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                     Personal Information


Legal Name: Christopher Allen Holt
Alias(s): Chris
Birthday: December 30, 1993
Age: 31 (Current)
Address: 81 W Marion Street
City: Doylestown
Zip Code: 44230
State: Ohio


                      Job Information


Current Workplace: The Dollar General
Address: 1741 State Road
City: Cuyahoga Falls
Zip Code: 44223
State: Ohio
Number: (234) 281-4573


                     Personal Socials


Snapchat: Unknown
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chris.holt.14268
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@chrisholt20


                         Dox Reason


Christopher "Chris" Allen Holt is a father to three children ages
will not be specified as they are under the age of thirteen. This
individual has gotten with a 17 year old girl. She is still in
High School and they have had sex on multiple occasions, although
the age of consent in Ohio is Sixteen this has shown that
Christopher "Chris" Allen Holt is not fit to be a father and is
putting minors in danger. This is also an indication that he may
have the intention(s) of sex trafficking and human trafficking
minors. Christopher "Chris" Allen Holt drives a car with the
color being a tan, the car has hairclips on the sun visor and on
the "Oh Shit" handle. Christopher "Chris" Allen Holt is a
pedophile who needs to be dealt with.

*If you get anymore information on this person please let me know*


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