_______    ______    ______   ______   ______         ______  __    __  ________  ______  
/       \  /      \  /      \ /      | /      \       /      |/  \  /  |/        |/      \ 
$$$$$$$  |/$$$$$$  |/$$$$$$  |$$$$$$/ /$$$$$$  |      $$$$$$/ $$  \ $$ |$$$$$$$$//$$$$$$  |
$$ |__$$ |$$ |__$$ |$$ \__$$/   $$ |  $$ |  $$/         $$ |  $$$  \$$ |$$ |__   $$ |  $$ |
$$    $$< $$    $$ |$$      \   $$ |  $$ |              $$ |  $$$$  $$ |$$    |  $$ |  $$ |
$$$$$$$  |$$$$$$$$ | $$$$$$  |  $$ |  $$ |   __         $$ |  $$ $$ $$ |$$$$$/   $$ |  $$ |
$$ |__$$ |$$ |  $$ |/  \__$$ | _$$ |_ $$ \__/  |       _$$ |_ $$ |$$$$ |$$ |     $$ \__$$ |
$$    $$/ $$ |  $$ |$$    $$/ / $$   |$$    $$/       / $$   |$$ | $$$ |$$ |     $$    $$/ 
$$$$$$$/  $$/   $$/  $$$$$$/  $$$$$$/  $$$$$$/        $$$$$$/ $$/   $$/ $$/       $$$$$$/  
address: 64 Bridge St, Salem, MA 01970

 ________  ______   __    __  __    __  _______   ________  _______    ______         ______  __    __  ________  ______  
/        |/      \ /  |  /  |/  \  /  |/       \ /        |/       \  /      \       /      |/  \  /  |/        |/      \ 
$$$$$$$$//$$$$$$  |$$ |  $$ |$$  \ $$ |$$$$$$$  |$$$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$  |/$$$$$$  |      $$$$$$/ $$  \ $$ |$$$$$$$$//$$$$$$  |
$$ |__   $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$$  \$$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |__    $$ |__$$ |$$ \__$$/         $$ |  $$$  \$$ |$$ |__   $$ |  $$ |
$$    |  $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$$$  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$    |   $$    $$< $$      \         $$ |  $$$$  $$ |$$    |  $$ |  $$ |
$$$$$/   $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ $$ $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$$$$/    $$$$$$$  | $$$$$$  |        $$ |  $$ $$ $$ |$$$$$/   $$ |  $$ |
$$ |     $$ \__$$ |$$ \__$$ |$$ |$$$$ |$$ |__$$ |$$ |_____ $$ |  $$ |/  \__$$ |       _$$ |_ $$ |$$$$ |$$ |     $$ \__$$ |
$$ |     $$    $$/ $$    $$/ $$ | $$$ |$$    $$/ $$       |$$ |  $$ |$$    $$/       / $$   |$$ | $$$ |$$ |     $$    $$/ 
$$/       $$$$$$/   $$$$$$/  $$/   $$/ $$$$$$$/  $$$$$$$$/ $$/   $$/  $$$$$$/        $$$$$$/ $$/   $$/ $$/       $$$$$$/  
=======FIRST FOUNDER=======
full name: Lucien Greaves
age: Born on November 30th, 1979 (42 years old) 
home address: 1203 Wythe St. Alexandria, VA 22314+1813
phone numbers:

emails: lgreaves9157@yahoo.com

previous addresses:

1203 Wythe St.
Alexandria, VA 01813
Recorded in 2019.
1203 Wythe St.
Mobile, VA 22314
Recorded in 2017.
Alexandria, VA 22314
Recorded in 2015.
1203 Wythe St.
Washington, VA 22314
Recorded in 2015.
1203 Wythe St.
Alexandria, VA 22334
Recorded in 2011.
1203 Wythe St. 1203 Wythe St.
Alexandria, VA 22314
Recorded in 2012.
Austin, TX 78751
1203 Wythe St.
Holbrook, MA 02343
1203 Wythe St.
Alexandria, VA

======CO FOUNDERS INFO=======

full name: Malcolm Jarry (all we know about him 

  ______    ______    ______   ______   ______   __         ______  
 /      \  /      \  /      \ /      | /      \ /  |       /      \ 
/$$$$$$  |/$$$$$$  |/$$$$$$  |$$$$$$/ /$$$$$$  |$$ |      /$$$$$$  |
$$ \__$$/ $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$/   $$ |  $$ |__$$ |$$ |      $$ \__$$/ 
$$      \ $$ |  $$ |$$ |        $$ |  $$    $$ |$$ |      $$      \ 
 $$$$$$  |$$ |  $$ |$$ |   __   $$ |  $$$$$$$$ |$$ |       $$$$$$  |
/  \__$$ |$$ \__$$ |$$ \__/  | _$$ |_ $$ |  $$ |$$ |_____ /  \__$$ |
$$    $$/ $$    $$/ $$    $$/ / $$   |$$ |  $$ |$$       |$$    $$/ 
 $$$$$$/   $$$$$$/   $$$$$$/  $$$$$$/ $$/   $$/ $$$$$$$$/  $$$$$$/  

twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/satanic_temple_
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/satanictemple
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thesatanictemple/
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thesatanictemple/

                         __                  __    __                      __             ______          
                        /  |                /  |  /  |                    /  |           /      \         
 __   __   __   ______  $$ |____    _______ $$/  _$$ |_     ______        $$/  _______  /$$$$$$  |______  
/  | /  | /  | /      \ $$      \  /       |/  |/ $$   |   /      \       /  |/       \ $$ |_ $$//      \ 
$$ | $$ | $$ |/$$$$$$  |$$$$$$$  |/$$$$$$$/ $$ |$$$$$$/   /$$$$$$  |      $$ |$$$$$$$  |$$   |  /$$$$$$  |
$$ | $$ | $$ |$$    $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$      \ $$ |  $$ | __ $$    $$ |      $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$$$/   $$ |  $$ |
$$ \_$$ \_$$ |$$$$$$$$/ $$ |__$$ | $$$$$$  |$$ |  $$ |/  |$$$$$$$$/       $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |    $$ \__$$ |
$$   $$   $$/ $$       |$$    $$/ /     $$/ $$ |  $$  $$/ $$       |      $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |    $$    $$/ 
 $$$$$/$$$$/   $$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/  $$$$$$$/  $$/    $$$$/   $$$$$$$/       $$/ $$/   $$/ $$/      $$$$$$/  

websites source code: https://ghostbin.com/heOSq/sefaweerefersefasdffsdsfasdsf
website backend:
open ports: https://ghostbin.com/dk2uP/chgjhjfghhfstdhdftgh
URL: https://www.thesatanictemple.com

 ________  __     __         ______   __    __   ______   __    __  __    __  ________  __              ______  __    __  ________  ______  
/        |/  |   /  |       /      \ /  |  /  | /      \ /  \  /  |/  \  /  |/        |/  |            /      |/  \  /  |/        |/      \ 
$$$$$$$$/ $$ |   $$ |      /$$$$$$  |$$ |  $$ |/$$$$$$  |$$  \ $$ |$$  \ $$ |$$$$$$$$/ $$ |            $$$$$$/ $$  \ $$ |$$$$$$$$//$$$$$$  |
   $$ |   $$ |   $$ |      $$ |  $$/ $$ |__$$ |$$ |__$$ |$$$  \$$ |$$$  \$$ |$$ |__    $$ |              $$ |  $$$  \$$ |$$ |__   $$ |  $$ |
   $$ |   $$  \ /$$/       $$ |      $$    $$ |$$    $$ |$$$$  $$ |$$$$  $$ |$$    |   $$ |              $$ |  $$$$  $$ |$$    |  $$ |  $$ |
   $$ |    $$  /$$/        $$ |   __ $$$$$$$$ |$$$$$$$$ |$$ $$ $$ |$$ $$ $$ |$$$$$/    $$ |              $$ |  $$ $$ $$ |$$$$$/   $$ |  $$ |
   $$ |     $$ $$/         $$ \__/  |$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |$$$$ |$$ |$$$$ |$$ |_____ $$ |_____        _$$ |_ $$ |$$$$ |$$ |     $$ \__$$ |
   $$ |      $$$/          $$    $$/ $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ | $$$ |$$ | $$$ |$$       |$$       |      / $$   |$$ | $$$ |$$ |     $$    $$/ 
   $$/        $/            $$$$$$/  $$/   $$/ $$/   $$/ $$/   $$/ $$/   $$/ $$$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$$/       $$$$$$/ $$/   $$/ $$/       $$$$$$/  

source code: https://ghostbin.com/mxRbm/dtrgsdrgsdgsdrgsg
backend IP:
open ports: https://ghostbin.com/3PLtG/ASDFDASDFASDFSADFF
URL: https://www.thesatanictemple.tv

 _______    ______    ______    ______   __       __   ______   _______   _______    ______  
/       \  /      \  /      \  /      \ /  |  _  /  | /      \ /       \ /       \  /      \ 
$$$$$$$  |/$$$$$$  |/$$$$$$  |/$$$$$$  |$$ | / \ $$ |/$$$$$$  |$$$$$$$  |$$$$$$$  |/$$$$$$  |
$$ |__$$ |$$ |__$$ |$$ \__$$/ $$ \__$$/ $$ |/$  \$$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |__$$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ \__$$/ 
$$    $$/ $$    $$ |$$      \ $$      \ $$ /$$$  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$    $$< $$ |  $$ |$$      \ 
$$$$$$$/  $$$$$$$$ | $$$$$$  | $$$$$$  |$$ $$/$$ $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$$$$$$  |$$ |  $$ | $$$$$$  |
$$ |      $$ |  $$ |/  \__$$ |/  \__$$ |$$$$/  $$$$ |$$ \__$$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |__$$ |/  \__$$ |
$$ |      $$ |  $$ |$$    $$/ $$    $$/ $$$/    $$$ |$$    $$/ $$ |  $$ |$$    $$/ $$    $$/ 
$$/       $$/   $$/  $$$$$$/   $$$$$$/  $$/      $$/  $$$$$$/  $$/   $$/ $$$$$$$/   $$$$$$/  

Lucien Greaves (founders) pornhub accounts 

pornhub username: HAILSATAN1111LOL
pornnhub password: HEILSATAN
profile: https://www.pornhub.com/users/hailsatan1111lol
2nd pornhub account

username: LOLBRO22234
password: LOLBITCH
profile: https://www.pornhub.com/users/lolbro22234


3nd pornhub account

username: NNIIIIIII8888
password: FAGH999
profile: https://www.pornhub.com/users/nniiiiiii8888

  ______   _______   ________  _______   ______  ________  ______  
 /      \ /       \ /        |/       \ /      |/        |/      \ 
/$$$$$$  |$$$$$$$  |$$$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$  |$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$$//$$$$$$  |
$$ |  $$/ $$ |__$$ |$$ |__    $$ |  $$ |  $$ |     $$ |  $$ \__$$/ 
$$ |      $$    $$< $$    |   $$ |  $$ |  $$ |     $$ |  $$      \ 
$$ |   __ $$$$$$$  |$$$$$/    $$ |  $$ |  $$ |     $$ |   $$$$$$  |
$$ \__/  |$$ |  $$ |$$ |_____ $$ |__$$ | _$$ |_    $$ |  /  \__$$ |
$$    $$/ $$ |  $$ |$$       |$$    $$/ / $$   |   $$ |  $$    $$/ 
 $$$$$$/  $$/   $$/ $$$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/  $$$$$$/    $$/    $$$$$$/  

$@834, reconnasense, famed god, the router, the outsider, obnoxious

. /$$                 /$$            /$$$$$$
.| $$                | $$           /$$__  $$
.| $$       /$$   /$$| $$ /$$$$$$$$| $$  \__/  /$$$$$$   /$$$$$$$
.| $$      | $$  | $$| $$|____ /$$/|  $$$$$$  /$$__  $$ /$$_____/
.| $$      | $$  | $$| $$   /$$$$/  \____  $$| $$$$$$$$| $$
.| $$      | $$  | $$| $$  /$$__/   /$$  \ $$| $$_____/| $$
.| $$$$$$$$|  $$$$$$/| $$ /$$$$$$$$|  $$$$$$/|  $$$$$$$|  $$$$$$.$
.|________/ \______/ |__/|________/ \______/  \_______/ \_______/
                          //Laughing at your security since 2011!


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                        `| === |           ))~~\\     ```"""=,))  #fuckfbifriday
                         | === |           |'---')                #chingalamigra
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