│          Exquisite Details          │

   ★ Name:          Thias Brekke
   ★ Age:           15
   ★ Phone Number:  +47 930 70 435
   ★ Address:       Hasseldalen 23, 4816 Sandviga, Norway
   ★ Nationality:   Indian, Norwegian resident
   ★ Occupation:    Toastmaster General <3
   ★ Hobbies:       Eating, farting, and sitting
   ★ Email:         thiasbrekke@gmail.com
   ★ Discord ID:    844982372574429245       

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                 [ termSec ]

-- lil side note, this kid might be 15 but he's been posting and spreading pornographic material involving children and animals for the past few months, I highly recommend someone does something about him this is the least I could do