Welcome to the graveyard of podophiles and weirdos.
This is Isaac Rucker formally known as thugshaker in the shame (dahood roblox com)
His discord ids are 1034357264129216522         1091891973620768809
His first and last name is Isaac Rucker born in georgia 
his school is Dekalb County school district in georgia 
Hes from the United States, Georgia, Stone Mountain 30088 area.
Hes searched for child P0rnography https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1208995993329082399/1208998743752577085/image.png?ex=65e552d2&is=65d2ddd2&hm=fcf86edfe4768486539839ea0a996209312f5afd94383e7f9cbd025e695da7a0&
                                                         heres proof^^^^^^^^^^^

Currently attending DeKalb County School District
