NAME: douglas r braswell
DOB: July 1982
phone number: 1-585-750-4139
address: 3477 Big Ridge Rd, Spencerport, NY 14559

Known family members:

Molly C Dillon (partner) phone #: +1-585-889-3227 shares the address with douglas
Patricia A Braswell (mother) phone #: +15857460574
Charles David Braswell (father) phone #: +15857460395
Both of the parents live at 72 Church Hill Rd, Henrietta, NY 14467

Basically Douglas is a fat nigger who was supposed to prevent me from getting harassed, but he's been of little help
He knows what I'm going through and still won't stop the harassment.
Douglas you probably just think I'm just crazy but who's laughing now?