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║ DOX BY Slol + LilN1gger                              ║

║Table Of Contents                                          ║
║ →     #1 Reason...........................................║
║ →     #2 Personal Information.............................║
║ →     #3 Mother...........................................║
║ →     #4 Father...........................................║
║ →     #5 Location Information.............................║
║ →     #6 Social Media Platforms...........................║
║ →     #7 Ingame Alias.....................................║ 
║ →     #8 Trolling Him.....................................║
║ →     #9 Credits..........................................║

#1 Reasoning
Leak Sn0w and this is what you get (Cringe Kid)

#2 Personal Info
Name: Samuel Breedlove
Address: #5
Phone Number: N/A
Email(s): samgamingmmoments@gmail.com
Age: 15
#3 Mother
Name: Jennifer Trevino Breedlove
Address: #5
Phone Number: (703) 597-2166, (202) 271-2062
Date Of Birth: 3/31/1976
Age: 45
#4 Father
Name: Joseph T Breedlove
Address: #5
Phone Number: (703) 237-2331
Date Of Birth: 1/12/1973
Age: 47
#5 Location Info
Address: 4204 50th Ave NE
City: Seattle, WA 
ZipCode: 98105
Rooms: 4 bed 4 bath
Year Built: 1939 
Lot: 5,000 sqft
Extra info: https://www.zillow.com/homes/4204-50th-Ave-NE-Seattle,-WA,-98105_rb/48998367_zpid/
#6 Social Media
Instagram: N/A
Facebook: N/A

#7 In-game Alias'
Minecraft: Thousandstar, Samgaming
Discord: DELETEDBOY1234#6969

#8 Trolling Him

#9 Credits
Daniel for sending me (Slol) the info
Lil_N1gger, being there
Terik (Most Formatting)

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