GOLFOENMADRID - TodoRelatos ### (https://movil.todorelatos.com/relato/141521/)
### A pervert's daily life - - Capítulo 6.00 - Plot Twist No Fansub - TuMangaOnline ### (https://tmofans.com/viewer/5afaad9abeee0/cascade)
### Tenjou Tenge - Capítulo 11.00 - Voy a subir Mangas - TuMangaOnline ### (https://tmofans.com/viewer/5af49125d43c8/paginated/31)
### Descubriendo a mi nueva madre 5. por Mortocoro - TodoRelatos ### (https://movil.todorelatos.com/relato/145893/)
### GatoMoreno - Autor de TodoRelatos ### (https://movil.todorelatos.com/perfil/1431974/)
### Committee Chairman, Didn't You Just Masturbate In the Bathroom? I Can See the Number of Times People Orgasm - Manhwa - TuMangaOnline ### (https://tmofans.com/library/manhwa/41933/committee-chairman-didnt-you-just-masturbate-in-the-bathroom-i-can-see-the-number-of-times-people-orgasm)
### AnimeID ### (http://www.animeid.moe/world-trigger)
### Aoharu x Kikanjuu - anime Aoharu x Kikanjuu Online - ver Aoharu x Kikanjuu ### (http://jkanime.net/aoharu-x-kikanjuu/)
### Durarara!!x2 Shou - anime Durarara!!x2 Shou Online - ver Durarara!!x2 Shou ### (http://jkanime.net/durarara-x2-shou/)
### Durarara!! - anime Durarara!! Online - ver Durarara!! ### (http://jkanime.net/durarara/)
### Durarara!!x2 Ten - anime Durarara!!x2 Ten Online - ver Durarara!!x2 Ten ### (http://jkanime.net/durarara-x2-ten/)
### Aldnoah.Zero - anime Aldnoah.Zero Online - ver Aldnoah.Zero ### (http://jkanime.net/aldnoahzero/)
### Aldnoah.Zero 2nd Season - anime Aldnoah.Zero 2nd Season Online - ver Aldnoah.Zero 2nd Season ### (http://jkanime.net/aldnoahzero-2nd-season/)
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### Grisaia no Meikyuu - anime Grisaia no Meikyuu Online - ver Grisaia no Meikyuu ### (http://jkanime.net/grisaia-no-meikyuu/)
### Grisaia no Rakuen - anime Grisaia no Rakuen Online - ver Grisaia no Rakuen ### (http://jkanime.net/grisaia-no-rakuen/)
### Gangsta. - anime Gangsta. Online - ver Gangsta. ### (http://jkanime.net/gangsta-/)
### God Eater - anime God Eater Online - ver God Eater ### (http://jkanime.net/god-eater/)
### Classroom☆Crisis - anime Classroom☆Crisis Online - ver Classroom☆Crisis ### (http://jkanime.net/classroomcrisis/)
### Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri - anime Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri Online - ver Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri ### (http://jkanime.net/gate/)
### Kuusen Madoushi Kouhosei no Kyoukan Online - AnimeFLV ### (http://animeflv.net/anime/kuusen-madoushi-kouhosei-no-kyoukan.html)
### Rakuen Tsuihou: Expelled From Paradise - anime Rakuen Tsuihou: Expelled From Paradise Online - ver Rakuen Tsuihou: Expelled From Paradise ### (http://jkanime.net/rakuen-tsuihou-expelled-from-paradise/)
### Overlord - anime Overlord Online - ver Overlord ### (http://jkanime.net/overlord/)
### Rokka no Yuusha - anime Rokka no Yuusha Online - ver Rokka no Yuusha ### (http://jkanime.net/rokka-no-yuusha/)
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### Ushio to Tora - anime Ushio to Tora Online - ver Ushio to Tora ### (http://jkanime.net/ushio-to-tora-tv/)
### Seiken Tsukai no World Break - anime Seiken Tsukai no World Break Online - ver Seiken Tsukai no World Break ### (http://jkanime.net/seiken-tsukai-no-world-break/)
### Sengoku Musou - anime Sengoku Musou Online - ver Sengoku Musou ### (http://jkanime.net/sengoku-musou/)
### Owari no Seraph - anime Owari no Seraph Online - ver Owari no Seraph ### (http://jkanime.net/owari-no-seraph/)
### Triage X - anime Triage X Online - ver Triage X ### (http://jkanime.net/triage-x/)
### Kyoukai no Rinne - anime Kyoukai no Rinne Online - ver Kyoukai no Rinne ### (http://jkanime.net/kyoukai-no-rinne-tv/)
### Kekkai Sensen - anime Kekkai Sensen Online - ver Kekkai Sensen ### (http://jkanime.net/kekkai-sensen/)
### Fate/stay night - anime Fate/stay night Online - ver Fate/stay night ### (http://jkanime.net/fatestay-night/)
### Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works (TV) - anime Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works (TV) Online - ver Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works (TV) ### (http://jkanime.net/fatestay-night-unlimited-blade-works-tv/)
### Fate/Zero - anime Fate/Zero Online - ver Fate/Zero ### (http://jkanime.net/fatezero/)
### Fate/Zero 2nd Season - anime Fate/Zero 2nd Season Online - ver Fate/Zero 2nd Season ### (http://jkanime.net/fate-zero-2/)
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### Charlotte - anime Charlotte Online - ver Charlotte ### (http://jkanime.net/charlotte-/)
### Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu - anime Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu Online - ver Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu ### (http://jkanime.net/suzumiya-haruhi-no-yuuutsu/)
### Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009) - anime Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009) Online - ver Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009) ### (http://jkanime.net/suzumiya-haruhi-no-yuuutsu-2009/)
### Nagato Yuki-chan no Shoushitsu - anime Nagato Yuki-chan no Shoushitsu Online - ver Nagato Yuki-chan no Shoushitsu ### (http://jkanime.net/nagato-yuki-chan-no-shoushitsu/)
### Gakkou Gurashi! Online - AnimeFLV ### (http://animeflv.net/anime/gakkou-gurashi.html)
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### Cardfight!! Vanguard Online - AnimeFLV ### (http://animeflv.net/anime/cardfight-vanguard.html)
### Cardfight!! Vanguard G: Gears Crisis-hen Online - AnimeFLV ### (http://animeflv.net/anime/cardfight-vanguard-g-gears-crisis-hen.html)
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### Cool Drawings of Dragon Skulls | Design images ### (http://www.designveryeasy.com/tags/Cool-Drawings-of-Dragon-Skulls-73683)
### how to draw dragons head | Pencil Sketch Drawing ### (http://pencildrawing.us/image/how-to-draw-dragons-head)
### How to Draw a Skull – Sketchbook Challenge 8 | SketchBookNation.com ### (http://sketchbooknation.com/draw-skull-sketchbook-challenge-8/)
### Art Zone ### (http://paint-picker.blogspot.com.es/)
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### How to Draw a Dragon Skeleton, Dragon Skeleton, Step by Step, Dragons, Draw a Dragon, Fantasy, FREE Online Drawing Tutorial, Added by Dawn, January 25, 2012, 11:54:33 pm ### (http://www.dragoart.com/tuts/10832/1/1/how-to-draw-a-dragon-skeleton,-dragon-skeleton.htm)
### Easy to Draw Dragon Skeleton, Step by Step, Dragons, Draw a Dragon, Fantasy, FREE Online Drawing Tutorial, Added by Dawn, February 15, 2008, 10:41:19 pm ### (http://www.dragoart.com/tuts/269/1/1/easy-to-draw-dragon-skeleton.htm)
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### How to Draw Skulls, Draw Skulls ### (http://www.drawskulls.com/)
### como dibujar un craneo de dragon - Taringa! ### (https://www.taringa.net/post/arte/16616491/Como-dibujar-un-craneo-de-dragon.html)
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### Rinne Takaido | Osawari Island Wikia | FANDOM powered by Wikia ### (http://osawari-island.wikia.com/wiki/Rinne_Takaido)
### Ichigo (Pajama version) | Osawari Island Wikia | FANDOM powered by Wikia ### (http://osawari-island.wikia.com/wiki/Ichigo_(Pajama_version))
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### Las Capacidades De Luis (I) por ViSiosoEnMordor - TodoRelatos ### (http://todorelatos.com/relato/134813/)
### Las Capacidades de Luis (II) por ViSiosoEnMordor - TodoRelatos ### (http://todorelatos.com/relato/134841/)
### Las Capacidades De Luis (III) por ViSiosoEnMordor - TodoRelatos ### (http://todorelatos.com/relato/134862/)
### Las Capacidades De Luis (IV) por ViSiosoEnMordor - TodoRelatos ### (http://todorelatos.com/relato/135002/)
### Las Capacidades De Luis (V) por ViSiosoEnMordor - TodoRelatos ### (http://todorelatos.com/relato/135820/)
### Las Capacidades De Luis (V, 2a versión) por ViSiosoEnMordor - TodoRelatos ### (http://todorelatos.com/relato/135874/)
### Las Capacidades De Luis (VI) por ViSiosoEnMordor - TodoRelatos ### (http://todorelatos.com/relato/135937/)
### ViSiosoEnMordor - Autor de TodoRelatos ### (http://todorelatos.com/perfil/1453907/)
### Maria la fea RELATOS PORNO | RELATOS EROTICOS ### (http://www.misrelatosporno.com/relato47392_Maria-la-fea.html)
### me cogi a la primita de mi novia RELATOS PORNO | RELATOS EROTICOS ### (http://www.misrelatosporno.com/relato46878_me-cogi-a-la-primita-de-mi-novia.html)
### RELATOS PORNO DE No Consentido | RELATOS EROTICOS DE No Consentido ### (http://www.misrelatosporno.com/27-No-Consentido.htm)
### Violada por jardinero negro RELATOS PORNO | RELATOS EROTICOS ### (http://www.misrelatosporno.com/relato46469_Violada-por-jardinero-negro.html)
### RELATOS PORNO DE Control Mental | RELATOS EROTICOS DE Control Mental ### (http://www.misrelatosporno.com/4-Control-Mental.htm)
### El don.... (mi abuela) RELATOS PORNO | RELATOS EROTICOS ### (http://www.misrelatosporno.com/relato43642_El-don....-(mi-abuela).html)
### Mi inocente novia (deje que dos hombres negros se cojieran ami novia) parte 2 RELATOS PORNO | RELATOS EROTICOS ### (http://www.misrelatosporno.com/relato40018_Mi-inocente-novia-(deje-que-dos-hombres-negros-se-cojieran-ami-novia)-parte-2.html)
### FAUSTO: EL INICIO RELATOS PORNO | RELATOS EROTICOS ### (http://www.misrelatosporno.com/relato42486_FAUSTO-EL--INICIO.html)
### RELATOS PORNO DE Dominación | RELATOS EROTICOS DE Dominación ### (http://www.misrelatosporno.com/6-Dominaci%C3%B3n.htm)
### Mi amor con mi hija adoptiva 1 RELATOS PORNO | RELATOS EROTICOS ### (http://www.misrelatosporno.com/relato46559_Mi-amor-con-mi-hija-adoptiva-1.html)
### Las tijeras mágicas parte 1 RELATOS PORNO | RELATOS EROTICOS ### (http://www.misrelatosporno.com/relato42748_Las-tijeras-m%C3%A1gicas-parte-1.html)
### Tuve sexo con un fantasma RELATOS PORNO | RELATOS EROTICOS ### (http://www.misrelatosporno.com/relato46808_Tuve-sexo-con-un-fantasma.html)
### La tienda (1: la poción) RELATOS PORNO | RELATOS EROTICOS ### (http://www.misrelatosporno.com/relato30487_La-tienda-(1-la-poci%C3%B3n).html)
### La boda de Sandra RELATOS PORNO | RELATOS EROTICOS ### (http://www.misrelatosporno.com/relato26615_La-boda-de-Sandra.html)
### Las dos hermanas santeras y mi arisca jefa (1) RELATOS PORNO | RELATOS EROTICOS ### (http://www.misrelatosporno.com/relato26776_Las-dos-hermanas-santeras-y-mi-arisca-jefa-(1).html)
### Las dos hermanas santeras y mi arisca jefa (2) RELATOS PORNO | RELATOS EROTICOS ### (http://www.misrelatosporno.com/relato26777_Las-dos-hermanas-santeras-y-mi-arisca-jefa-(2).html)
### RELATOS PORNO DE Control Mental | RELATOS EROTICOS DE Control Mental ### (http://www.misrelatosporno.com/4-Control-Mental_4.htm)
### edu369 - Autor de TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/perfil/852520/)
### Mi compañera de clases y una mujer casada (3) por edu369 - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/124631/)
### Sonia por QUIQUE - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/135858/)
### Sonia -2- por QUIQUE - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/135887/)
### Me convertí en la puta de mi familia. por Sandrita M - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/136003/)
### Kim: Serie I - Capítulo (I) por DTR - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/136040/)
### Odio a mi hermana pero... !Dios..Qué buena está!!! por ereqtuspumtocom - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/135001/)
### Odio a mi hermana pero- !Dios..Qué buena está! (2) por ereqtuspumtocom - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/135064/)
### Odio a mi hermana pero- !Dios..Qué buena está! (3) por ereqtuspumtocom - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/135260/)
### ereqtuspumtocom - Autor de TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/perfil/1453995/)
### Pasandolo bien con las chicas del voley playa. por yo mismo - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/135764/)
### Una Tonta Mas? por Laurita - TodoRelatos ### (http://todorelatos.com/relato/87160/)
### La fiesta de mi hermana Marta por Dexter007 - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/135997/)
### Dexter007 - Autor de TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/perfil/1454778/)
### La fiesta de mi hermana Marta 2 por Dexter007 - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/136018/)
### La fiesta de mi hermana Marta 3 por Dexter007 - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/136058/)
### Dembeth - Autor de TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/perfil/1454597/)
### Despertando con Alba y Marisa por Dembeth - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/136024/)
### Probando a la novia de mi amigo: Elena por Dembeth - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/136035/)
### No pude invitar a mi cuñada por Sergimadrid - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/135512/)
### SimonG - Autor de TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/perfil/1432025/)
### sireleo - Autor de TodoRelatos ### (http://todorelatos.com/perfil/965948/?sb=5&nh=1)
### Alexander - Autor de TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/perfil/10354/)
### Hipnotizando a mis cuñadas (1) por edu369 - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/102251/)
### Hipnotizando a mis cuñadas (2) por edu369 - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/102557/)
### Hipnotizando a mis cuñadas (5) por edu369 - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/109130/)
### Esposas descarriadas (2) por edu369 - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/107939/)
### Jugando con Karla e Ingrid por edu369 - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/128765/)
### La amiga de mi esposa por edu369 - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/136100/)
### La mimosa de mi sobrina en mardel por Cecisex - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/135927/)
### Follando a mi cuñada...criando a mi sobrina. por Fernando - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/135888/)
### La sumision de Raquel hija de Ana 2 por sireleo - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/75774/)
### La dependienta nos quiso chantajear I por sireleo - TodoRelatos ### (http://todorelatos.com/relato/100950/)
### sireleo - Autor de TodoRelatos ### (http://todorelatos.com/perfil/965948/)
### fran - Autor de TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/perfil/1454876/)
### La buena niña (3) por luckm - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/136128/)
### Mi actriz porno favorita por LordHentai - TodoRelatos ### (http://todorelatos.com/relato/135861/)
### Mi actriz porno favorita - Capítulo 2 por LordHentai - TodoRelatos ### (http://todorelatos.com/relato/135916/)
### Relatos Eroticos de Control Mental (3) - TodoRelatos ### (http://todorelatos.com/categorias/4/?sb=5&nh=3)
### La fiesta de mi hermana Marta 4 por Dexter007 - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/136112/)
### Con la hermana de mi tía por Dembeth - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/136093/)
### luckm - Autor de TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/perfil/1145002/)
### La fiesta de mi hermana Marta 5 por Dexter007 - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/136147/)
### Un cumpleaños inolvidable por Sofia - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/136152/)
### Sofia - Autora de TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/perfil/1448770/)
### Película, Kebab y leche... por Zorro - TodoRelatos ### (http://todorelatos.com/relato/133302/)
### María la ninfomana por golfo37 - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/136080/)
### La boba, su hermana y las demás por Amo Tranquilo - TodoRelatos ### (http://todorelatos.com/relato/134284/)
### DTR - Autor de TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/perfil/1454834/)
### Sombrero - Autor de TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/perfil/6005/)
### Ordeñada por don fulgencio 1 por alanaluis - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/132196/)
### Ordeñada en el camping por alanaluis - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/135936/)
### De perra en celo a una cachorrita a mi servicio por GOLFOENMADRID - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/130732/)
### De perra en celo a cachorrita a mi servicio 2 por GOLFOENMADRID - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/130898/)
### De perra en celo a cachorrita a mi servicio 3 por GOLFOENMADRID - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/131011/)
### Relato erótico: \ ### (http://relatosgolfos.com/relato-erotico-mi-jefe-me-entrega-a-una-jovencita-como-esclava-por-golfo)
### Kim: Serie I - Capítulo (IV) por DTR - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/136120/)
### Kim: Serie I - Capítulo (V) por DTR - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/136144/)
### Guido - Autor de TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/perfil/4673/)
### Emputeciendo a una jovencita (8) por luckm - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/135682/)
### GOLFOENMADRID - Autor de TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/perfil/1450536/)
### Relatos Eroticos de Dominación (2) - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/categorias/5/?sb=5&nh=2)
### Emma 1 por thestoryteller - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/136072/)
### thestoryteller - Autora de TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/perfil/1442835/)
### Emma 2 por thestoryteller - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/136083/)
### Elvirita por QUIQUE - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/136073/)
### No pude evitar a mi cuñada (continuación) por Sergimadrid - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/135631/)
### No pude evitar a mi cuñada (volviéndome loco) por Sergimadrid - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/135690/)
### LordTyrannus - Autor de TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/perfil/1454282/)
### Gracias al padre, estuve con la hija y la madre 5 por GOLFOENMADRID - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/135797/)
### Gracias al padre, estuve con la hija y la madre 6 por GOLFOENMADRID - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/135880/)
### El regreso de Alicia por Dembeth - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/136180/)
### La fiesta de mi hermana Marta 6 por Dexter007 - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/136183/)
### Una profesora como regalo de navidad I por thestoryteller - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/121253/)
### La tia culona y tetona por Alexander - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/97386/)
### La tia culona y tetona ( segunda parte ) por Alexander - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/97385/)
### Durmiendo con mi hermana Mari - Primera parte por Alexander - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/108219/)
### Durmiendo con mi hermana Mari - Segunda parte por Alexander - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/108215/)
### Durmiendo con mi hermana Mari - Tercera parte por Alexander - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/108214/)
### Durmiendo con mi hermana Mari - Cuarta parte por Alexander - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/108229/)
### Durmiendo con mi hermana Mari - Quinta parte por Alexander - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/108226/)
### Mi tia culona y tetona (1) por Alexander - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/65541/)
### Mi tia culona y tetona (2) por Alexander - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/65542/)
### Las tetas de la campesina por Alexander - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/72720/)
### Las vueltas de la vida (1) por Alexander - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/54836/)
### Las vueltas de la vida (2) por Alexander - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/54837/)
### Las vueltas de la vida (3) por Alexander - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/54838/)
### Las vueltas de la vida (4) por Alexander - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/54859/)
### Las vueltas de la vida (5) por Alexander - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/54917/)
### De vuelta a casa por Alexander - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/54478/)
### Vacaciones familiares por Alexander - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/40111/)
### Vacaciones familiares (2) por Alexander - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/40687/)
### Embarazando a mi hermana por Alexander - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/29489/)
### Vacaciones con mi suegra (2) por Alexander - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/12158/)
### Conociendo a mi nuera Asun (2) por camilion - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/136217/)
### La fiesta de mi hermana Marta 7 por Dexter007 - TodoRelatos ### (http://www.todorelatos.com/relato/136214/)
### Los caprichos de mi tita Laura - Capítulo 2 por hijodelnorte - TodoRelatos ### (https://todorelatos.com/relato/136638/)
### Día de playa con Sonia por Dembeth - TodoRelatos ### (https://todorelatos.com/relato/136607/)
### Aquella limpiadora de los servicios públicos por Jhosua - TodoRelatos ### (https://todorelatos.com/relato/136735/)
### Invasión hermafrodita (1) por edu369 - TodoRelatos ### (https://todorelatos.com/relato/136883/)
### Mi pequeña, mi diosa II por Nut - TodoRelatos ### (https://todorelatos.com/relato/136816/)
### Disfrutando a mi hijo I por oscar - TodoRelatos ### (https://todorelatos.com/relato/131436/)
### Invasión hermafrodita (2) por edu369 - TodoRelatos ### (https://todorelatos.com/relato/136924/)
### Novela erótica actual: historias de amor y relatos x | LELO ### (https://www.lelo.com/es/blog/novelas-eroticas-y-peliculas/)
### Relatos eróticos Archivos - Diario de una Sexóloga ### (http://diariodeunasexologa.es/category/relatos-eroticos/)
### Las hijas de papá -2- por QUIQUE - TodoRelatos ### (https://todorelatos.com/relato/136917/)
### En mi finca de caza 2 Mi criada la consuela por GOLFOENMADRID - TodoRelatos ### (https://todorelatos.com/relato/136623/)
### La buena niña (5) por luckm - TodoRelatos ### (https://todorelatos.com/relato/136506/)
### Relatos Porno de Incesto XXX ### (https://www.relatosporno.com/relatos/incesto/)
### Relatos Porno XXX en RelatosPorno.com ### (https://www.relatosporno.com/)
### NewWriter - Autor de TodoRelatos ### (https://todorelatos.com/perfil/1454880/)
### Fernando - Autor de TodoRelatos ### (https://todorelatos.com/perfil/1454955/)
### Mi hermanito y yo por salt - TodoRelatos ### (https://todorelatos.com/relato/136684/)
### La seducción de mi tita Irene al detalle por Garajo - TodoRelatos ### (https://todorelatos.com/relato/136670/)
### Diana y sus hijas. 1. por solitario - TodoRelatos ### (https://todorelatos.com/relato/136458/)
### La seducción de mi tita Irene al detalle (y 2) por Garajo - TodoRelatos ### (https://todorelatos.com/relato/136826/)
### GOLFOENMADRID - Autor de TodoRelatos ### (https://todorelatos.com/perfil/1450536/)
### Relatos Eroticos de Parodias (2) - TodoRelatos ### (https://todorelatos.com/categorias/16/?sb=5&nh=2)
### En la sauna con la chica del Matrimonio por SimonGrey - TodoRelatos ### (https://todorelatos.com/relato/136716/)
### Las diez tetudas por Amo Tranquilo - TodoRelatos ### (https://todorelatos.com/relato/136256/)
### Relatos Eroticos de Dominación (3) - TodoRelatos ### (https://todorelatos.com/categorias/5/?sb=5&nh=3)
### Ver The Reflection Capítulos Online - AnimeFLV ### (https://animeflv.net/anime/4803/the-reflection)
### Las tetas de mamá por javi - TodoRelatos ### (https://www.todorelatos.com/relato/137647/)
### Relatos Eroticos de Incesto y Amor filial - TodoRelatos ### (https://todorelatos.com/categorias/1/)
### Peter Spectors - Autor de TodoRelatos ### (https://todorelatos.com/perfil/1453039/)
### ereqtuspumtocom - Autor de TodoRelatos ### (https://todorelatos.com/perfil/1453995/)
### Mi secretaria tiene cara de niña y cuerpo de mujer por GOLFOENMADRID - TodoRelatos ### (https://todorelatos.com/relato/137494/)
### Dembeth - Autor de TodoRelatos ### (https://www.todorelatos.com/perfil/1454597/)
### luckm - Autor de TodoRelatos ### (https://todorelatos.com/perfil/1145002/)
### Amo Tranquilo - Autor de TodoRelatos ### (https://todorelatos.com/perfil/1403259/?sb=5&nh=2)
### Amo Tranquilo - Autor de TodoRelatos ### (https://todorelatos.com/perfil/1403259/?sb=5&nh=1)
### Ver Sora no Otoshimono Capítulos Online - AnimeFLV ### (https://animeflv.net/anime/3626/sora-no-otoshimono)
### Ver Date A Live Capítulos Online - AnimeFLV ### (https://animeflv.net/anime/4680/date-a-live)
### Ver Air Gear Capítulos Online - AnimeFLV ### (https://animeflv.net/anime/4596/air-gear)
### Ver Schwarzesmarken Capítulos Online - AnimeFLV ### (https://animeflv.net/anime/3942/schwarzesmarken)
### Ver Samurai Flamenco Capítulos Online - AnimeFLV ### (https://animeflv.net/anime/3878/samurai-flamenco)
### Ver Ishida to Asakura Capítulos Online - AnimeFLV ### (https://animeflv.net/anime/899/ishida-to-asakura)
### Ver Cuticle Detective Inaba Capítulos Online - AnimeFLV ### (https://animeflv.net/anime/898/cuticle-detective-inaba)
### Ver Medaka Box Capítulos Online - AnimeFLV ### (https://animeflv.net/anime/3820/medaka-box)
### Ver Manyu Hiken-cho Capítulos Online - AnimeFLV ### (https://animeflv.net/anime/595/manyu-hiken-cho)
### Ver Tiger & Bunny Capítulos Online - AnimeFLV ### (https://animeflv.net/anime/4145/tiger-bunny)
### Ver Ladies vs Butlers! Capítulos Online - AnimeFLV ### (https://animeflv.net/anime/192/ladies-vs-butlers)
### Ver Chu-Bra!! Capítulos Online - AnimeFLV ### (https://animeflv.net/anime/4802/chu-bra)
### Ver Watamote! Capítulos Online - AnimeFLV ### (https://animeflv.net/anime/3705/watamote)
### Ver Black Rock Shooter (TV) Capítulos Online - AnimeFLV ### (https://animeflv.net/anime/726/black-rock-shooter-tv)
### Ver Gakusen Toshi Asterisk Capítulos Online - AnimeFLV ### (https://animeflv.net/anime/3787/gakusen-toshi-asterisk)
### Ver Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry Capítulos Online - AnimeFLV ### (https://animeflv.net/anime/2924/rakudai-kishi-no-cavalry)
### Ver Jitsu wa Watashi wa Capítulos Online - AnimeFLV ### (https://animeflv.net/anime/2067/jitsu-wa-watashi-wa)
### Ver Plastic Memories Capítulos Online - AnimeFLV ### (https://animeflv.net/anime/2989/plastic-memories)
### Ver Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru! Capítulos Online - AnimeFLV ### (https://animeflv.net/anime/812/kono-naka-ni-hitori-imouto-ga-iru)
### Ver Accel World Capítulos Online - AnimeFLV ### (https://animeflv.net/anime/747/accel-world)
### Ver Gamers! Capítulos Online - AnimeFLV ### (https://animeflv.net/anime/4793/gamers)
### Ver Detroit Metal City Episodio 1 Online Sub Español HD - AnimeFLV ### (https://animeflv.net/ver/44715/detroit-metal-city-1)
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### Ver Masou Gakuen HxH Capítulos Online - AnimeFLV ### (https://animeflv.net/anime/2463/masou-gakuen-hxh)
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### Revelan un nuevo video promocional del live-action de Bleach - Kudasai ### (https://somoskudasai.com/noticias/revelan-un-nuevo-video-promocional-del-live-action-de-bleach/)
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### PeroPero:Grass Mitsuko ### (https://harem-battle.club/wiki/PeroPero-Seduction/PeroPero:Grass-Mitsuko)
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### (10) 17 Characters That Share The Same Voice Actor As Bleach's Aizen Sousuke - YouTube ### (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUJMcY2Ee7o)
### (10) 22 Characters That Share The Same Voice Actor as Hunter x Hunter's Hisoka - YouTube ### (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEIb1U0g4S0)
### (10) 21 Anime Characters That Share The Same Voice Actor as Bleach's Ichigo Kurosaki - YouTube ### (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VWiku_sL7Q)
### 11 Anime Characters That Share The Same Voice Actor as Fairy Tail's Natsu Dragneel - YouTube ### (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAkWyBjYgpU)
### Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card-hen ### (https://www.animeyt.tv/cardcaptor-sakura-clear-card-hen)
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### Saints Row: The Third (Saints Row 3) Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for Xbox 360 ### (http://www.cheatcc.com/xbox360/saintsrow3cheatscodes.html)
### TMOHentai - Oh! Imoto 1-6 (Sin Censura) Chapter-4 ### (https://www.tmohentai.com/contents/583405186628e)
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### Music · Never Say Die Records ### (http://www.wewillneversaydie.com/music/)
### The Top 10 Kisses of the DC Universe | Fandom powered by Wikia ### (http://fandom.wikia.com/articles/top-10-kisses-dc-universe)
### Fall Games Guide 2016 - The Best Games to Play This Fall | Fandom powered by Wikia ### (http://fandom.wikia.com/articles/fall-games-guide-2016)
### Calendario de novedades de manga y anime - Ramen Para Dos ### (http://ramenparados.com/calendario-de-novedades-de-manga-y-anime/)
### Listado Anime y Live Action - Ramen Para Dos ### (http://ramenparados.com/listado-anime-y-live-action/)
### Chapters | Bleach Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia ### (http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Chapters)
### Marry me! - Manga - TuMangaOnline ### (https://tumangaonline.me/library/manga/21532/Marry-me)
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