Why did i dox? this girl thinks it's right to make fun of boys, deceive them and break their hearts and still play with it

DOX By Rici#144
This girl is a bitch.
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                  |'|  mx     'J        made me do it! ;)
Name: Mara Sofia
Possible parents: Carla Regina
Age: 15
Birthday date: 08.03.2007
Brother/Sister: 1 Sister
City: Viseu
Country: Portugal
Continent: Europe
School: Escola secundária Alves Martins 
School Link: https://www.esam.pt/
Some bitch Friends: @matilde_gouveia2007,@danny_bap3,@0_.____ana____0
Instagram: @Maah_ or @maahgnifica
Discord: Maagnifica#1816
Bitch love read
E-mail: maahgnifica@gmail.com